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Date/Time: Fri, 27 Sep 2024 07:18:20 +0000

Studies Disappeared

View Count: 906

[2016-02-05 14:07:53]
sigmadict - Posts: 95
I don't know what happened but I had a lot of studies on a Saved Chartbook, and all of the sudden, my Study Collection (that I had not saved) was empty.
I tryed to reconnect without saving, but it did not help.

1- Any idea what could have happened ?
2- Any way to get my studies back (collection not saved) ?

[2016-02-05 14:10:06]
sigmadict - Posts: 95
Also I was on Volume Chart in my Chartbook, and when I open the Chartbook now it opens on 1 min Timechart.
I did not save the Chartbook, but it's now the settings.

[2016-02-05 15:34:05]
sigmadict - Posts: 95
I am on version 1358.

I did try to save a Study Collection and then use it with :
-Analysis Tab, Select the Study Collection

All the Studies Disappeared again.
So I load up the Chartbook again, because I did not save it, and the Studies came back.
Tryed to use : Analysis : Select a different Study Collection,

Disappeared again.

Tryed to save it again, on a fresh Start, saved the Study Collection,
Switched Analysis, and it worked.

I don't know if there is a bug with Analysis Tab.

I realised that, when you Save the Study Collection with the ' Save Single ' button (under Chart Studies), it does not save, and all the Studies are gone if you switch with Analysis tab.
But if you save with ' Save All ' button (under Chart Studies), it does save.

Hope it can help.

[2016-02-05 15:46:02]
sigmadict - Posts: 95
Updated to version 1366.
Even my orders did not get Filled on 1356.
I don't know what happened to that version this morning, but weird.
My orders get filled on 1366.

The Problem with Analysis tab with Version 1366 is still there.

[2016-02-05 18:46:53]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
In response to post #1, refer to:

We see no problem with saving a single study as a Study Collection. Refer to the documentation here:
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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