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Date/Time: Mon, 23 Dec 2024 19:13:16 +0000

DTC Server and Rithmic (NinjaBrokerage)

View Count: 1812

[2015-10-07 20:59:48]
User436004 - Posts: 7

I am starting development on writing a DTC client to connect to SC. I have downloaded the latest version, 1306, and can see the new DTC fields in the Sierra Chart Server Settings Window.

The problem is that I am currently using a Rithmic account via NinjaTrader Brokerage and version 1306 does not support this.

Is there a version of SC that has the latest DTC server features and supports a Rithmic account via NinjaTrader Brokerage?

[2015-10-07 22:30:52]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
If there is a DTC client connected to Sierra Chart, the connection will be allowed to ninja trader brokerage when using Rithmic. This will be out in the next release later today.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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