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Date/Time: Mon, 23 Dec 2024 16:53:31 +0000

Copy data to the new installation Correction to file properties (config)

View Count: 695

[2015-10-05 07:39:07]
User39370 - Posts: 2
Hello, I destroyed my laptop and put my data on an external drive, I need advice on how I can get the data into the newly installed sierrachart, especially as I show in the history of the log trade window?
Please advise when installing a new study, I accidentally changed the config file to the web browser Mozilla Firefox, now I reconfigure these files in sierrachart on Account and shortcuts to files with properties mozilla firefox. Can you please advise how to fix it all?
Thank radeon
[2015-10-05 08:11:36]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Refer to help topic 15 about this:

That should answer your questions about copying files from one installation to another and help you determine what files you want to copy if you do not want to copy all of them.

Please advise when installing a new study, I accidentally changed the config file to the web browser Mozilla Firefox, now I reconfigure these files in sierrachart on Account and shortcuts to files with properties mozilla firefox. Can you please advise how to fix it all?

This we do not understand. When you say "new study" are you referring to a Custom Studies DLL file?
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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