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Date/Time: Fri, 31 Jan 2025 10:57:57 +0000

[User Discussion] - Tried to find something similiar to bookmap Volume Dots...

View Count: 3224

[2019-03-30 21:56:14]
User138602 - Posts: 169
and found this visual offset...see attached 1st file. Wanted to let you know...just in case.

The scaling (zooming in and out) regarding the market depth historic price levels by merging several price levels together is a usefull and very convinient feature in bookmap.
The same goes with the Volume dots. If you work on the market depth historical grap_study, then MAYBE?! you find the time for an optional solution for automatically merging/ dividing volume dots as well?

Right now you can manually work around by using a higher bar periode setting or use higher Volume Treshold in the large volume trade indicator or increase bar space in order to seperate the dots. The scrolling works very well with the last one. But in the first 2 cases one filters out information. The static bar time resoltion of 1 second minimum isnt ideal for this kind of orderbook monitoring. And if one goes trade size then its not ideal either regarding the dots. The Large volume trade indicator could also benefit from adjustable transparency.

Thank you

PS: Everyone feel free to make suggestions in order to improve this study.

@SC:Large Lot indicator in the orderbook and iceberg detector would be welcome.

Is it also possible to have in connection with the scrollfunction aka barspace adjustment a timeframe adjustment? Decreasing barspace at some point should lead to a bigger timeframe. So if i "zoom out"Volume dots adjust, price levels merge and timeframe goes from 1 sec to 2 sec 1min ect. Doing this manually is not optimal. I guess, the real Question is if sierrachart platform can do these changes on the fly without reloading the chart everytime.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-03-31 17:58:09
image30-03-_2019_19-10-57.png / V - Attached On 2019-03-30 21:48:19 UTC - Size: 206.07 KB - 1155 views
image30-03-_2019_22-42-46.png / V - Attached On 2019-03-30 21:48:31 UTC - Size: 333.24 KB - 1176 views
[2019-04-27 16:52:42]
whats1thingnow - Posts: 407
we have been trying to get the jigsaw volume dots (similar to bookmap volume dots) on sc in this thread: Volume Dots and Zooming compatibilites

add your +1 there to show your support :)

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