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Date/Time: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 16:48:52 +0000

Daylight saving time

View Count: 2746

[2017-10-30 09:59:55]
Fabio - Posts: 117
Good morning,

I am having an issue with the daylight saving time switch.

I tried to follow all the steps in this guide here: Time Zone Setting: Settings For 'Other/Custom DST' Time Zone Setting (Global Settings >> Time Zone) but nothing seems work.

I tried to create my "own" daylight but the bars showed on the charts are always the same as nothing has been done.

The unique "solution" seems work is to change the session time through -->chart-->chart settings--> "session times" and modified both "start time" and "end time" switching them to 1 hour early (for the London time it means 21:00 instead of 22:00 for the start time and 20:59 instead of 21:59 for the end time)

Trading on the 4 Hour charts, the first new bar of the week is normally created on Sunday at 22:00(Uk time) but I need it to be at 21:00 due to daylight (from yesterday to the 3rd of November).

The "solution" chosen above allow me to obtain this but the problem is that all previous bar are now created 1 hour early, even though until Friday (27/10/2017) the time zone was correct.

Can you please help me?

[2017-11-02 08:11:30]
Fabio - Posts: 117
Is this thread so ugly that doesn't deserve an answer? :(
I still looking for a solution, someone know how to solve the problem?

[2017-11-06 01:34:23]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We really do not know how to answer this. You can set the Session Times and Time Zone settings as you require and whether or not you get the result or not you want, depends upon those settings and the data from LMAX. The LMAX data is all timestamped to UTC and can be set any time zone.

The basic problem is, is that you know what exactly you want, and it takes time for us to understand this and there is a lot of effort to go through to actually start analyzing the data in relation to what you want. So generally this is just not anything we are going to get involved with other than to clarify the documentation if something is not clear.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-11-06 01:35:01
[2017-11-06 19:12:59]
Fabio - Posts: 117
Thanks for replying me.

During the past week, there was a difference between the U.S. and U.K. daylight.
In the other platform I use, this difference (1 hour to be precise) is managed by the platform itself, so every new bar will be created one hour earlier than usual (U.K. time).
So, just to be clear, the first bar of each week starts on Sunday at 22.00 U.K. time.
During the past week though, the first bar of each week started at 21.00 U.K time.

Supposing to trade on the 4hr chart, every 4 hr will be created a new bar; so 22.00 - 2.00 a.m. - 6.00 a.m. and so forth.
During the past week, this process should have been started 1 hr earlier; so 21.00 - 1.00 a.m. - 5.00 a.m. and so forth through the whole week.

On S.C. this was not possible because every bar was always been created at the same time, so from 22.00 on Sunday and so on.

I tried to follow all the steps into your guide and set my time zone to New York instead of London but no differences have been done on the chart (and from your guide, you said that modifying the time zone to the desired one the problem should have been solved, which was not actually).

Modifying the timezone, I supposed to see the time of N.Y. on the timescale of each chart and solved the daylight saving times differences through the week, which has no happened, continuing to saw the U.K. timescale.

The unique solution I found in order to see the real open and close of each bar through the whole week, was modifying the "start time" and "end time" through the Chart settings, but this is not a solution to the problem.

So my question is: I am missing some settings or is not possible solve the daylight switching "problem"?
How do I do in order to see on the time scale the N.Y. time and "fix" the problem?

[2017-11-06 19:45:06]
User630996 - Posts: 25
Are you sure you're changing this setting:

Time Zone Setting: Using Different Time Zone in Individual Charts

This must be set to New York for your purposes. There is no need to create a custom time zone.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-11-06 19:46:22
[2017-11-08 08:29:30]
Fabio - Posts: 117
Yes, I tried that also and set to New York but the bars on the chart(s) are always different in comparison to my other platform during that week.
I'll post both pics in order to let you see what I mean by that...
The chart is the NZD/USD 4 Hr candles, pay attention between the verticals lines of each chart (same lapse of time of the daylight saving time week)
Unfortunately, I can't show you the hour printed on the timescale of both platform at the same time but, during that week, is different (reason why the chart are different)

Thanks for the help.
imageDifferencies.png / V - Attached On 2017-11-08 08:29:15 UTC - Size: 175.65 KB - 434 views
[2017-11-08 13:32:24]
User630996 - Posts: 25
Is the chart on the left LMAX, and the one on the right Ninja/FXCM?
[2017-11-08 13:56:58]
User630996 - Posts: 25
And is this what your settings look like:
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-11-08 14:03:08
Attachment Deleted.
imageSettings.png / V - Attached On 2017-11-08 14:03:00 UTC - Size: 78.03 KB - 453 views
[2017-11-08 14:32:13]
Fabio - Posts: 117
Yes exactly, left Lmax through S.C. and right Fxcm through N.T., sorry I forgot to tell this before.

About the settings instead, I've forgotten to modify the session start and end time as per N.Y.
I never checked it to be honest because I thought that modifying the time zone from London to New York it would have been settled automatically, of course, my bad.

Now I modified the session times as per your picture and both platforms are exactly the same....

You've been really helpful, with your pic I found out straightaway where was the problem :)

Thanks again for your help, really appreciate it.
[2017-11-09 19:21:33]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We are going to update the documentation to make it clear that when you change the Time Zone whether globally or in the chart, the Session Times also need to be updated to correspond to that new time zone.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

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