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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 05:55:23 +0000

Highlight individual study on chart quickly? Change tick setting on right?

View Count: 740

[2015-07-12 20:03:06]
peaceland - Posts: 95
Hi two questions, tried to look these up, but do not see a way to do this...

Is it possible to click on the chart on a study and have it highlight somehow? I know we can change the setting to fatten a line etc., but is there a faster way? Because changing settings is very time consuming. Takes a while for new settings to "load".

Also, on the right price display for Forex, how do we change it from x.xxxxx to x.xxxx. I'd prefer not to see the smaller divisions. Thank you!
[2015-07-13 00:31:47]
peaceland - Posts: 95
Oh, also, how do I move the price to the bottom of the screen, near the timeline? ty!
[2015-07-13 10:53:07]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368

Refer to the documentation here:

What do you mean by:
Takes a while for new settings to "load".

2. Refer to this help topic:
Changing the Price/Value Display Format

3. Refer to:
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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