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[Programming Help] - Possibility to use advance study language to compile mulpiple studies from multiple charts

View Count: 710

[2019-05-09 20:32:43]
||||||||||||||||||||| - Posts: 18
Hi, Sierra Chart Team,

Could advanced language be used to write a custom study that does such a task as:

Loading hundreds of unique symbol with its own pre-defined study, extract data from each one of them and do a study with that data, compile the data all together into single manageable form?

The origin of my reason is I'm tired of doing hideous manual work, opening hundreds of chart with pre-built study setup, type its ticker symbol, and the most hideous part of it, hundreds of Study/Price Overlay study that was manually tweaked has to be made so they were pointed into each individual designated chart study, collecting data from these hundreds of charts, then write spreadsheet formula study to combine all of the Study/Price Overlay into one master summation study, it's just insane how much time have to be spent on clicking and typing. There should be smarter ways to do this.

Is there a "sum all study" study? Is there a ticker suite to load multiple symbols in a manageable manner?
How can I write a custom study that does things automatically, it loads symbols from the list I provide so I only need to make ticker list for once, such as "MSFT,AAPL,AMZN,FB,...", and it applies universal study on these symbols, collects the data, so I don't need to point and click with Study/PRice Overlay for hundreds of time?
Can spreadsheet study do such a task? Could spreadsheet loads multiple charts so I can do the calculation within one platform?

What is the advanced language variable that loads the ticker symbol? What is the grammar to import specific data from these symbols?

I got so many questions and things I want to learn.
[2019-05-09 20:41:26]
||||||||||||||||||||| - Posts: 18
For the practical side of the circumstance, here is the study I was doing.

I was loading each individual companies from major equity index, Dow index, Nasdaq 100, S&P 500, for example. Then I make all of them a "1-0" one tick reversal bar chart, I apply the same formula as the on-balance-volume study with all of them, I multiply the volume data with its price to get the volume*price data, which is the money flow data that has been spent on each transaction, I collect all the money flow data, sum it up, then I get the tick-by-tick on-balance-volume study result on the entire Dow, Nasdaq, or a quarter of S&P 500 because 500 chart is way too heavy for my computer. Using advanced language might be lighter to process.
[2019-05-09 20:45:31]
||||||||||||||||||||| - Posts: 18
So the study itself is not rocket science. The on-balance-volume study is already here, built, I only need to know how to load multiple symbols with one symbol list, apply OBV with all of them, multiply the OBV with C, or HLC, or OHLC, then sum it all up.

Thank you for your time and for your help.
[2019-05-09 20:56:53]
||||||||||||||||||||| - Posts: 18
I'm reading the document of spreadsheet study right now, it said multiple charts could be outputted into one single spreadsheet, and I can reference between different sub-sheets. It solves the calculation part of the puzzle!
Then I need to find ways to load multiple symbols in an efficient manageable manner.
[2019-05-09 23:25:26]
||||||||||||||||||||| - Posts: 18
The spreadsheet would just freeze even on a setup with 10 days period, 30 symbols. It's not doable.
[2019-05-10 13:21:30]
||||||||||||||||||||| - Posts: 18

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