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Support Board

Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 04:01:18 +0000

version 1237

View Count: 875

[2015-03-02 18:04:20]
User22396 - Posts: 191
1) when change chart time the chart defaults back to OHLC bars from candles
2) countdown timer study no longer will display time remaining without checking the "display value only" to 'no'
3) spreadsheet study outputs draw past the previous day/session by a slight amount when they used to truncate cleanly at the new session/day
[2015-03-03 07:00:01]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
1. This is fixed in the latest release.

2. We could not duplicate this. The Countdown Timer study worked fine for us. However, update to the latest release.

3. This is not clear for us. And this does not really make sense because the Spreadsheet Study output is not based upon Session Times and days. Inherently there is no control over this to begin with.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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