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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 17:49:19 +0000

meaning of (delayed) at end of chart top line

View Count: 958

[2020-05-02 04:30:51]
uM8137 - Posts: 183
v2092, I never noticed this "(delayed)" suffix at the end of the top-line of the chart. See attached example
in SPY.BZ, in the lower right corner text.

For example, in the attachment, the top line is "SPY.BZ[M] 1 Min #1 C:282.74 T:1274 Chg:0.57 DChg:0.00 2020-05-01 15:59:59 H:282.75 L:282.14 V:373230 B:0.00 A:0.00 0x0 TR: 0s BV:157741 AV:215489 DV:0 DD: 06:03:53(delayed)"

Does this mean the *data* is delayed rather than real-time, or something else?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-05-02 04:45:35
imagedelayed.png / V - Attached On 2020-05-02 04:25:35 UTC - Size: 49.54 KB - 227 views
[2020-05-02 05:31:03]
uM8137 - Posts: 183
Found it. This is called the Chart Header field. Working With Charts: Chart Header Field Descriptions

"DD (Data Delay): This calculates and displays the difference between the current time and the time of the Last Trade Price. This is used to determine how much of a delay there is. If there is a delay of more than 1 minute "(delayed)" is displayed as well.

It is normal for this to show a delay at times of several seconds or even potentially of a minute or more during the time the market is open because there can be changes with the bid/ask prices but there is not a new trade."
[2020-05-02 08:45:00]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
That documentation is somewhat out of date because now there is a comparison of the current time to the greatest of the last trade time or the last Bid/Ask update time. This is effective as of 2098.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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