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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:28:18 +0000

SCDateTime vs SCDateTimeMS in Persistent Variables

View Count: 1341

[2015-09-25 04:05:42]
CustomIndicators - Posts: 126
Heya SC Engineers, I've got a quick question for ya. I record pivot point SCDateTimes for later reference, in Persistent Variables. As I now realize that I actually need to have millisecond data in there as well, I tried to see if I could use SCDateTimeMS as a persistent variable. It was giving me errors when I tried to do that.

If I pull the SCDateTimeMS, will it be possible for me to stuff that into the SCDateTime persistent variables, to make sure I'm getting the correct candle in later calculations? Is there a way to easily pull the candle's index from a SCDateTimeMS?

Hopefully I am describing my question well enough. I hope to hear from you soon!
[2015-09-25 04:45:34]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
If I pull the SCDateTimeMS, will it be possible for me to stuff that into the SCDateTime persistent variables,
Yes this will work. Just assign it to a SCDateTime when setting it into the persistent variable and assign it back to a SCDateTimeMS after getting it out of the persistent variable.

There are functions for getting a bar index from a Date-Time. They are documented here:
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[2015-09-25 14:59:23]
CustomIndicators - Posts: 126
Sounds great.

So, when it comes to getting the index, is the parameter located at peakTwoDT in my following code able to use SCDateTime and SCDateTimeMS interchangably, SCDateTimeMS giving me a more precise answer based on the MS?

sc.GetContainingIndexForSCDateTime(sc.ChartNumber, peakTwoDT)

[2015-09-27 09:12:22]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We have looked into this, and we see a minor problem with how the comparison is being done. It is being done using a standard double rather than one of the SCDateTime and SCDateTimeMS types. With the way it works now, there is a slight amount of imprecision.

This will be solved in the next release and it will always use SCDateTimeMS. So you can pass in either.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-09-27 09:21:40
[2015-09-27 16:44:23]
CustomIndicators - Posts: 126
Awesome, thank you! I'll be watching for that update. :)

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