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Chart Linking Symbol Only Changes other Linked Chart Session Times

View Count: 1902

[2016-08-19 11:29:21]
ForgivingComputers.com - Posts: 982
When linking charts I have found a strange behavior. Let's say I want charts 1 and 2 to be link number 1, and both the symbol and sessions times are linked. Chart 3 is also link number 1, but only the symbol is linked. When I change the symbol in charts 1 or 2, all three charts change to the new symbol, and chart 3 has it's own session times. If I change the symbol in chart 3, all three charts change their symbols and session times.

This is very frustrating as now I have to go back and change the session times on charts 1 and 2. Even if all you do is open the chart settings for chart 3, the other charts have their session times changed.

I do not have the "Global Settings >> Symbol Settings >> Apply Intraday Session Times to Intraday Chart" nor the "Chart >> Chart Settings >> Advanced Settings >> Apply Intraday Session Times to Intraday Chart" options checked.

I have uploaded two chartbooks:
1. Chart Link Bug Before.cht
- chart 3 is linked by symbol only and has it's own session time (24 hours)
- no changes to chart 3
2. Chart Link Bug After.cht
- open chart settings for chart 3 and click OK or change symbol and click OK
- charts 1 and 2 now have the same session times as chart 3
attachmentChart Link Bug Before.cht - Attached On 2016-08-19 11:22:20 UTC - Size: 60.96 KB - 373 views
attachmentChart Link Bug After.cht - Attached On 2016-08-19 11:22:32 UTC - Size: 60.96 KB - 458 views
[2016-08-19 11:45:39]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
There is absolutely no bug here whatsoever. Understand this is how it works.

Chart Linking is documented here:

You simply just need to disable the Chart Linking >> Session Times options.

Please do not ask is further about this because this is not something we are willing to change.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2016-08-19 11:56:29
[2016-08-19 12:12:18]
ForgivingComputers.com - Posts: 982
Thanks for your reply, however, I respectfully stand by my assertion.

I think you mean this reference: "Session Times: When the Session Times of a chart are changed, the other linked charts using this option will be changed to the same Session Times."

I do not have the session time option checked on chart 3, therefore, only the symbols should change on the other linked charts, when I change the symbol on chart 3. Right? When I open the chart settings on chart 3 and change nothing, but click OK, the other charts have their session times change. Please help me understand why this is a desired behavior.
[2016-08-19 16:49:53]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Since you have the Chart Linking >> Session Times option enabled on the charts where the session times are changing is the reason why this is happening. Those options apply to the chart where they are set. Not to the other chart where you are changing settings.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2016-08-19 16:50:51
[2016-08-19 18:57:50]
ForgivingComputers.com - Posts: 982
So My thinking of how it should work is not the same as yours.

Your documentation states: "For example, if you have enabled Link Symbol and Link Bar Period for a particular chart and you change the symbol in another chart or the bar period in another chart that has the same Link Number, then the chart with these options enabled will be changed to match. "

So if I have a chart that only shares a symbol with other linked charts, anything I change on that chart will change on any other linked chart that has that option enabled. To me it would make more sense if all charts that share the same link option change that option only when another chart that shares that option changes, not any chart that is linked by symbol only.

What if I want to have a chart that keeps everything unique, except the symbol? I might have a 24 hr session time for a chart. All others have regular trading hours. If I change the session time on any of the charts linked with the session time option, they all change, but the one without the session time option checked does not change. However, if I change the session time in the one that does not have the session time option checked, all the rest change. I only want the ones to change their session times if they are linked that way, not if any chart linked some other way changes.

Does that make sense? I have had settings change on me, and then I have to change them back. If that is the way it is supposed to work, then the only choice I have is to not link charts that I don't want others to have shared settings. Sort of limits the benefits of linking.

To me, if the link option is checked, then all charts with that link option and number will share the settings. The way it is coded, if the link option is checked, any chart linked by number, but not by option, can change the settings of other charts. Is that the intended design?

I appreciate your patience and hopefully I am making myself clear.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2016-08-19 18:59:29
[2016-08-22 21:37:08]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Thinking about this.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2016-09-01 10:32:01]
ForgivingComputers.com - Posts: 982
While you are thinking about this, here are some more of my thoughts.

Let's begin with a simple case, two charts linked by symbol, a third not linked at all. Below is a summary with expected behaviors.

A. Case number 1: Three charts, two linked by Symbol

1. Charts 1 and 2 are linked with number 1 and Symbol is checked
2. Chart 3 has no links
3. Rules:
#1 Change the Symbol in chart 1, chart 2 changes Symbol too. Chart 3 is unchanged.
#2 Change the Symbol in chart 2, chart 1 changes Symbol too. Chart 3 is unchanged.
#3 Change the Symbol in chart 3 and charts 1 and 2 Symbols are unchanged.

Why is this correct? Because chart 3 is not linked, it stands alone. No other chart can change it. It can not change another chart.

If we can agree that this is correct, then we can go to the next case.

B. Case number 2: Three charts, all linked by symbol, two linked by session time

1. Chart 1, 2, and 3 all have Link Number 1, and all are linked by Symbol.
2. Charts 1 and 2 are also linked by Session Times.
3. Rules:
#1. Change the symbol in any chart and all the other charts change symbols too.
#2. Change the session time in chart 1, and chart 2 also changes its session time. Chart 3's session time is unchanged.
#3. Change the session time in chart 2, and chart 1 also changes its session time. Chart 3's session time is unchanged.
#4. Change session time in chart 3, charts 1 and 2 are unchanged.

Rule number 4 is important. It is the opposite of rule #3. It is only linked by Symbol to the other charts. It has its own session times. Changing its session time should have no impact on any other charts. I want to have its Symbol to be in sync with the other charts, which is why Symbol is checked.

The problem is rule number 4 is not implemented correctly. Changing the Session Times in chart 3 does change the Session Times in Charts 1 and 2. In fact, you don't have to change anything, just viewing the Chart Settings in chart 3, and clicking OK changes the sessions times in charts 1 and 2 to be the same as chart 3.

Here is my overall definition of how chart linking should work:

If you belong to a group you stay in Sync with the group. If you are not in a group you only change yourself, and no one else. Linking by Symbol is one group. Linking by session time is a subgroup.

So now do you see why I think this is a bug? What is the point of all the link options if you cannot count on them staying unchanged when another chart, without the same link option, is changed?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2016-09-01 10:36:30
[2016-09-01 20:20:16]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We added in the latest version a "Master Mode" setting. It is documented here:

This should give you the capabilities you need.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2016-10-18 17:57:44]
kinghat - Posts: 120
if i check 'master mode' and click 'apply to linked charts' it wont check that option for all linked charts.
[2016-10-18 18:03:04]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Yes that is correct. It does not apply to all charts. You have to manually set it.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2017-03-31 15:12:55]
ForgivingComputers.com - Posts: 982
This has been an ongoing problem, and since there hasn't been any activity on this thread, I thought I would try to explain it in more simple terms.

Suppose I want to create 3 charts with the following requirements:
  1. When I scroll chart 1 or 2, they both scroll, not chart 3
  2. When I scroll chart 3, only chart 3 scrolls.
  3. When I change the Bar Period on chart 2 or 3, they both change, chart 1 stays as is.
  4. When I change the Bar Period on chart 1, only chart 1 changes.

Based on the above requirements, and my understanding of how linking charts works, I think this is how I would set that up. (I could be wrong.)

All Charts:
- Link Number: 1
- Symbol: Checked

Chart 1
- Scroll Position: Checked

Chart 2
- Bar Period: Checked
- Scroll Position: Checked

Chart 3
- Bar Period: Checked

Chartbook CL 0.cht (attached) has these settings.

When I test the above 4 requirements, Numbers 2 and 4 fail. The ones that should be independent, end up impacting the other charts. Even testing all combinations of Master Mode ends up with at least one requirement failing.

So, unless I am not understanding how linking works, it doesn't work the way I would like it to work. I don't understand under what scenarios I would want changes to a chart with a link option not checked. To me, if the link option is checked it changes when any other chart with the same link number and the same link option checked is changed. If the link option is unchecked, it is independent, not connected to other charts. So it changes by itself. Am I the only one who sees this?

Please see the attached PDF file for more details of the setup and test results.
attachmentCL 0.cht - Attached On 2017-03-31 15:04:35 UTC - Size: 63.33 KB - 443 views
attachmentChart Linking.pdf - Attached On 2017-03-31 15:04:52 UTC - Size: 356.66 KB - 344 views
[2017-03-31 15:16:38]
ForgivingComputers.com - Posts: 982
BTW: It shows up most often when adding a chart to set of already linked charts. The new chart is also to be linked, but only with certain options. When the new chart is saved, all the other charts that are linked to it end up changing in unpredictable ways, and they have to be manually edited.
[2017-03-31 17:52:40]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
There was a problem with Master Mode that was discovered about two weeks ago and corrected.

Other than that, the chart linking functionality does work as documented.

Update following the instructions here:

We did look over your document, but is rather involved what you are explaining. We do acknowledge the issue with Master Mode and that was resolved.

If Chart Linking functionality that Sierra Chart provides does not meet your requirements, then it is not something we can help with further and we recommend using another program.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-03-31 17:59:38
[2017-03-31 18:03:34]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
To me, if the link option is checked it changes when any other chart with the same link number and the same link option checked is changed.

It does not work this way. The particular Chart Linking option which is enabled on a chart, affects that chart if the corresponding action is performed in another linked chart.

So in other words, if there is chart 1 and 2, they both use the same Chart Linking number, and chart 1 has Chart Linking >> Scroll Position enabled and chart 2 does not, then scrolling chart 2 will scroll chart 1.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2017-03-31 18:04:46
[2017-03-31 18:06:21]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
When a chart has Chart Linking enabled, we will make sure it does not affect any other charts initially.

That will also help.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2017-03-31 19:50:54]
ForgivingComputers.com - Posts: 982
I am on version 1536. I have tried to state the problem simply.

Your logic is that by checking a link option, that chart "subscribes" to that feature, and any chart in the same link group can control that feature.

I would like to have the link be bi-directional. Only charts that have that option set can "publish" to charts that also have that option set ("subscribed"). This allows for more independence and predictability.

Master Mode does this for the simple case of two charts. What if there are 3 or more with more than one link option set on each? The "subscription" model limits the flexibility of linking charts and creates unneeded and time consuming changes that are unexpected.

I figure you are reluctant to change the logic behind this, but in real life this has been a common problem among my peers. I know my detailed report may take a lot of effort for you to follow, but we all struggle with your technical specifications that are also hard to follow. I tried to simplify it so that you can just load the chartbooks and see for yourself what I found.
[2017-03-31 19:53:05]
ForgivingComputers.com - Posts: 982
When a chart has Chart Linking enabled, we will make sure it does not affect any other charts initially.

That will help. I appreciate your continuing to think about how this impacts users.

Thank you.
[2017-04-01 12:30:15]
DabbaDo - Posts: 148
@bradh I don't think it's fair to say "we all struggle with your technical specifications that are also hard to follow." IMO the documentation is superb.
For additional flexibility, I wish each chart had a list of link numbers, so I could link chart A by one way to chart B and also link chart A another way to chart C.
[2017-04-01 15:33:00]
ForgivingComputers.com - Posts: 982
@DabbaDo- I agree the technical documentation is very thorough. It conveys some very detailed and complex topics. What I meant by struggle, is that I often have to read the same sentence a few times to fully understand what is being said. Your idea would enhance the linking, and I would welcome it.

When the Master Mode Chart Linking setting is enabled, rather than the various Chart Linking options (Link Symbol,...) applying to the chart that they are set on at the time another chart with the same Link Number is having its settings changed, what instead will happen is that the chart that is having its settings changed, using Master Mode, will control the other charts with the same Link Number according to its own Chart Linking options.

[2017-04-03 18:21:00]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We will look this over a soon as we can
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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