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Date/Time: Fri, 07 Feb 2025 17:01:54 +0000

[Programming Help] - Color change on outer band

View Count: 2859

[2019-05-24 08:29:30]
User964132 - Posts: 93
Hi, is it possible to change the color of the TMA-band (On chart V2-TMA), or sound alarm, as soon as the band goes outside the slower TMA-Band (On Chart TMA_M)?
as an example see the DAX in Picture, I painted the area how is should look like.. (Yes I am not so good of painter, I know :-)

I tried this with the Color bar based on above /below study but I could not even get that to work
How could this be done? Help is highly appreciated!
imageTMA-outside TMA band.JPG / V - Attached On 2019-05-24 08:23:57 UTC - Size: 391.45 KB - 1263 views
attachmentTMABands_64.dll - Attached On 2019-05-24 08:25:00 UTC - Size: 836.5 KB - 588 views
attachmentTMA-over-TMA alarmV1.Cht - Attached On 2019-05-24 08:27:37 UTC - Size: 852.29 KB - 667 views
[2019-06-13 16:14:41]
User964132 - Posts: 93
I tried several things now, I guess SC is not that flexible as I thought.. :-(
[2019-06-13 17:02:09]
User929084 - Posts: 60
Have you tried Color bar based on alert condition?

In settings under Based on: set the one you want the color changed - "TMA slow".

In subgraphs set "color bar" to whatever color you want

In Alerts use this: ID1.SG1 > ID2.SG1 . Assuming ID1 is TMA fast and SG1 is upper band, and ID2 is TMA slow.

You will have to use another Color bar based on alert condition for lower bands. ID1.SG3 < ID2.SG3 . where SG3 is lower band.

You might have to play around with them to figure it out.
[2019-06-13 17:03:23]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4173
I guess SC is not that flexible as I thought
Sierra Chart is more flexible than many realize, and is capable of doing what you want from native studies.

Try this:
1. Add the Color Bar Based On Alert Condition study.
- Set the 'Based On' to the TMA-outside study.
- Set 'Output When Condition True' to 'Use Input Data'
- Set the 'Input Data' to the upper TMA-outside line.
- On the Subgraphs tab, set the Draw Style to Line - Skip Zeros, and choose the color and width.
- On the Alerts tab, use a formula like this: ID1.SG1>ID2.SG2 and choose an Alert Sound Alert#.
(where ID1 is the TMA outside study, and ID2 is the band study.)

2. Add another instance of the Color Bar Based On Alert Condition study, and do the same for the lower TMA-outside line.

Color Bar Based on Alert Condition
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-06-13 17:04:19
[2019-06-13 17:19:43]
Ackin - Posts: 1865

It's possible download it for free from our CZ/SK forum.

Study: Subgraphs above/bolow - shifted

contact link:

to tomgilb)
Try this:
1. Add the Color Bar Based On Alert Condition study.
- Set the 'Based On' to the TMA-outside study.
- Set 'Output When Condition True' to 'Use Input Data'
- Set the 'Input Data' to the upper TMA-outside line.
- On the Subgraphs tab, set the Draw Style to Line - Skip Zeros, and choose the color and width.
- On the Alerts tab, use a formula like this: ID1.SG1>ID2.SG2 and choose an Alert Sound Alert#.
(where ID1 is the TMA outside study, and ID2 is the band study.)

TMA is shifted...
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-06-24 22:27:16
[2019-06-13 18:24:40]
User964132 - Posts: 93
Hi all,
Thank you so much for the replies, I tried the Color Bar Based On Alert Condition etc, and it looks more or less okay.
Although I keep getting dots on the lines of the faster TMA, while still inside, not sure how to get ride of this.

@Ackin, I am looking forward in joining your forum and trying your solution out!

Keep smiling,
imageDots on TMA.JPG / V - Attached On 2019-06-13 18:22:52 UTC - Size: 254.9 KB - 754 views
attachmentTMA-over-TMA alarmV2.Cht - Attached On 2019-06-13 18:23:42 UTC - Size: 826.33 KB - 530 views
[2019-06-13 18:41:23]
Ackin - Posts: 1865
I tried the Color Bar Based On Alert Condition etc, and it looks more or less okay.

TMA is shifted... It will be not ok ... never :) ...without return back ... the channel is redrawing, it's a mistake to use the study without moving ...

@Ackin, I am looking forward in joining your forum and trying your solution out!
I see ...

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