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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 23:05:13 +0000

Bid Ask Volume Bar Setting

View Count: 1240

[2015-08-21 22:53:17]
User83814 - Posts: 26
Hello, I wanted to point out the help page for the Bid Ask Volume Bars is out of date.

On that page, you only refer to 3 categories: large/medium/light, while recent versions offer 4 categories: large/medium-large/light-medium/light. Kindly please update.

Additionally, the help page explains large/medium/light depends on proportion of bid(or ask) volume compared with total volume. Top third is classified as large volume, middle third goes to medium, and bottom third light volume.

With 4 categories, I can imagine 1/3 is replaced by 1/4. Is this correct? I actually prefer to use some other percentage settings. Is there an option to customize?

Thank you
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-08-22 02:26:51
[2015-08-24 03:01:51]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
The documentation has now been updated.

There is no way to customize the percentages. They are fixed. Refer to the updated documentation for the current percentages.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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