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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 22:41:04 +0000

Options-Trading: not working in demo-mode anymore?

View Count: 1636

[2015-08-26 08:37:29]
BrMa - Posts: 80
Dear ladies and gentlemen,

I was trading Options on the DAX in demo-mode over the last days and it is was working fine...
Starting with today, I see the prices but I cannot trade it anymore!?

When I press the buy button, it says "filled" but in the orders and positions window I do not see any position... the trade activity log confirms I traded:
ActivityType  DateTime  Symbol  OrderActionSource  InternalOrderID  ServiceOrderID  OrderType  Quantity  BuySell  Price  Price2  OrderStatus  FillPrice  FilledQuantity  TradeAccount  OpenClose  ParentInternalOrderID  PositionQuantity  FillExecutionServiceID
Fill  2015-08-26 10:19:18.003  [Sim]C.US.DCV1510150  Trade simulation fill. Bid: 370.900006 Ask: 378.700006 Last: 374.800006  23598  23598  Market  1  Buy      Filled  378.7  1  Sim4  Open    1  23598.2

If I try to flatten the position, the log says:
ActivityType  DateTime  Symbol  OrderActionSource  InternalOrderID  ServiceOrderID  OrderType  Quantity  BuySell  Price  Price2  OrderStatus  FillPrice  FilledQuantity  TradeAccount  OpenClose  ParentInternalOrderID  PositionQuantity  FillExecutionServiceID
Order  2015-08-26 10:19:29.000  [Sim]C.US.DCV1510150  Unable to Flatten or Reverse because a Position does not exist                Unspecified      Sim4        

Maybe an additional info might be helpful - when clicking in the quote board the message log says:
Currently no data in file to display. Will start historical data download and real-time updates. File: C:\Program Files (x86)\SierraChart\Data\C.US.DCV1510150.scid | 2015-08-26 10:20:18

And just to re-confirm: I do see the prices of the options and they are updating!
What do I need to do to re-establish the possibility to trade options? My datafeed is from CQG...
Thanks & regards, Markus
[2015-08-26 08:53:08]
BrMa - Posts: 80
UPDATE: the prices in the quoteboard also do not seem to update anymore... a re-connect to the data service reloads the prices as well... but they still do not update...
All the futures are constantly updating and drawing charts... so the issue seems to be concerned with the dealing of options...

The issue is reproducable with any option on any product I tried....

Regards, Markus
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-08-26 08:53:38
[2015-08-26 19:00:18]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
In the case of simulated trading, the only reason you would get this message is if there is not a Trade Position:
If I try to flatten the position, the log says:
ActivityType DateTime Symbol OrderActionSource InternalOrderID ServiceOrderID OrderType Quantity BuySell Price Price2 OrderStatus FillPrice FilledQuantity TradeAccount OpenClose ParentInternalOrderID PositionQuantity FillExecutionServiceID
Order 2015-08-26 10:19:29.000 [Sim]C.US.DCV1510150 Unable to Flatten or Reverse because a Position does not exist Unspecified Sim4

The tracking of Positions in Trade Simulation Mode is very reliable and straightforward. Therefore, make sure the Simulation Fills Source is set correctly for the chart:

Other than the chart itself, Trade Positions for simulated trading are only displayed on the Trade Stats for Charts tab:

UPDATE: the prices in the quoteboard also do not seem to update anymore... a re-connect to the data service reloads the prices as well... but they still do not update...

This will be a CQG issue. We recommend contacting your broker and having them put you in contact with CQG about this.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-08-26 19:01:57

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