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Date/Time: Sat, 01 Feb 2025 00:00:39 +0000

Simple OCO bracket placed around EXISTING naked Position

View Count: 2408

[2019-06-02 17:56:46]
mikeb029 - Posts: 25

I've read through all of the support and watched videos, but cannot figure out to place this basic OCO order:

Assume I made MKT BUY of 4 lots /ES (no attached orders...just hit MKT BUY and was filled). Now, I want to place an OCO Sell Limit and Sell Stop around that existing position.

I've tried all of the OCO options/Simple Bracket selection, selected attached orders, un-selected attached orders, etc., and all give me the same result: A single Sell Limit above my position and/or single Sell Stop below my position. No OCO. I'd like them to be connected as an OCO.

Again, I'm only having this problem when I have an existing position WITHOUT any other attached orders, i.e., when I would hit BUY MKT without any attached orders. In this scenario, with this 'naked' position, how would I go about placing Sell OCO bracket around it?

Thank you,

Mike Beck
[2019-06-02 19:49:22]
samual sprat - Posts: 343
assuming you've got some sort of bracket order set up in your trade management window it should attach the brackets automatically even if you market buy/sell. If nothing is selected in the trade management window when you place the order, then set up a bracket/oco order there and select 'send attached orders by position' to create the brackets. Otherwise if you add 'send attached orders by price' to you right click menu, you can right click anywhere on the chart to place the bracket orders at that price
[2019-06-02 21:09:00]
mikeb029 - Posts: 25
Thank you for the reply:

"assuming you've got some sort of bracket order set up in your trade management window it should attach the brackets automatically even if you market buy/sell." Yes, that works, thank you.

"If nothing is selected in the trade management window when you place the order, then set up a bracket/oco order there and select 'send attached orders by position' to create the brackets." THIS is what isn't working for me. I enter a position BUY MKT with no attached orders. Now that I am in a position I want to place an OCO bracket around it.
Trade Management Window: Simple Bracket
Selected 'send attached orders by position'
Selected 'use attached orders' (also tried without it selected)
Result...when I right click on the chart and select anything it either gives me single limit or stop, or a whole additional position with a bracket.

"Otherwise if you add 'send attached orders by price' to you right click menu, you can right click anywhere on the chart to place the bracket orders at that price" Same exact result as above

Obviously I'm still missing something.
[2019-06-02 21:16:41]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4164
Order Types: Send Attached Orders - Position/Price
[2019-06-03 16:17:01]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Here is the relevant documentation for this:
Order Types: Send Attached Orders - Position/Price
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-06-03 16:17:37

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