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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 01:32:52 +0000

Volume Profile bars are on the right side of the DOM.

View Count: 3294

[2020-06-05 06:52:48]
StanislavChentsov - Posts: 6
Is it possible to move Volume By Price column (Volume Profile) to the right side last right side?
I have every of this function turn on YES >Each instance of the Volume by Price study needs to have Right Align Volume Bars input set to Yes.
>Each instance of the Volume by Price study needs to have Allow Side By Side Profiles on Right Side input set to Yes.
>Each instance of the Volume by Price study needs to have Align to Far-Right input set to Yes.
But column on Trading DOM still on the left side (Look at screenshot below). I.m very appreciate for your help.
Thank you.

imageCOLUMN VP.png / V - Attached On 2020-06-05 06:52:01 UTC - Size: 31.46 KB - 1100 views
Attachment Deleted.
[2020-06-05 10:21:05]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
It cannot be moved further to the right.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

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[2020-06-05 15:41:53]
StanislavChentsov - Posts: 6
Could you add this function to the Sierra Chart Trading DOM? I'm sure many traders need this option.
[2021-02-06 11:27:29]
User135370 - Posts: 162
It would be great if Sierra can give this option to move the Volume profile Column, it makes much more sense to have it on the right of the DOM. If a setting can be added to current trades volume to be tracked from a start to end Time that could be a good alternative
[2021-02-22 09:16:32]
User325448 - Posts: 1
[2021-06-18 20:46:52]
User900676 - Posts: 57
[2021-06-18 21:59:24]
User135370 - Posts: 162
Just have the total traded volume on the right guys should do the trick

I have VP on the left and Total Traded on the right, it actually works well for me because the VP is fixed but I can keep resetting the total trades as we move up and down so it becomes like a VP WITHIN the VP
[2021-06-19 07:41:56]
User900676 - Posts: 57
anot a bad idea, but PC must be left on for this column to be added to?
[2021-06-19 07:45:40]
User135370 - Posts: 162
Yes but that’s not a big deal for me because I’m only interested in what’s happened recently on the total traded and I keep resetting in any case. I still have a session profile on the left for the big picture. In fact as I have Market profile up also I have the VP there so don’t really need it on the DOM, just saying see if the way Sierra has it can work for you rather than replicating TT
[2021-06-19 07:49:17]
User900676 - Posts: 57
yeah no thanks i really appreciate the idea! im going to try it out :)
[2022-09-12 21:36:31]
topsteplocal - Posts: 47
I would love to see the volume profile as just another column that can be ordered along with other columns on the trading dom... In addition, I would love to be able to show the last cumulative traded volume over top of the volume profile, like X-trader used to do it.
[2023-01-02 08:37:54]
kremat0r - Posts: 45
+1 I'm also looking to make my Volume Profile on right, not left.

So adding it as normal columns which can be moved it will be great.
imagesierradom.JPG / V - Attached On 2023-01-02 08:37:31 UTC - Size: 110.62 KB - 236 views
Attachment Deleted.
[2023-02-21 08:33:44]
Lonhro - Posts: 13
Can you please make putting the Volume Profile on the right side of the DOM a possibility please!
[2023-12-03 13:53:19]
User805074 - Posts: 26
+1000, it would be great.
[2023-12-13 20:47:31]
User656675 - Posts: 2
[2024-02-21 18:20:47]
User805074 - Posts: 26
I would like to inquire about the status of the suggestions related to the DOM in this post and in post 48521. These are two crucial suggestions for improving Sierra Chart in two essential aspects: the DOM and the number of bars.

Currently, Sierra Chart is not a recommended platform for order flow traders due to its steep learning curve and its DOM limitations. The volume by price can only be displayed on the left side, and there is no column for orders, only labels that overlap the volume by price, hiding the total volume for that tick.

As you can see in the attached image, and by comparing it with the image in post 48521 and the image of the ATAS DOM, the advantage is obvious. The trade window in ATAS can be configured to remove non-essential buttons and adjusted in size to give more space to the important information in the DOM.

It is a pity that this has not been improved in many years, and that it is necessary to change platforms. That is why I suggest that you take this into account and start working on it. Thank you.
imageDOM_SierraChart.jpg / V - Attached On 2024-02-21 18:13:25 UTC - Size: 168.08 KB - 120 views
imageDOM_ATAS2.jpg / V - Attached On 2024-02-21 18:13:33 UTC - Size: 113.38 KB - 113 views
imageTT_MD-trader.png / V - Attached On 2024-02-21 18:20:33 UTC - Size: 46.46 KB - 91 views
[2024-02-21 19:06:31]
j4ytr4der_ - Posts: 933
In what universe is Sierra Chart not a recommended platform for order flow traders? Speak for yourself perhaps but otherwise.......

I suppose Photoshop is not a recommended application for graphic designers too.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-02-21 19:07:09
[2024-02-22 07:24:03]
User805074 - Posts: 26
I don't know anything about graphic design, nor Photoshop, but Sierra Chart if it made the improvements that the DOM needs, and the Bid Vol x Ask Vol bar numbers in the background coloring based on the Delta, automatically, it would be the best platform of all, even surpassing TT, another thing is that you only use candlestick charts, and these two necessary and essential improvements do not affect you.
[2024-02-22 14:09:34]
j4ytr4der_ - Posts: 933
Given TT apparently can't do volume at price, I would say Sierra Chart already surpasses TT for the retail trader anyway.

There are countless areas Sierra Chart can improve. But to suggest that it's "not recommended for order flow trading" is pretty silly, that was my point.

Also I don't use candlesticks at all, I don't know why you would suggest that. I trade a session footprint/DOM, usually with a 30min footprint and a TPO. My bots use candlesticks because they don't need anything else visually, but I don't.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-02-22 22:58:20
[2024-02-22 14:23:07]
User135370 - Posts: 162
Is that you Jonathan? I recognise that setup anywhere, I would seriously ignore this gentleman. I am sure he is about to get a reply from John at Sierra telling him to take his business elswhere if he is not happy with the platform. There is no comparison between Sierra and the rest specially TT. If you know your way around Sierra it can give you a serious edge. If you really want the volume profile on the right then have the Total Traded Column up it is the same thing, heck you can put it anywhere.
[2024-02-22 14:34:34]
j4ytr4der_ - Posts: 933
Yep it's me =) I just replied because I needed a break from the bot I was working on lol
[2024-02-22 14:53:45]
User135370 - Posts: 162
[2024-02-22 15:51:32]
User805074 - Posts: 26
User 135370 that same you have put in the post number 7, but has a problem, you have to turn on the PC, and connect the platform all day to mark the same as the volume by price, as you have responded in post 8.
The not recommending Sierra as a platform for retail traders, is not my thing, on the contrary I recommend it, and I promote it as the best trading platform for futures, for its reliability, stability, and versatility, as it works on Linux better than Windows, and the added value of TETON routing, as good or better than TT, in fact in Europe Propfirms use it as a platform for graphics, and training. In the retail universe if you look on the internet, it is not the most recommended, according to those experts, because of the difficulty of the learning curve, something that does not make sense, since after 3 months of handling and learning, Sierra had only one mystery for me, which was the background color of the Bid Vol x Ask Vol bar numbers based on the Delta, but I found the solution a little artisan, waiting for the great engineering team of Sierra to give you a better solution, as well as the improvable aspects of the DOM. I have been a Sierra Chart user for three years, sorry if I have bothered you, it was not my intention, and much less to offend the Sierra Chart team.

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