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Date/Time: Mon, 23 Dec 2024 17:04:24 +0000

Stock data missing

View Count: 797

[2015-10-05 17:01:55]
opmetal - Posts: 70
For some reason I can no longer get any historical stock data. I've always had delayed data but but today I get this error (strangely it's trying to get it from CQG, which doesn't have stock data):

HD Request # 77 | Downloading Historical Daily chart data for AAPL. Starting date: 2015-07-14. Service: cqg | 2015-10-05 09:55:24
CQG FIX Trading | Sending symbol resolution request for AAPL | 2015-10-05 09:55:25
HD Request # 77 | Error downloading historical Daily data for AAPL. Exact match not found for symbol AAPL | 2015-10-05 09:55:25
HD Request # 77 | Received 0 records from 00:00:00 to 00:00:00 (0.0 seconds) and wrote 0 records for AAPL | 2015-10-05 09:55:25
HD Request # 77 | Daily download COMPLETE for AAPL. Completion time: 1s. Unique request ID: 32 | 2015-10-05 09:55:25
Removed historical data download ID 32 | 2015-10-05 09:55:25

I'm on version 1304. What should I do to fix this? Thanks.
[2015-10-05 18:09:41]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
For historical stock data you need to use the Sierra Chart Historical Data Service:
Sierra Chart Historical Data Service

Just install another copy of Sierra Chart for this. Newer versions of Sierra Chart have historical data support from CQG, so this will no longer work. You need to use a different copy of Sierra Chart.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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