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Date/Time: Sun, 02 Feb 2025 07:02:36 +0000

trying to select volume profile not working

View Count: 1150

[2019-08-20 13:06:12]
NigelDams - Posts: 9
Hi - this is a newbie question. I've seen people point and click at a volume profile study and immediately get a dotted rectangle showing the boundaries of that study. I've just about worn my mouse out trying to get that rectangle, but it doesn't work. To be precise, it has worked maybe twice ever, after hundreds of clicks. There's nothing wrong with the mouse, it works just fine in every other context.

Anyone with any insights?

Do I need to have a special pointer selected or something?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-08-20 13:10:14
[2019-08-20 13:33:18]
Chris_uk - Posts: 89

Go to Global Settings then Tool Settings

There are two options related to what you're asking for.

Enable Drawn Volume Profile Selection and Select Drawn Volume Profile by Outline Only.

The first should be checked with the second unchecked.

Edit: One thing I forgot to mention: If you want a profile outline at all times, you must select this input in the volume profile study settings under 'Draw Profile Outline Enclosing Bars'

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-08-20 13:41:37
[2019-08-20 15:20:21]
NigelDams - Posts: 9
Hi, and thanks for your reply, but it doesn't make any difference. I found both those boxes checked, and unchecked the second one. Even after saving, closing and reopening SC, it's just the same, it's now literally hundreds of clicks with no response. I've tried clicking everywhere in the study, no response
[2019-08-20 15:30:53]
User907968 - Posts: 825
I assume that you are aware that this functionality relates only to volume profiles added using the 'Draw Volume Profile' tool.

Volume By Price Study: Draw Volume Profile
[2019-08-20 15:31:12]
Chris_uk - Posts: 89

If it's a volume profile you have added as a study for a specific time range I am pretty sure there is no way to select it.

This works when you draw a micro-composite manually by going to Tools, then 'Draw Volume Profile'. You then drag it over the bars you would like the profile for. You should then be able to select and edit it in the way you have mentioned.

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-08-20 15:34:30
[2019-08-20 16:46:51]
NigelDams - Posts: 9
Thanks for all the replies … I didn't know it was only for profiles drawn that way. That clears it up, thanks.
[2019-08-20 16:51:08]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Yes you can only interactively alter manually drawn volume profiles:
Volume By Price Study: Draw Volume Profile
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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