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Date/Time: Mon, 23 Dec 2024 20:26:04 +0000

Saving Study Collections Issue

View Count: 943

[2015-03-26 18:55:03]
Trader Ra - Posts: 87
Hi. Is it possible to add a function that only saves user selected studies from the studies window as opposed to only being able to Save Single and Save All ?

Problem - As an example, if I have 20 studies on a chart and need to save 5 collections of 4 studies each, then the only way to do it is to create multiple chart duplicates, remove the irrelevant ones and then apply the Save All function to each - which is very cumbersome and time consuming. In addition if later I make changes and need to save again, we have to go over the whole saving process again.

Solution - If there was a way to just select multiple studies within the same window and have a function named Save Selected - give it a name and be done, that would be great!

Any likelihood of this being implemented? Thanks.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-03-26 18:56:50
[2015-03-27 15:56:02]
Trader Ra - Posts: 87
so this thread has been turned into a user discussion! anyone else see this as a software usability issue ? im not even sure why this function hasn't been built in or thought of from the beginning. With so many features, making the program easier to use should be important. Esp for a feature set such as study collections and being able to save our work quickly and efficiently.
[2015-03-27 18:51:53]
Sawtooth - Posts: 4141
I would like to see this functionality also, but it is marked User Discussion because of this:
Notice: Suggestions (Currently not accepting)
[2015-03-28 08:52:08]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We will see what we can do when we work on Study Collections.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2015-10-09 07:02:31]
Trader Ra - Posts: 87
So the last response was back in March. Any update on this one?

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