Sierra Chart Trial Account
This page documents information about Sierra Chart Trial Accounts.
For an explanation of what is included in a Sierra Chart trial, refer to What is Included in the Free Trial?.
It is no longer possible to activate a trial. When you create a Sierra Chart account, you will be given 21 days of free usage time with limitations on the amount of chart data that can be loaded and the symbols that can be used.
You will be able to load 186 days of Historical Daily data and 10 days of Intraday data. You can use the following symbols or symbols that follow these patterns:
- YM?##
- YM?##-CBOT
- MES?##
- MES?##-CME
If you use a symbol that is not on the list, the chart will remain blank and you will not receive any historical, delayed, or real-time data or quotes for that symbol.
There is an important note about data from exchanges which charge a fee for real-time data. You will instead receive delayed data which is 10 to 15 minutes delayed. When the market is open, you may notice a delay of 10 to 15 minutes before updating begins. This is normal. Normally you will not experience this subsequently. It is something to be aware of.
If you pay for usage time, this will give you no limit to the amount of data that can be loaded and no limits with what symbols can be used.
When you create a new Sierra Chart account you are given a full 21 days of trial time.
You will be able to load 186 days of Historical Daily data and 10 days of Intraday data. You can use the following symbols or symbols that follow these patterns:
- YM?##
- YM?##-CBOT
- MES?##
- MES?##-CME
To use any of these symbols within Sierra Chart, select File >> Find Symbol >> _Free_Trial_Symbols. Refer to the image below. You can then open a Historical and/or Intraday chart for the symbol. For complete details, refer to Getting Started.
To see the list of symbols you see below, you need to be running Sierra Chart version 2660 or higher. Update with Help >> Download Current Version from within Sierra Chart.
What is included in that free trial is documented on the What is Included in the Free Trial page.
The full functionality of Sierra Chart is limited during the trial, in particular connections to Trading and Data services is not allowed during a trial. For more information, refer to What is Included in the Free Trial.
We do recognize, that users may not have been able to use the free trial time for various circumstances, and we are accommodative of that condition, and we will give you a new trial under those conditions when we are made aware of them.
To gain full functionality of Sierra Chart, you will need to pay for usage time through the Activate Services page. You will need to log in with your Sierra Chart Account Name or Password. You can also alternatively select Help >> Add Usage Credit on the Sierra Chart program menu.
When you purchase usage time, that usage time will be added onto the free usage time that each new account gets. So the 21 days of trial time that you have received, will also be used towards paid usage time.
*Last modified Tuesday, 23rd July, 2024.