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Date/Time: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 16:24:10 +0000

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View Count: 787

[2017-08-15 00:27:51]
Crtfyd - Posts: 281
I have been using 1 minute charts and switched to test a "tick" chart (ES)

Typically if I wanted a line of the last of "something right before the RTH Open" (charts are set to session and evening starting at 00:00:00) at the 9:29 bar, I would put the Time Line study at 9:29, then whatever I want at 9:29 (ie: Last price, last Ask/Bid diff) whatever, it would work fine.

The problem with doing this with a "tick" chart is the bar changes depending on the ticks for the day up to that point. So the last bar before Open could be 9:29:57, or 9:59:13, or even 9:57:36!

So you see my dilemma, the Time Line study won't work for me because the bar time is always different.

How would I chart a Line for the close of the last bar right before the RTH Open (ie:<9:30)?

(I've tried Color Bar based on Alert , a Line won't chart if I BARTIME less than 9:30 but more than whatever, a simple moving average, but I cant control the time, etc)

Thank You.

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