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Is Historical and Real-time Data Included?

Is Historical and Real-time Data Included?

Sierra Chart offers the following real-time data at no cost with any package:

  • Crypto Currencies (Binance, Bitfinex, Bitmex, Deribit)
  • CFD - FXCM
  • Forex
  • FX Indices
  • Market Statistics

Sierra Chart has Delayed Streaming Data at no cost with any package for the following exchanges. The delay vares from 10 minutes to 15 minutes depending on the exchange:

  • The CME Group (CME, CBOT, COMEX, NYMEX) - includes market depth data
  • EUREX - includes market depth data
  • CBOE Futures Exchange (CFE)
  • NASDAQ TotalView
  • U.S. Equities Consolidated Tape (NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ, etc.)

While on a trial, a limited set of data is available, either as real-time or delayed streaming data depending on the actual exchange the data comes from. For specifics, refer to the Trial Account documentation page.

Real-Time data for the following exchanges is available from our Denali Exchange Data Feed with a paid exchange fee (this is a separate fee from the package cost). This data is only available when using one of the Integrated Service Packages:

  • CBOE Futures Exchange (CFE)
  • CBOE Indices
  • NASDAQ TotalView
  • U.S. Equities Consolidated Tape (NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ, etc.)

All Sierra Chart Service Packages and the trial include historical data for the above listed exchanges regardless of whether the data is real-time or delayed. This data can be used for demonstration purposes to get to know the software. You can Replay this historical data and perform Simulated Trading with it.

Real-time data can also be accessed through external data services. Not all data is available from all sources. In particular, Sierra Chart does not have data connectivity with CQG for The CME Group and EUREX.

How Much Does Data Cost?

Real-time data is an additional cost to the cost of a Sierra Chart Service Package and can be provided either by our Denali Exchange Data Feed or an external Data or Trading service.

Cost for Real-Time Futures Data When Using External Trading Service

An external trading service refers to a Trading service supported by Sierra Chart where you have a live funded trading account with which Sierra Chart can connect to access the real-time futures data it provides.

The following are the costs in this case:

  • The Sierra Chart Service Package. Refer to Sierra Chart Packages.
  • Monthly connection fee charged by the Trading service. Contact your Trading services provider to find out what this fee is.
  • Exchange Fees. You need to contact the Trading service you are using for the specific cost of these exchange fees.

This generally is going to be the lowest-cost option for real-time futures data.

Cost for Real-Time Futures Data When Using the Denali Exchange Data Feed *with* a Futures Trading Account

The following are the costs in this case:

  • The Sierra Chart Service Package. Refer to Sierra Chart Packages.
  • Exchange fees. Refer to Supported Exchanges. In this case, having a futures Trading account, means the lower-priced non-professional CME Group exchange fees are available.

Cost for Real-Time Futures Data When Using the Denali Exchange Data Feed *without* a Futures Trading Account

The following are the costs in this case:

  • The Sierra Chart Service Package. Refer to Sierra Chart Packages.
  • Exchange fees. Refer to Supported Exchanges. Without a funded futures Trading account it is required that the professional CME Group exchanges be used.

Alternative to Real-Time Futures Data

Sierra Chart offers our Delayed Exchange Data Feed that can be used with both our built-in Simulation Mode and our Simulated Futures Trading Service.

This data is the same exact data as the real-time data only it is delayed by 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the exchange. Sierra Chart interacts with this data in the same way as real-time data.

Difference Between Nonprofessional and Professional Designations by Exchanges

The exchanges designate users of market data from the exchange as either Professional or Nonprofessional. There are different exchange fees depending upon whether you are a professional or nonprofessional using the same data.

Whether you are a professional or nonprofessional or paying a professional exchange fee versus a nonprofessional exchange fee, the market data you receive is always the same. There is no difference in market data for professionals versus nonprofessionals, only the cost is different.

The "Professional" exchanges are for professional traders, or those that are listed as brokers according to FINRA or the NFA. If you do not know what this means, then you, most likely, are not a professional trader.

The "Non-Professional" exchange fees are for everyone that is not a Professional. The CME Group, however, has a requirement that you have a live, funded, futures trading account in order to qualify as a Non-Professional. You need to be able to connect your Sierra Chart software to that account at least once a month for continued verification of the non-professional status. Refer to Understanding and Accessing Data From the CME, CBOT, NYMEX, COMEX Exchanges for more on this.

*Last modified Thursday, 20th March, 2025.