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Date/Time: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 08:52:45 +0000

Order Quantity 10000 show diferent value in profit on 2 diferent forex brokers...

View Count: 767

[2015-12-16 20:03:00]
User368248 - Posts: 46
Hello, based on image supplied with 2 forex brokers:
On broker1 I used in acsil code orderquantity = 10000 ( asuming 0.1 standart lots ), If I lost 2.4 pips then show me loss by -24000 usd.

On broker2 I used orderquantity = 10000 ( same as broker1 ), If I win 1.6 pips then show me 1.6 USD profit ( I think this its correct )

Why its showing diferent values with same lotsize/order quantity?

Thanks in advance
imageorder_qtn_error.PNG / V - Attached On 2015-12-16 20:02:10 UTC - Size: 59.8 KB - 275 views
[2015-12-16 20:19:12]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
This has to be approached differently.

If there is a particular Profit/Loss value which is not correct, then explain where it is, and tell us the symbol.

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