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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 23:22:57 +0000

[Locked] - Spreadsheet System for Trading Test Procedure

View Count: 3464

[2015-05-14 09:35:24]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
1. Download the attached files located at the end of this post. Save them to your Sierra Chart Data Files Folder. You can find the location of this folder through Global Settings >> General Settings >> Data Files Folder.

2. Select Trade >> Clear Trade Simulation Orders and Data.

3. Enable Trade >> Auto Trading Enabled and Trade >> Chart Trade Mode On.

4. Enable Trade >> Trade Simulation Mode On.

5. Select Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings.

6. Set the Service to "SC Forex Data". Press OK.

7. Select File >> Open Chartbook. And open the file SpreadsheetSystemForTradingTesting.cht .

8. Go to the EURUSD chart and scroll the chart back in time.

9. Enable Trade >> Attach Trade Window to Chart.

10. Select Chart >> Replay Chart.

11. Set the Speed to 60.

12. Press the Play button on the Replay window.

13. Select CW >> SpreadsheetTradeTest to go to the spreadsheet.

14. Make sure Sheet1 is selected using the list box at the top left of the Spreadsheet window.

Begin repeatable steps:

15. In cell J26 enter the value 10000. You need to left click on the cell 2 times to open the edit box.

16. Left click 2 times in cell K3. Enter a 1 and press OK.

17. An order will have been submitted and the Trade Position will be established. You can confirm this by looking at cell J5. It will contain a nonzero value.

18. Left click 2 times in cell L3. Enter a 1 and press OK.

19. An order will have been submitted and the Trade Position will become flat. You can confirm this by looking at cell J5. It will be 0.

20. Left click 2 times in cell M3. Enter a 1 and press OK.

21. An order will have been submitted and the Trade Position will be established. You can confirm this by looking at cell J5. It will contain a nonzero value.

22. Left click 2 times in cell N3. Enter a 1 and press OK.

23. An order will have been submitted and the Trade Position will become flat. You can confirm this by looking at cell J5. It will be 0.

24. Clear the 1 values from cells K3 through N3 by selecting them and pressing the Delete key on the keyboard.

End repeatable steps.

Repeat steps 15 through 24 for additional testing.

25. If there is any problem with submitting orders, the reason will be given in Trade >> Trade Service Log.

26. The generated order signals will also be listed in Window >> Show/Hide Alerts Manager >> Alerts Log.

Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-06-04 11:09:26
attachmentSpreadsheetSystemForTradingTesting.cht - Attached On 2015-05-14 09:22:27 UTC - Size: 29.25 KB - 543 views
attachmentSpreadsheetTradeTest.scss - Attached On 2015-05-14 09:22:37 UTC - Size: 35.36 KB - 591 views

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