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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 05:47:40 +0000

CQG Bracket Orders probable malfunction

View Count: 1564

[2014-10-03 20:11:12]
User33803 - Posts: 40
I had an issue today with a Server-side Bracket Order (CQG).

I had an Stop Sell order placed (with its corresponding Limit and Stop child orders):

Symbol: F.US.CLEX14
Quantity: 2 Contracts.
Parent Order: Stop Sell at 89.74
Child 1: Limit at 89.34
Child 2: Stop at 90.03
The order had a "Move to Breakeven" with a Trigger price of 89.38 and a new price for the stop child, once the trigger is reached, of 89.73

The parent order was filled with a slippage of 1 tick (89.73) and it was filled partially first (1 contract) and, immediately after, the second contract.

I have "Adjust Attached Orders to Mantain Same Offset on Parent Fill" selected.

When this happened, before the "Server-side bracket order" was implemented for CQG, everything worked OK.

Now, with "Server-side bracket order" implemented, this is what has happened:

- Both child orders were divided into two different orders (1 contract each). I assume that this is due to the partial filling.

- The Attached Orders didn't Mantain Same Offset on Parent Fill. Sierra tried to modify the child orders but the modification was rejected (I suppose that this is because there are two new orders, for 1 contract each, that replace the old child 2 contracts order).

- The Trigger for moving to breakeven was reached but the modification was rejected again and the child stop orders stayed unmodified. At the same time, it seems that Sierra only tried to move to breakeven only one of the two stop orders (1 contract each).

I attach the sequence:

Order Entering (with child ones):

ActivityType  DateTime  Symbol  Quantity  FillPrice  PositionQuantity  BuySell  FilledQuantity  OrderStatus  Price  OrderType  InternalOrderID  ServiceOrderID  OrderActionSource  Price2  TradeAccount  OpenClose  ParentInternalOrderID  FillExecutionServiceID
Order  2014-10-03 16:30:01.003  F.US.CLEX14  2      Sell    Order Sent  89.74  Stop  79133    Auto-trade: F.US.CLEX14 15 Min #2|Bollinger GC CL ZB ES JY|SellEntry | Last: 89.989998    000000  Open    
Order  2014-10-03 16:30:01.004  F.US.CLEX14  2      Buy    Order Sent  89.34  Limit  79134    Auto-trade: F.US.CLEX14 15 Min #2|Bollinger GC CL ZB ES JY|SellEntry | Last: 89.989998. Attached Order    000000  Close  79133  
Order  2014-10-03 16:30:01.005  F.US.CLEX14  2      Buy    Order Sent  90.03  Stop  79135    Auto-trade: F.US.CLEX14 15 Min #2|Bollinger GC CL ZB ES JY|SellEntry | Last: 89.989998. Attached Order    000000  Close  79133  
Order  2014-10-03 16:30:01.025  F.US.CLEX14  2      Sell    Pending Open  89.74  Stop  79133  467402064  CQG order update (New)    000000  Open    
Order  2014-10-03 16:30:01.026  F.US.CLEX14  2      Buy    Open  89.34  Limit  79134  467402065  CQG order update (Suspended)    000000  Close  79133  
Order  2014-10-03 16:30:01.027  F.US.CLEX14  2      Buy    Open  90.03  Stop  79135  467402066  CQG order update (Suspended)    000000  Close  79133  
Order  2014-10-03 16:30:01.034  F.US.CLEX14  2      Sell    Open  89.74  Stop  79133  467402064  CQG order update (New). Exchange ID: 806800789595    000000  Open    

Parent Order Filling:

Fill  2014-10-03 16:37:49.000  F.US.CLEX14  1  89.73  -1  Sell  1  Open  89.74  Stop  79133  467402064  CQG order update (Partial Fill). Exchange ID: 806800789595    000000  Open    467402064
Order  2014-10-03 16:37:49.001  F.US.CLEX14  2    -1  Buy    Pending Modify  89.34  Limit  79134  467402065  Modifying Attached Order from parent modification/fill. Ref price: 89.73. New Price: 89.33    000000  Close  79133  
Order  2014-10-03 16:37:49.002  F.US.CLEX14  2    -1  Buy    Pending Modify  90.03  Stop  79135  467402066  Modifying Attached Order from parent modification/fill. Ref price: 89.73. New Price: 90.02    000000  Close  79133  
Order  2014-10-03 16:37:49.003  F.US.CLEX14  1    -1  Buy    Pending Open  89.34  Limit  79151  467402144  CQG order update (New)    000000      
Order  2014-10-03 16:37:49.004  F.US.CLEX14  1    -1  Buy    Open  89.34  Limit  79134  467402145  CQG order update (Suspended)    000000  Close  79133  
Order  2014-10-03 16:37:49.005  F.US.CLEX14  1    -1  Buy    Pending Open  90.03  Stop  79152  467402146  CQG order update (New)    000000      
Order  2014-10-03 16:37:49.006  F.US.CLEX14  1    -1  Buy    Open  90.03  Stop  79135  467402147  CQG order update (Suspended)    000000  Close  79133  
Order  2014-10-03 16:37:49.007  F.US.CLEX14  2  89.73  -1  Sell  2  Filled  89.74  Stop  79133  467402064  CQG order update (Fill). Exchange ID: 806800789595    000000  Open    
Fill  2014-10-03 16:37:49.008  F.US.CLEX14  1  89.73  -2  Sell  2  Filled  89.74  Stop  79133  467402064  CQG order update (Fill). Exchange ID: 806800789595    000000  Open    467402064
Order  2014-10-03 16:37:49.009  F.US.CLEX14  1    -2  Buy    Pending Open  89.34  Limit  79134  467402145  CQG order update (New)    000000  Close  79133  
Order  2014-10-03 16:37:49.010  F.US.CLEX14  1    -2  Buy    Pending Open  90.03  Stop  79135  467402147  CQG order update (New)    000000  Close  79133  
Order  2014-10-03 16:37:49.011  F.US.CLEX14  1    -2  Buy    Open  89.34  Limit  79151  467402144  CQG order update (New). Info: Order was placed for compound bundle 6751941 partial activation. Activation size = 1, original order XPON = 467402065. Exchange ID: 806801043722    000000      
Order  2014-10-03 16:37:49.012  F.US.CLEX14  1    -2  Buy    Open  90.03  Stop  79152  467402146  CQG order update (New). Info: Order was placed for compound bundle 6751941 partial activation. Activation size = 1, original order XPON = 467402066. Exchange ID: 806801043724    000000      
Order  2014-10-03 16:37:49.013  F.US.CLEX14  1    -2  Buy    Open  89.34  Limit  79134  467402145  CQG order update (New). Info: Order is a replace for compound partial activation. Activation size = 1, activated part's order XPON = 467402144. Exchange ID: 806801043841    000000  Close  79133  
Order  2014-10-03 16:37:49.014  F.US.CLEX14  1    -2  Buy    Open  90.03  Stop  79135  467402147  CQG order update (New). Info: Order is a replace for compound partial activation. Activation size = 1, activated part's order XPON = 467402146. Exchange ID: 806801043866    000000  Close  79133  

Move to Breakeven Failure:

Order  2014-10-03 17:29:29.000  F.US.CLEX14  1    -2  Buy    Pending Modify  90.03  Stop  79135  467402147  Auto trail order modification (Move to breakeven). Trigger price: 89.369998    000000  Close  79133  
Order  2014-10-03 17:29:29.005  F.US.CLEX14  1    -2  Buy    Open  90.03  Stop  79135  467402147  Order Modification Reject. Text: Cannot process order (error code 60). Please contact CQG if the problem persists.. Order Modification failed    000000  Close  79133  

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-10-03 20:18:23
[2014-10-03 20:12:30]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We will be looking into this.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2014-10-04 07:54:34]
User33803 - Posts: 40
I wanted to add that I had to move the 2 stop orders manually to breakeven (from 90.03 to 89.72) but the system only allowed me to do so with the first order.
When I tried to manually move the second stop order to breakeven the system didn't do it leaving the order unchanged.
I had to close Sierra Chart and run it again and then the system allowed the second order to be changed.

I also attach the sequence (I have replaced the Trade Account by 000000 as in the previous post):

I manually "move to breakeven" the first order (successfully):

Order  2014-10-03 17:30:57.000  F.US.CLEX14  1    -2  Buy    Pending Modify  90.03  Stop  79152  467402146  F.US.CLEX14 15 Min #2 | User order modification    000000      
Order  2014-10-03 17:30:57.001  F.US.CLEX14  1    -2  Buy    Open  89.72  Stop  79152  467060222  CQG order update (Replace). Exchange ID: 806801043724    000000      

I try to "move to breakeven" the second order several times (unsuccessfully):

Order  2014-10-03 17:31:06.000  F.US.CLEX14  1    -2  Buy    Pending Modify  90.03  Stop  79135  467402147  F.US.CLEX14 15 Min #2 | User order modification    000000  Close  79133  
Order  2014-10-03 17:31:06.001  F.US.CLEX14  1    -2  Buy    Open  90.03  Stop  79135  467402147  Order Modification Reject. Text: Cannot process order (error code 60). Please contact CQG if the problem persists.. Order Modification failed    000000  Close  79133  
Order  2014-10-03 17:31:59.000  F.US.CLEX14  1    -2  Buy    Pending Modify  90.03  Stop  79135  467402147  F.US.CLEX14 15 Min #2 | User order modification    000000  Close  79133  
Order  2014-10-03 17:31:59.001  F.US.CLEX14  1    -2  Buy    Open  90.03  Stop  79135  467402147  Order Modification Reject. Text: Cannot process order (error code 60). Please contact CQG if the problem persists.. Order Modification failed    000000  Close  79133  
Order  2014-10-03 17:32:11.000  F.US.CLEX14  1    -2  Buy    Pending Modify  90.03  Stop  79135  467402147  F.US.CLEX14 15 Min #2 | User order modification    000000  Close  79133  
Order  2014-10-03 17:32:11.001  F.US.CLEX14  1    -2  Buy    Open  90.03  Stop  79135  467402147  Order Modification Reject. Text: Cannot process order (error code 60). Please contact CQG if the problem persists.. Order Modification failed    000000  Close  79133  
Order  2014-10-03 17:32:35.000  F.US.CLEX14  1    -2  Buy    Pending Modify  90.03  Stop  79135  467402147  F.US.CLEX14 15 Min #2 | User order modification    000000  Close  79133  
Order  2014-10-03 17:32:35.001  F.US.CLEX14  1    -2  Buy    Open  90.03  Stop  79135  467402147  Order Modification Reject. Text: Cannot process order (error code 60). Please contact CQG if the problem persists.. Order Modification failed    000000  Close  79133  

I close Sierra Chart and run it again and I "move to breakeven" the second order (successfully):

Order  2014-10-03 17:33:36.000              Unspecified          Connected to server    None      
Order  2014-10-03 17:33:51.000  F.US.CLEX14  1    -2  Buy    Pending Modify  90.03  Stop  79135  467402147  F.US.CLEX14 15 Min #2 | User order modification    000000  Close  79133  
Order  2014-10-03 17:33:51.001  F.US.CLEX14  1    -2  Buy    Open  89.72  Stop  79135  467343723  CQG order update (Replace). Exchange ID: 806801043866    000000  Close  79133  

[2015-03-18 20:18:45]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Hopefully you have not experienced the problems again. CQG server-side bracket orders have been disabled for some time now.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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