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Date/Time: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 07:20:57 +0000

NT Brokerage Continuum (CQG) data feed with Sierra Charts/Cumulative delta

View Count: 2431

[2015-12-02 13:41:53]
Diomedes - Posts: 27
Hello guys,

I looking into opening a Ninjatrader Brokerage account for futures (mainly CL) but want to trade using Sierra Charts. Sorry if its spamming but it is a piece of cake for you to answer and I have put in considerable hours to find out myself with out a clear cut answer I was looking for, and neither the NTB support person had an answer.

1. Does the NT Continuum (CQG) data feed provide accurate bid/ask volume for cumulative delta analysis or footprint chart?
2. Does the NT Continuum (CQG) data feed backfill data also provide accurate historical backfill of the bid/ask volume?
3. If I purchase max period of 18 months of Sierra Package 5 (for $442.58 with the monthly discount), does the long term user discount apply right away or only after the 1 year of subscription? Or what would be the best way to get the full 50% (or maximum possible) discount combination of the monthly discount and long term user discount right away?

Yes, I know the Sierra Chart Real Time feed you guys provide would solve my first 2 questions, I am trying to find out if the Continuum feed will do the same job as well.

Thanks a lot for your time and answer. Guys are great, really appreciate it.
[2015-12-02 13:49:02]
Diomedes - Posts: 27
Sorry it is primarily meant for Sierra Charts support not a general discussion.
[2015-12-02 18:02:43]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. No it does not. There has to be existing payments on the account. Would be best to purchase one year of usage time to start with. But we will see if we can apply the long term discount with an 18 month purchase if that is the first one. Not sure though how quickly we can get to this.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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