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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 20:28:36 +0000

Square of 9

View Count: 1036

[2015-06-09 22:48:18]
Crtfyd - Posts: 278
vs 1259
Square of 9 does not round to nearest tic on chart.

[2015-06-10 18:03:33]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
This study never supported rounding to the nearest tick.
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[2015-06-10 19:28:52]
Crtfyd - Posts: 278
I recall a previous version several years back did. Regardless, I just set the "Value Format" to 1/4. That helps with the arduous task of converting 2165.77 to 2165.75...therefore reading 2165 3/4. I jest of course, but sometimes in a quick moving/stop running market, a tic makes a difference. Harder to do quickly with other things going on when say a 2165.36 is ?? (.25 or .50 Maybe a future version will include this because most other studies already round to the tic. ;P

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