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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 11:57:45 +0000

Charts layouts

View Count: 1862

[2015-04-17 12:53:11]
jannovak - Posts: 8

I would like to have different chart layouts for different situations and would like to switch between using menu/shortcuts. Something like Save/Restore windows layout. Do you plan anything similar like this? I could use some external "layout manager" for organizing windows but all of them have some hassles.

Thanks for answer.

[2015-04-18 00:26:30]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
What you are looking for is known as Chartbooks:

Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2015-04-18 08:22:48]
jannovak - Posts: 8

I am using chartbooks and they're not intended to what I am searching for. You cannot replay data across all chartbooks and even if I can share chart between chartbooks with "Windows always visible" I cannot set different position for this chart in different chartbooks. The only way is to duplicate charts in other chartbooks which adds some extra management and inability to replay across all chartbooks. I was talking about saving windows layout and restoring it within same chartbook (without duplicating same chart).

Anyway, based on your answer, you probably don't plan anything similar what I've described, right? It was only thing I wanted to know, I could achieve similar feature with external tools.

Thanks anyway.

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