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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 15:30:22 +0000

ASCIL - Referencing BaseDateTimeIn and BaseDateTimeOut for different time frames

View Count: 546

[2020-04-28 01:02:32]
User834077 - Posts: 1
If this feature already exists I can't find any documentation on it. I've already reviewed the following link for general information on how to reference data in other charts:
Referencing Other Time Frames and Symbols When Using the ACSIL

I have successfully received BaseData refs, Study refs, and study->subgraph refs, and I can pull 'matching' indexes using the functions documented but I am missing the ability to access sc.BaseDateTimeIn/Out of another chart. What I'm trying to do is write a recursive function to check smaller and smaller timeframes for repeating signals it would make my code a lot simpler if I could access a SCDateTime object that pairs with a given index in another chart.

To be honest, just providing the root level SCStudyInterfaceRef of another chart would also drastically simplify all of this but I'm assuming that getting the SCStudyInterfaceRef of another chart and interacting with it using standard functions isn't possible due to the architecture. Is this planned for any future releases of Sierra Chart?

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