Support Board
Date/Time: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 00:10:07 +0000
Please give us an option to hide the crosshair from inactive windows
View Count: 2461
[2015-08-28 07:48:07] |
User386687 - Posts: 53 |
For example if I am using Hand Tool with my 20 chart setup the app will show pointless crosshair in every window I have visited. Nice little "Hide CrossHair from inactive windows" option in "Global Settings/General Settings/General 2" tab would do the trick ;) |
[2015-08-28 11:21:49] |
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368 |
You need to uncheck the following: Tools >> Global Cursor On And: Global Settings >> Tool Settings >> Chart Values >> Always on When Using Other Tools Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2015-08-28 13:24:54] |
User386687 - Posts: 53 |
Damn that did the thing. Danks !
[2019-01-21 16:32:52] |
User977098 - Posts: 28 |
In the latest version (1859) I am unable to remove the crosshairs from chats that I don't have the pointer on. I followed the above instructions, but the problem remains. I have not had this problem persist before. |
[2019-12-11 13:20:00] |
BenjFlame - Posts: 335 |
I also have this annoying problem: I have unchecked: Global Settings >> Tool Settings >> Chart Values >> Always on When Using Other Tools But I have checked: Tools >> Symbol cursor Still, the cursor stay right in the middle of a chart when I move to another symbol chart. Is there a way to disable this annoying behavior? There is no reason for cursor to stay in the middle of a chart where the mouse is not over, in particular when this chart is not of the same symbol as the chart the mouse is currently on. |
[2019-12-11 13:48:34] |
User907968 - Posts: 825 |
You can use this option 'Hide Chart Values Tool when Pointer not Over Chart' see here - Chart Drawing Tools: Chart Values/Crosshair |
[2019-12-11 15:58:19] |
BenjFlame - Posts: 335 |
This works with last hovered chart, but not the chart from same symbol (symbol cursor is set to ON). So if I have 3 charts of MSFT and move to INTC, the cursor is correctly removed from latest hovered MSFT chart, but stays in the middle of the other 2. Couldn't find a way to prevent this unwanted behavior. |
[2019-12-11 17:05:11] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 37688 |
We have fixed the issue where the Crosshairs remained in other charts of the same symbol when the pointer is moved out of the window and the option for Symbol Cursor On is selected. This will be in the next Pre-Release (v 2025). When available, you can use the Fast Update option to upgrade to that version: Software Download: Fast Update For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
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