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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 05:47:47 +0000

Time and Sales Data Sequence Jumps

View Count: 1045

[2020-04-12 05:30:18]
yellowandy - Posts: 20
Hello, I have a study that is analyzing T&S data and noticed a big jump in sequence numbers while it was iterating over the array. The backtest was run with mode "Calculate at Every Tick/Trade" and the code for accessing the T&S was taken from the examples provided (and very straight forward). When I look at the T&S window itself it appears to be displaying everything correctly but hard to verify since I can't see the sequence number there and compare. Can this happen or am I perhaps missing data? Running version 2021 and doesn't seem to happen frequently but once in a while (at the same place though which is good).

  c_SCTimeAndSalesArray TimeSales;
  int TimeSalesSize = TimeSales.Size();

  if (TimeSalesSize == 0)
    return; // No Time and Sales data available for the symbol

  // Loop through the Time and Sales
  int OutputArrayIndex = sc.ArraySize;

DebugMessage.Format("Total Time and Sales To Process %i", TimeSalesSize);
sc.AddMessageToLog(DebugMessage, 0);

s_TimeAndSales PreviousTimeAndSalesRecord;
s_TimeAndSales LatestTimeAndSalesRecord;

  for (int TSIndex = TimeSalesSize - 1; TSIndex >= 0; --TSIndex)
//Doing some comparison here...

[2020-04-12 06:08:02]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
If you notice this is during a continuous back test and there has been no restarting of the back test, then it would indicate that there are more records being added, which exceed this setting:
Data/Trade Service Settings: Number of Stored Time and Sales Records (Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings >> Common Settings >> Common Other Settings)

in between study function calls.
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