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Date/Time: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 18:31:45 +0000

User Question - Trading Oil

View Count: 772

[2016-03-02 15:27:27]
Sierra Chart - Max - Posts: 5770
I am a new Topstep Trader client and have been accepted into their program but I wish to use Sierra Charts to trade Oil not Ninja trader and I already have an active account with you.
Topstep has sent me my connection information using CTS T4 FIX (trading) Data/Trade Service Settings which I plugged in and got connected. My problem is that I want to trade Oil Futures but cannot find the symbol I am used to. When I go to symbol selection I do not find CME engery selection all I find is CME NYMEX Futures with a CL
listed as CL20160400.CME_NY. Is that the correct symbol I want to trade oil futures at the CME? Sorry to take your time up on such a newbie question but that is never the symbol I traded when trading the CL at the CME. Thanks in advance for your time and patience

Sierra Chart Support
[2016-03-02 23:04:04]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
CL.20160400.CME_NY is the correct symbol to use when using CTS T4.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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