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Date/Time: Sun, 02 Mar 2025 21:39:40 +0000

[User Discussion] - How do I Show Profiles on Subgraphs?

View Count: 8259

[2016-02-18 22:51:48]
Yoda - Posts: 106
I would like to add profiles to subgraphs. I have attached a screenshot of another charting package which shows the profiles on the right side of the Range and Volume subgraphs.

In SC, I tried to use the Volume by Price study on a subgraph with the Average Daily Range study. In the Settings and Inputs, I choose the Average Daily Range study and set the Chart Region to 2 (the same as the Average Daily Range Study). However, I couldn't find a way to tell the profile to calculate the profile based on the range bars. The only option I found to define the bar calculations was the "Volume Bar Calculation Method". Accordingly, no profile was visible in the subgraph.

Am I missing something? Should I be using another study to generate profiles on subgraphs? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
imageProfile Example on Range and Volume Subgraphs 2016-02-18.jpg / V - Attached On 2016-02-18 22:38:44 UTC - Size: 352.38 KB - 1197 views
[2016-02-21 02:06:24]
User20450 - Posts: 330
[2016-02-28 21:51:08]
User17477 - Posts: 65
Would also appreciate help with this please SC support. thanks

[2016-02-28 21:57:27]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
This is marked as a User Discussion and there is no comment from us.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

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[2016-02-28 22:39:15]
Yoda - Posts: 106
I'm assuming that someone from Support originally marked this as a User Discussion. It's not clear to me why certain questions are answered by Support and others are ignored, but nevertheless, since there has been no user suggestions, I'm assuming that the users do not know how to do this. It's also apparent that there are some other users who would like the ability to show profiles on subgraphs.

Therefore, it would be great if Support would address the questions in the original post.
[2016-02-29 02:41:17]
enemyspy - Posts: 306
This is achievable through acsil, you would need to make your own volume profile custom study, and then normalize the profile based on the scale of the chart region you want to put it on. I have remade the study in the past for different non - supported applications, but not for what you want. There is a list of developers who you could pay to do this that may have even already done it listed on this site somewhere. You could hire one of them, or if you are interested in coding it yourself I think there is a thread somewhere on bigmiketrading.com that may help you with this also.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2016-02-29 02:54:05
[2016-02-29 03:04:35]
enemyspy - Posts: 306
Actually I think I initially misunderstood what you are trying to achieve. After looking more carefully it is still not that difficult to achieve through ascil, let me know if you can't get anyone to make the study for you. Consider it like a last resort.
[2016-02-29 14:42:09]
User15952 - Posts: 132
[2016-03-01 08:34:51]
enemyspy - Posts: 306
ok you guys got me interested in making this. So here you go. This is a study that will plot a normal distribution curve/histogram of the indicator/subgraph you assign it to in the chart Region you select including. It is very crude as I did it pretty quick and have limited time. But it gets the job done for Full details see the instructions.txt I have attached with it.

Keep in mind:
-Does not work on studies with floating point values integers only.
-Untested on Studies that contain Negative integers (but May work for that).
-!!You need to remove it if you are removing the study it is linked to and not reassigning to another study that already exists on the chart BEFORE YOU HIT APPLY.

I can make it more kick ass for you, with a bunch of fancy stuff like the standard deviations alerts and all that garbage with a bunch of coloring options as well as more user friendly and smoother graphics. Or anything else you want if those of you who want it are willing to make some small donations to help fund my additional services balance.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2016-03-01 08:35:44
attachmentDaily Statistics.dll - Attached On 2016-03-01 08:04:40 UTC - Size: 97 KB - 624 views
attachmentInstructions.txt - Attached On 2016-03-01 08:35:35 UTC - Size: 714 B - 658 views
[2016-03-01 12:30:58]
User20450 - Posts: 330
thanks but it jams up my sierra everytime i try to use it , i just get spinning wheel and have to close from task manager
[2016-03-01 12:38:42]
User20450 - Posts: 330
yea no matter what i put it on jams me up
image2016-03-01_07-38.jpg / V - Attached On 2016-03-01 12:38:18 UTC - Size: 19.63 KB - 880 views
Attachment Deleted.
[2016-03-01 19:53:01]
enemyspy - Posts: 306
I noticed in the pick you sent that it is the average true range. I stated above that It presently only works on studies that contain integers. Ie. whole numbers - Not decimals works well on things like volume, daily range ect.
Also Make sure that any study you add it to, has already been applied to the chart before you add it.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2016-03-01 19:54:51
[2016-03-01 19:55:49]
enemyspy - Posts: 306
I never saw it as something that a person would want to apply to averages will actually make one more version that works on all decmial/floating point related studies as well. Try it on volume and see if it works.
[2016-03-01 23:38:08]
enemyspy - Posts: 306
Try this Version.

-Does not crash sierra chart if you remove the study it is attached to, or if the study it is trying to reference does not exist.
-Compatible with all studies.
-Does not work properly with studies containing negative numbers ei. Bid vs Ask volume.
attachmentDaily Statistics.dll - Attached On 2016-03-01 23:32:47 UTC - Size: 264 KB - 581 views
imageCapture.PNG / V - Attached On 2016-03-01 23:34:27 UTC - Size: 17.06 KB - 953 views
[2016-03-01 23:38:09]
enemyspy - Posts: 306
Try this Version.

-Does not crash sierra chart if you remove the study it is attached to, or if the study it is trying to reference does not exist.
-Compatible with all studies.
-Does not work properly with studies containing negative numbers ei. Bid vs Ask volume.
[2016-03-02 00:42:27]
User20450 - Posts: 330
any plans to make it work with neg numbers , ? and plot actual data ?
[2016-03-02 01:26:13]
enemyspy - Posts: 306
Maybe. It depends on if I ever find a need to use it for myself. I prefer to drop this kind of stuff in to a database so I can access it with software more geared to to statistical analysis. Or not actually plot it and build alerts off of it. You can't really plot this kind of thing very effectively in a subgraph.

How would you even want that done?
[2016-03-02 01:30:54]
User20450 - Posts: 330
just similar to how RT investor uses it , u can get swing rotation , delta , bi/ask data , etc , very usefull stuff imho , but i understand where ur coming from too
[2016-03-02 01:39:49]
enemyspy - Posts: 306
I guess I can fix the negative numbers issue that prob will not take too long can't promise any kind of timeline on that though.

BUt what do you mean by have it plot actual data?

Like do you mean so that you can access the values from a subgraph or what?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2016-03-02 02:02:45
[2016-03-02 11:47:08]
Halco - Posts: 92
This is very interesting. Thanks for your work.
[2016-03-02 18:10:42]
User20450 - Posts: 330
correct , so if i do a swing study it will have the info in the profile , to show what the avg swing size is
[2016-03-02 19:08:28]
Yoda - Posts: 106
Thank you for creating this. I'm hopeful SC will consider adding this feature in the program now that they can see that there is a demand for it and that it can be done :)

My primary purpose for using the profile in the subgraphs was to get a quick and dirty look at the standard deviations of Volume and ADR (set to 1 which gives me the daily Range).

By the way, would you consider sharing the source code? I would love to see how you did this. If the answer is no, I completely understand.
[2016-03-02 21:40:34]
enemyspy - Posts: 306
yes I will post the source code but I simply ask that if you make improvements to it via yourself or a 3rd party that you return the improved source code to me so that I can also benefit and learn from it. Have a couple more bugs to get out of it, and I will post a 3rd version with source code.

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