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Date/Time: Mon, 24 Feb 2025 06:11:30 +0000

Interactive Brokers (IB) TWS running

View Count: 2636

[2019-03-19 21:18:30]
BrewTrader - Posts: 21
Is there a way to run IB's TWS in the background, or automatically when starting SC? I guess it's not too big of a deal, but it seems like running TWS concurrently is just another login step and another program running that could be a point of failure (or load on the computer). Would love to not have to run TWS at all...but guessing that's not an option.

[2019-03-23 08:56:48]
JanS - Posts: 46
One thing you could do is load the IB Gateway instead of the TWS. That is a much lighter application and creates the necessary connection to IB while using Sierra Chart. Go to the IB website, at the top under "Log in" --> "IB Gateway". It does not give you an interface, though, to see your orders. For that you would need to load TWS directly.
[2019-03-24 03:21:38]
Acro - Posts: 442

My two cents worth.

IB keep an archive of "standalone" TWS versions.
These do not update automatically to the latest TWS version.

The advantages are:

1. you can verify your orders are live because of the notification - eg in the notification part of your tool bar
2. you can test the CPU usage under heavy market activity of each standalone version
3. Versions of TWS that are 973 or older can be used with IB Controller, an open source utility that you can automate including doing what you said - eg have a macro that lauches both Sierra and IB Controller/TWS that automatically logs you into IB

A current problem with IB controller is that it does not seem to automatically fill in login details for the latest TWS 975.
However, with TWS 975 you can change the IB settings such that if you launch and login on Sunday evening it will keep you logged in and running all week
[2019-03-24 14:16:14]
BrewTrader - Posts: 21
@JanS - Thanks, that's what I was looking for.

I thought I read that something like this existed, just couldn't remember where and what to look for. Looking at it now that seems so obvious! LOL. Thanks!

@Acro - Thanks for the feedback.

I think my TWS is keeping itself up-to-date automatically, contrary to your statement. I just checked and I have 975.3b (20 March 2019) and I did not manually update it. Maybe there's a setting to change this to manual update I just haven't changed. If so I think what I take from your comment is to do it automatically and then keep an archive of the different versions in case I need to rollback for some reason, correct? I assume you've had a need to do that then?

Are you also stating that I SHOULD keep the TWS running verses using the IB Gateway as JanS and I are discussing?

Sounds like IB Controller would be the way to go, but not available in the newer versions, oh well. I'll search for the TWS feature to keep me logged in, that may help. I find that I get logged out every day which is just a hassle. I understand security (being in Cybersecurity as my profession actually), but if I have other controls in place I can accept the risk of staying in at my home residence. Another reason I want to stay logged in is because I have 2-factor authentication enabled which authenticates me using an SMS Text to my phone...yet another step I have to do if I have to log in/out daily. For some reason I can't disable 2-factor (not sure i want to anyway), not sure if that's because I'm in Europe vs. the US.

Anyway, thanks for your help!

[2019-03-24 14:47:57]
BrewTrader - Posts: 21
Arco, I don't see how to set IB to Sunday login for all week. Am I missing something? See the screenshot of the settings I have available.

Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/n2884l

[2019-03-24 22:24:10]
ticinotrader - Posts: 403
Hi Randy,
Try to use the 'Auto-restart' function in TWS. It automatically restarts your TWS each day and automatically logs you in, no matter if you use two factor authentication or not. Auto-restart does not need entering the SMS/etc. verification code. This way you can keep TWS running indefinitely but it restarts each day at your selected time.
Hope this helps.
[2019-03-25 00:52:00]
Acro - Posts: 442
Ticino is spot on.

To get the standalone, not automatically updating version you need to go here:
[2019-03-26 19:30:14]
BrewTrader - Posts: 21
Thank you Ticinotrader and Acro, will give it a shot! I am using the IB Gateway at the moment and it has kept me logged in all week, so once it restarts I'll give this a shot. Really appreciate the assist!

[2021-03-02 20:14:48]
Futures Operator - Posts: 239
Hi all, what version of TWS, Gateway, and IBC/IB Controller do you now suggest, and how do you all recommend to set up to be able to auto login with SC and remain logged in through the week?

Also any way to disable the 2FA while retaining all trading permissions?

And also if possible to concurrently manage positions from TWS Mobile in case of power/internet loss.

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-03-02 20:34:41

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