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Date/Time: Fri, 07 Mar 2025 21:48:40 +0000

Line /w Third Point

View Count: 620

[2019-07-30 16:29:05]
User439067 - Posts: 48

Make the line tool allow a third point to extend how ever far you want it in the same angle of the original two points.

The extend line, extends it forever.
Cutting rays or other such tools is not tenable.

Charts get really messy with rays or other extended tools everywhere. Lines with two points aren't really useful to me because if you draw them in forward time they jump around. Lines to me are a visual tool. Two closes below this line is nice to see easily. You can't really accomplish that with a plain line.

Half my chart screen is forward space...I like to see the future and visualize where price will be.

Any advice?
[2019-07-31 18:46:40]
tesseract353 - Posts: 66
I would like to see this feature developed as well. However I don't think it will fix Rays that move around after drawing them.

Please see:
Lines/Rays or Other Chart Drawings Move After Drawing Them: Right Side Fill Space and Variable Chart Bar Timeframes
Lines/Rays or Other Chart Drawings Move After Drawing Them: Is There a Solution?

However, this problem could be solved via a work-around by adding the ability to extend the Ray Tool by a user-specified "Extend Multiplier" just like users may currently do with the Pitchfork Tool. The only condition is that a user still must not draw past the most recent bar in the fill space. But at least we would finally be able to get a non-infinite ray into the right side fill space.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-07-31 19:05:54

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