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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 16:00:49 +0000

Trading: Profit / Loss Text Study Font

View Count: 950

[2015-08-17 06:33:37]
Richard Novak - Posts: 24

I recently received a notification message that I should upgrade to the latest version of SierraChart. After performing the upgrade, the font for the Trading: Profit / Loss Text study had changed. Given the specified position of the text, a portion of the text box is now obstructed. Could you please tell me where I can change the font for this study. The font cannot be specified in the study input parameters and I've been unable to find where to change it.

Thank you
[2015-08-17 06:43:27]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
The size of the font can be changed with the Text Size Input with that study.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2015-08-17 06:49:37]
Richard Novak - Posts: 24
I understand that the study text size input can be used to set the text size. It appears to me that the text font has changed and also possibly the font size. I'd like to know how to set the font, not the font / text size.

Thank you
[2015-08-17 06:55:07]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
The Font can be controlled through Global Settings >> Tool Settings >>Global Chart Drawing Font.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2015-08-17 06:59:44]
Richard Novak - Posts: 24
I tried changing the font as you suggested but that doesn't change the font for the Trading: Profit / Loss Text study.
[2015-08-17 07:02:46]
Richard Novak - Posts: 24
I was incorrect. Changing the font in Global Settings >> Tool Settings >> Global Chart Drawing Font does change the font. It changes the font but not the font size, but this can be done in the study inputs.

Thank you
[2015-08-17 07:05:31]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
One other thing, when you change the font there, you need to select Chart >> Recalculate.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2015-08-17 07:23:14]
Richard Novak - Posts: 24
It seems that what has changed is the spacing between the lines of text in the profit / loss text box. Is is possible to adjust this spacing?
[2015-08-17 07:28:07]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
No. With how that text is drawn it is something that is controlled by the operating system and not Sierra Chart.

There have been no changes on our side which would have affected this. We are not even sure how that would even be changed to begin with.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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