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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 05:37:17 +0000

Is there and order type SendAttachedOrdersByPosition for ASCIL

View Count: 968

[2015-03-04 22:22:26]
CMG - Posts: 179
I am using the cancel all working orders on exit = yes as I have both attached orders and spreadsheet for trading, sometimes the attached positions of open orders get erased. I was wondering if I can code a study just to send attached orders for open positions when the study does not find attached ones. It seems like all attached positions are parent of the buy/sell order. However you have the feature SendAttachedOrdersByPosition or Price.

Do you have that order type for ASCIL or can I send attached orders without a parent order?



[support women that code]
[2015-03-06 18:40:08]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
In ACSIL it is not possible to send the defined attached orders based on the current position like you can in the user interface.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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