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Date/Time: Sun, 02 Feb 2025 18:44:49 +0000

Relative volume query

View Count: 1347

[2019-09-18 15:02:58]
User977098 - Posts: 28

I have the relative volume study on a 60 min globex chart.
What I am interested in seeing with the relative volume study is really only the relative volume of the first hour of RTH, the initial balance.
For some reason this seems to be the only hour on my chart that the relative volume does not show.

[2019-09-18 15:57:04]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
It sounds like that hour must be considered part of the Evening Session and you probably have the Input on the Relative Volume study for Day Session Only set to Yes.

One thing to try is just changing that Input to No and see if that hour shows up. If it does (which we expect) then you really need to look at your Session Times to see why it is being considered part of the Evening Session.

Refer to the following for that Input for the Relative Volume study:
Relative Volume: Inputs

And refer to the following for Session Times:
Chart Session Times: Session Times
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2019-09-18 16:19:44]
User977098 - Posts: 28
I already had this setting set to No, so this will not be a solution.
One thing that may be a factor is that on this chart I have the evening session times set for RTH and vice the versa. (this was a work around for another issue I was having)

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