Home >> (Table of Contents) Advanced Custom Study/System Interface and Language (ACSIL) >> ACSIL Interface Members - Introduction >> ACSIL Interface Members - Variables and Arrays
ACSIL Interface Members - Variables and Arrays
Related Documentation
- ACSIL Interface Members - Introduction
- ACSIL Interface Members - Variables and Arrays
- ACSIL Interface Members - sc.Input Array
- ACSIL Interface Members - sc.Subgraph Array
- ACSIL Interface Members - Functions
- ACSIL Interface Members - Graphics Functions.
On This Page
- sc.ACSVersion
- sc.ActiveToolIndex
- sc.ActiveToolYPosition
- sc.ActiveToolYValue
- sc.AlertConditionEnabled
- sc.AlertConditionFlags
- sc.AlertOnlyOncePerBar
- sc.AllocateAndNameRenkoChartBarArrays
- sc.ArraySize
- sc.Ask
- sc.AskSize
- sc.AutoLoop
- sc.AutoScalePaddingPercentage
- sc.BaseDataEndDateTime[]
- sc.BaseDataIn[][] / sc.BaseData[][]
- sc.BaseDateTimeIn[]
- sc.BasedOnGraphValueFormat
- sc.BaseGraphAutoScalePaddingPercentage
- sc.BaseGraphConstantRangeScaleMode
- sc.BaseGraphGraphDrawType
- sc.BaseGraphHorizontalGridLineIncrement
- sc.BaseGraphScaleConstRange
- sc.BaseGraphScaleIncrement
- sc.BaseGraphScaleValueOffset
- sc.BaseGraphScaleRangeBottom
- sc.BaseGraphScaleRangeTop
- sc.BaseGraphScaleRangeType
- sc.BaseGraphValueFormat
- sc.Bid
- sc.BidSize
- sc.BlockChartDrawingSelection
- sc.CalculationPrecedence
- sc.CancelAllOrdersOnEntries
- sc.CancelAllOrdersOnReversals
- sc.CharacterEventCode
- sc.ChartBackgroundColor
- sc.ChartBarSpacing
- sc.ChartbookName
- sc.ChartDataEndDate
- sc.ChartDataStartDate
- sc.ChartDataType
- sc.ChartNumber
- sc.ChartRegion1BottomCoordinate
- sc.ChartRegion1LeftCoordinate
- sc.ChartRegion1RightCoordinate
- sc.ChartRegion1TopCoordinate
- sc.ChartTextFont
- sc.ChartTradeModeEnabled
- sc.ChartTradingOrderPrice
- sc.ChartWindowHandle
- sc.ChartWindowIsActive
- sc.ConnectToExternalServiceServer
- sc.ConstantRangeScaleModeTicksFromCenterOrEdge
- sc.ContinuousFuturesContractLoading
- sc.ContinuousFuturesContractOption
- sc.ContractRolloverDate
- sc.CurrencyValuePerTick
- sc.CurrentSystemDateTime
- sc.CurrentDateTimeForReplay
- sc.CurrentSystemDateTimeMS
- sc.CurrentlySelectedDrawingTool
- sc.CurrentlySelectedDrawingToolState
- sc.CustomAffiliateCode
- sc.CustomChartTitleBarName
- sc.DailyHigh
- sc.DailyLow
- sc.DailyStatsResetTime
- sc.DailyVolume
- sc.DataFeedActivityCounter
- sc.DataFile (This can be used to change the symbol of the chart)
- sc.DataFilesFolder
- sc.DataStartIndex
- sc.DateTimeOfLastFileRecord
- sc.DateTimeOut[]
- sc.DaysToLoadInChart
- sc.DeltaVolumePerBar
- sc.DisconnectFromExternalServiceServer
- sc.DisplayAsMainPriceGraph
- sc.DisplayStudyInputValues
- sc.DisplayStudyName
- sc.DLLNameUserServiceLevel
- sc.DocumentationImageURL
- sc.DoNotRedrawChartAfterStudyReturns
- sc.DownloadingHistoricalData
- sc.DrawACSDrawingsAboveOtherDrawings
- sc.DrawBaseGraphOverStudies
- sc.DrawStudyUnderneathMainPriceGraph
- sc.EarliestUpdateSubgraphDataArrayIndex
- sc.EndTime1
- sc.EndTime2
- sc.FileRecordIndexOfLastDataRecordInChart()
- sc.FilterChartVolumeGreaterThanEqualTo
- sc.FilterChartVolumeLessThanEqualTo
- sc.FilterChartVolumeTradeCompletely
- sc.FlagFullRecalculate
- sc.FlagToReloadChartData
- sc.FreeDLL
- sc.GlobalDisplayStudySubgraphsNameAndValue
- sc.GlobalTradeSimulationIsOn
- sc.GraphDrawType
- sc.GraphName
- sc.GraphRegion
- sc.GraphShortName
- sc.GraphUsesChartColors
- sc.HideDLLAndFunctionNames
- sc.HideStudy
- sc.HistoricalHighPullbackVolumeAtPriceForBars
- sc.HistoricalLowPullbackVolumeAtPriceForBars
- sc.HistoricalPriceMultiplier
- sc.HTTPBinaryResponse
- sc.HTTPRequestID
- sc.IncludeInSpreadsheet
- sc.IncludeInStudySummary
- sc.CurrentIndex / sc.Index (Automatic Looping)
- sc.IndexOfFirstVisibleBar
- sc.IndexOfLastVisibleBar
- sc.IntradayDataStorageTimeUnit
- sc.IntradayChartRecordingState
- sc.IsAutoTradingEnabled
- sc.IsAutoTradingOptionEnabledForChart
- sc.IsChartbookBeingSaved
- sc.IsChartTradeModeOn
- sc.IsCustomChart
- sc.IsFullRecalculation
- sc.IsKeyPressed_Alt
- sc.IsKeyPressed_Control
- sc.IsKeyPressed_Shift
- sc.IsUserAllowedForSCDLLName
- sc.KeyboardKeyEventCode
- sc.LastCallToFunction
- sc.LastFullCalculationTimeInMicroseconds
- sc.LastSize
- sc.LastTradePrice
- sc.LatestDateTimeForLastBar
- sc.LoadChartDataByDateRange
- sc.MaintainAdditionalChartDataArrays
- sc.MaintainHistoricalMarketDepthData
- sc.MaintainReferenceToOtherChartsForPersistentVariables
- sc.MaintainTradeStatisticsAndTradesData
- sc.MaintainVolumeAtPriceData
- sc.NewBarAtSessionStart
- sc.NumberOfArrays
- sc.NumberOfForwardColumns
- sc.NumberOfTradesPerBar
- sc.NumFillSpaceBars
- sc.OutArraySize
- sc.p_VolumeLevelAtPriceForBars
- sc.PersistVars
- sc.PlaceACSChartShortcutMenuItemsAtTopOfMenu
- sc.PointAndFigureBoxSizeInTicks
- sc.PointAndFigureReversalSizeNumBoxes
- sc.PointAndFigureXOGraphDrawTypeBoxSize
- sc.PointerHorzWindowCoord
- sc.PointerVertWindowCoord
- sc.PreserveFillSpace
- sc.PreviousClose
- sc.PriceChangesPerBar
- sc.ProcessIdentifier
- sc.ProtectStudy
- sc.PullbackVolumeAtPrice
- sc.RangeBarType
- sc.RangeBarValue
- sc.RealTimePriceMultiplier
- sc.ReceiveCharacterEvents
- sc.ReceiveKeyboardKeyEvents
- sc.ReceivePointerEvents
- sc.ReconnectToExternalServiceServer
- sc.RenkoNewBarWhenExceeded
- sc.RenkoReversalOpenOffsetInTicks
- sc.RenkoTicksPerBar
- sc.RenkoTrendOpenOffsetInTicks
- sc.ReplayStatus
- sc.ResetAlertOnNewBar
- sc.ResetAllScales
- sc.ReversalTicksPerBar
- sc.RightValuesScaleLeftCoordinate
- sc.RightValuesScaleRightCoordinate
- sc.RoundTurnCommission
- sc.SaveChartImageToFile
- sc.ScaleBorderColor
- sc.ScaleConstRange
- sc.ScaleIncrement
- sc.ScaleRangeBottom
- sc.ScaleRangeTop
- sc.ScaleRangeType
- sc.ScaleType
- sc.ScaleValueOffset
- sc.SCDataFeedSymbol
- sc.ScrollToDateTime
- sc.SecondsPerBar
- sc.SelectedAlertSound
- sc.SelectedTradeAccount
- sc.ServerConnectionState
- sc.ServiceCodeForSelectedDataTradingService
- sc.SetDefaults
- sc.StandardChartHeader
- sc.StartTime1
- sc.StartTime2
- sc.StartTimeOfDay
- sc.StorageBlock
- sc.StudyDescription
- sc.StudyGraphInstanceID
- sc.StudyRegionBottomCoordinate
- sc.StudyRegionLeftCoordinate
- sc.StudyRegionRightCoordinate
- sc.StudyRegionTopCoordinate
- sc.StudyVersion
- SupportAttachedOrdersForTrading
- sc.SupportKeyboardModifierStates
- sc.SupportTradingScaleIn
- sc.SupportTradingScaleOut
- sc.Symbol
- sc.SymbolData
- sc.TextInput
- sc.TextInputName
- sc.TickSize
- sc.TimeScaleAdjustment
- sc.TradeAndCurrentQuoteSymbol
- sc.TradeServiceAccountBalance
- sc.TradeServiceAvailableFundsForNewPositions
- sc.TradeWindowConfigFileName
- sc.TradeWindowOrderQuantity
- sc.TradingIsLocked
- sc.TransparencyLevel
- sc.UpdateAlways
- sc.UpdateStartIndex (Manual Looping)
- sc.UseGlobalChartColors
- sc.UseGUIAttachedOrderSetting
- sc.UseHighResolutionWindowRelativeCoordinatesForChartDrawings
- sc.UserName
- sc.UseSecondStartEndTimes
- sc.UsesMarketDepthData
- sc.ValueFormat
- sc.ValueIncrementPerBar
- sc.VersionNumber
- sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars
- sc.VolumeAtPriceForStudy
- sc.VolumeAtPriceMultiplier
- sc.VolumePerBar
- sc.VolumeValueFormat
Variables and Arrays
Type: Read-only integer variable.
The sc.ACSVersion variable is set to the version number in the SierraChart.h header file that the custom study was compiled with. This version number corresponds to a particular Sierra Chart version number.
For the study to function in Sierra Chart it requires a Sierra Chart version equal to this version or higher.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.ActiveToolIndex is the array index corresponding to the second index used with the arrays sc.BaseData[][] and sc.Subgraph[][], that the current Drawing Tool is pointing to on the chart that the study function is applied to.
This variable will not be updated when the Pointer tool is selected or when the Chart Values tool is selected, and not active.
This variable is always guaranteed to be up-to-date when sc.ReceivePointerEvents is set to a value which causes pointer events to be received by the study function, and the Pointer, Chart Values or Hand tool is selected, whether they are active or not.
When you use this variable it may be a good idea to set sc.UpdateAlways to 1, so that your study function is continuously called so it can be aware of the new tool position more often.
Alternatively you may want to use the Advanced Custom Study Interaction With Menus, Control Bars, Pointer Events functionality.
sc.ActiveToolIndex can also be at an index value which is in the fill space on the right side of the chart after the last bar.
This index can be converted into a pixel coordinate with the sc.BarIndexToXPixelCoordinate function.
// Get the Open value of the bar that the tool is over float OpenValueAtTool = sc.BaseData[SC_OPEN][sc.ActiveToolIndex]; //Get the Date-Time of the bar that the current tool is over. SCDateTime BarDateTime = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.ActiveToolIndex];
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.ActiveToolYPosition is the Y-axis coordinate in pixels of the current drawing tool's position over the chart your study function is applied to. This variable will not be updated when the Pointer tool is selected or when the Chart Values tool is selected, however not active.
When you use this variable it may be a good idea to set sc.UpdateAlways to 1, so that your study function is continuously called so it can be aware of the new tool position more often.
Type: Read-only float variable.
The sc.ActiveToolYValue variable is the Y-axis value in the chart region that the mouse pointer is at when using one of the chart tools including the Chart Values tool. This is not the pixel position. It is the actual chart region value derived from the displayed graphs.
float Value = sc.ActiveToolYValue;
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
A value of 0 is used to disable the Alert Condition Formula for the study. A value of 1 is used to enable the Alert Condition Formula for the study.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.AlertConditionFlags will be a nonzero value when the Simple Alert Condition Formula on the the study is TRUE
int AlertState = sc.AlertConditionFlags;
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
sc.AlertOnlyOncePerBar can be set to 1 or 0 (TRUE/FALSE) to cause an Alert to be given only once per bar in the chart. This variable works with the sc.SetAlert() function.
The sc.AlertOnlyOncePerBar variable can also be changed through the Alert Options on the Study Settings window.
Type: Integer variable.
The sc.AllocateAndNameRenkoChartBarArrays variable only applies when sc.UsesCustomChartBarFunction is set to 1 and the study is creating custom chart bars.
When sc.AllocateAndNameRenkoChartBarArrays is set to 1, then the sc.BaseData[SC_RENKO_OPEN][] and the sc.BaseData[SC_RENKO_CLOSE][] arrays have array elements added to them to match the standard arrays like sc.BaseData[SC_OPEN][], so that the elements of them which correspond with chart bars can then be set.
These arrays will also be named "Renko Open" and "Renko Close" respectively.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.ArraySize is set to the number of array elements (equivalent to chart bars), that are in the arrays of the chart the study instance is applied to.
sc.ArraySize applies to the sc.BaseDateTimeIn[], sc.BaseDataIn[][], and sc.Subgraph[][] arrays.
If you set sc.IsCustomChart to 1 (TRUE), sc.ArraySize does not apply to the sc.Subgraph[][] arrays. Refer to sc.OutArraySize, for more information.
Setting sc.IsCustomChart is uncommon, so in most cases this is not applicable.
// Copy all the Close elements from the BaseDataIn array // to the Data array of the first Subgraph. // This example assumes that sc.AutoLoop = 0 (manual looping). for (int BarIndex = sc.UpdateStartIndex; BarIndex < sc.ArraySize; ++BarIndex) { // SC_LAST is for the Close values in OHLC bars sc.Subgraph[0].Data[BarIndex] = sc.BaseDataIn[SC_LAST][BarIndex]; }
Type: Read-only float variable.
sc.Ask is the current Ask price value for the symbol if Bid and Ask data is available for the symbol.
If the chart is not replaying, then this will only be set and up-to-date when Sierra Chart is connected to the data feed.
During a replay, this value is set. For additional information, refer to Trade Simulation Accuracy and Bid/Ask Prices During Replays.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.AskSize is the current Ask size/quantity value for the symbol if Bid and Ask data is available for the symbol.
If the chart is not replaying, then this will only be set and up-to-date when Sierra Chart is connected to the data feed, and the market is open.
During a replay, this value will be set to 1.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
Initial value: 0 (FALSE)
When sc.AutoLoop is set to 1 (TRUE), then sc.BaseData and sc.Subgraph[].Data[] array element looping is automatically performed.
Otherwise, array element looping is manual and you will need to create your own internal loop to iterate through these arrays.
It is preferred that you set sc.AutoLoop to 1 (TRUE) unless you do not require it. For a complete discussion on this, refer to Automatic Looping/Iterating.
sc.AutoLoop must only be set within the sc.SetDefaults code block at the top of the study function.
if (sc.SetDefaults) { sc.AutoLoop = 1; // Enable auto-looping }
Type: Read/Write float variable.
Initial value: .02
sc.AutoScalePaddingPercentage is a percentage value within the range of -1 to 1 where positive values mean more vertical scale padding, and negative values mean inverse vertical scale padding.
A value of 0.4 means that padding takes up 40% of the chart, and the graph uses the rest of the 60%.
This is the value that gets changed when you use the Interactive Scale Range feature when you left click and drag the scale on the right side of the chart.
sc.AutoScalePaddingPercentage = 0.5f;
Type: Read-only SCDateTime Array.
The sc.BaseDataEndDateTime[] array contains the actual ending date time of a chart bar at the specified array index. The values in this array are only going to be most accurate when the Intraday Data Storage Time Unit is set to 1 Tick or 1 Second.
For information about array indexing and array sizes, refer to Array Indexing and Sizes.
For this array to be maintained and filled in, it is necessary to set sc.MaintainAdditionalChartDataArrays to 1 in the sc.SetDefaults code block.
The Date-Time at each element for a chart bar in this array, contains the last trade Date-Time within that chart bar. It is not necessarily at the last second or millisecond for the chart bar since trading does not necessarily end exactly at that time for a chart bar.
// Get the End DateTime at the current index. SCDateTime BarEndDateTime = sc.BaseDataEndDateTime[sc.Index];
sc.BaseDataIn[][] / sc.BaseData[][]
Type: Read-only array of float arrays.
sc.BaseDataIn[][] / sc.BaseData[][] is an array of float arrays that contain the data for the main graph in the chart.
The first use of square brackets on this object will get the specified array of the main graph on the chart. For example: sc.BaseDataIn[SC_OPEN] will get the array of opening prices for each bar on the chart. The second use of square brackets will get an element inside the array that you received with the first set of square brackets.
For example: sc.BaseDataIn[SC_OPEN][sc.Index] will get the opening price for the bar at the array index your study function should do processing at when using Auto-Looping (the standard method of looping). The main graph is not necessarily the underlying data in the chart. For example, if you are using the Point and Figure study, then sc.BaseData[][] will contain the Point and Figure bar data.
For complete information about indexing and array sizes for the sc.BaseData[][] arrays, refer to the Array Indexing and Sizes section.
sc.BaseData[] and sc.BaseDataIn[] are both the same. They just have different names referring to the same array of arrays.
sc.BaseData[] / sc.BaseDataIn[] is meant to be read only, but there is no compiler enforcement of that implemented to avoid potential issues with defining these arrays as constant. A custom study can modify both of these arrays. But it should never do so.
The following lists all of the supported sc.BaseData[] / sc.BaseDataIn[] arrays and the corresponding constants that can be used. The descriptions for each are provided. These arrays provide access to the main price graph. The direct referencing arrays are also given, such as sc.Open[].
- sc.BaseData[SC_OPEN] or sc.Open[]: The array of opening prices for each bar.
- sc.BaseData[SC_HIGH] or sc.High[]: The array of high prices for each bar.
- sc.BaseData[SC_LOW] or sc.Low[]: The array of low prices for each bar.
- sc.BaseData[SC_LAST] or sc.Close[]: The array of closing/last prices for each bar.
- sc.BaseData[SC_VOLUME] or sc.Volume[]: The array of trade volumes for each bar.
- sc.BaseData[SC_NUM_TRADES] or sc.NumberOfTrades[]: The array of the number of trades for each bar for Intraday charts.
- sc.BaseData[SC_OPEN_INTEREST] or sc.OpenInterest[]: The array of the open interest data for each bar for Historical Daily or higher timeframe charts. This is not valid for Intraday charts. It will return the number of trades for each bar for Intraday charts.
- sc.BaseData[SC_OHLC]or sc.OHLCAvg[]: The array of the average prices of the open, high, low, and close prices for each bar.
- sc.BaseData[SC_HLC] or sc.HLCAvg[]: The array of the average prices of the high, low, and close prices for each bar.
- sc.BaseData[SC_HL] or sc.HLAvg[]: The array of the average prices of the high and low prices for each bar.
- sc.BaseData[SC_BIDVOL] or sc.BidVolume[]: The array of Bid Volumes for each bar. This represents the volumes of the trades that occurred at the Bid price or lower. A trade that occurs between the Bid or Ask and is considered a downtick, will have the volume of that trade added to Bid Volume.
- sc.BaseData[SC_ASKVOL] or sc.AskVolume[]: The array of Ask Volumes for each bar. This represents the volumes of the trades that occurred at the Ask price or higher. A trade that occurs between the Bid or Ask and is considered an uptick, will have the volume of the trade added to the Ask Volume.
- sc.BaseData[SC_UPVOL] or sc.UpTickVolume: This array contains the total volume of trades for the bar where the trades occurred at a higher price than the trade before or the symbol traded at the same price as before and previously it traded higher.
For this to work properly, the Intraday Data Storage Time Unit setting in Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings needs to be 1 Tick. If it is not, then when the chart is reloaded, the historical up volume can change compared to real-time updating. In the case of Number of Trades, Volume, Range, Reversal, Renko, Delta Volume chart bars, the data in this array may not be correct if Chart >>Chart Settings >> Split Data Records is enabled, unless there is 1 Tick data being used and the chart bars are based on Number of Trades or a Range.
If you are using this array in your study function, you must set sc.MaintainAdditionalChartDataArrays to 1 in the sc.SetDefaults code block. - sc.BaseData[SC_DOWNVOL] or sc.DownTickVolume: This array contains the total volume of trades for the bar where the trades occurred at a lower price than the trade before or the symbol traded at the same price as before and previously it traded down.
For this to work properly, the Intraday Data Storage Time Unit setting in Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings needs to be 1 Tick. If it is not, then when the chart is reloaded, the historical down volume can change compared to real-time updating. In the case of Number of Trades, Volume, Range, Reversal, Renko, Delta Volume chart bars, the data in this array may not be correct if Chart >>Chart Settings >> Split Data Records is enabled, unless there is 1 Tick data being used and the chart bars are based on Number of Trades or a Range.
If you are using this array in your study function, you must set sc.MaintainAdditionalChartDataArrays to 1 in the sc.SetDefaults code block. - sc.BaseData[SC_BIDNT] or sc.NumberOfBidTrades: The array containing the total number of trades at the bid price or lower. For this to work properly, the Intraday Data Storage Time Unit setting in Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings. needs to be 1 Tick. This will also not work on historical data that does not have bid volume. In the case of Tick, Volume, and Range charts, the data in this array may not be correct if Chart >>Chart Settings >> Split Data Records is enabled, unless you are using tick data and the chart is based on Ticks or a Range.
If you are using this array in your study function, you must set sc.MaintainAdditionalChartDataArrays to 1 in the sc.SetDefaults code block. - sc.BaseData[SC_ASKNT] or sc.NumberOfAskTrades: The array containing the total number of trades at the ask price or higher. For this to work properly, the Intraday Data Storage Time Unit setting in Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings needs to be 1 Tick. This will also not work on historical data that does not have ask volume. In the case of Tick, Volume, and Range charts, the data in this array may not be correct if Chart >>Chart Settings >> Split Data Records is enabled, unless you are using tick data and the chart is based on Ticks or a Range.
If you are using this array in your study function, you must set sc.MaintainAdditionalChartDataArrays to 1 in the sc.SetDefaults code block. - sc.BaseData[SC_ASKBID_DIFF_HIGH]: The array containing the maximum difference between the Ask volume and the Bid volume for the bar at the specified Index. This is calculated at every tick during the creation of the bar.
For the data in this array to be most accurate, the Intraday Data Storage Time Unit setting in Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings needs to be 1 Tick. The data in this array will not be available for historical data that does not have Ask Volume and Bid Volume.
For the chart to maintain the data in this array, you need to set sc.MaintainAdditionalChartDataArrays to TRUE in the sc.SetDefaults code block in your study function. - sc.BaseData[SC_ASKBID_DIFF_LOW]: The array containing the minimum difference between the Ask volume and the Bid volume for the bar at the specified Index. This is calculated at every tick during the creation of the bar. For the data in this array to be most accurate, the Intraday Data Storage Time Unit setting in Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings needs to be 1 Tick. The data in this array will not be available for historical data that does not have Ask volume and Bid Volume.
For the chart to maintain the data in this array, you need to set sc.MaintainAdditionalChartDataArrays to TRUE in the sc.SetDefaults code block in your study function. - sc.BaseData[SC_ASKBID_NUM_TRADES_DIFF_HIGH]: The array containing the maximum difference between the number of trades at the Ask price or higher and the number of trades at the Bid price or lower, for the bar at the specified Index. This is calculated at every tick during the creation of the bar. For the data in this array to be accurate, the Intraday Data Storage Time Unit setting in Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings must be 1 Tick. The data in this array will not be available for historical data that does not have Ask and Bid volume.
If you are using this array in your study function, you must set sc.MaintainAdditionalChartDataArrays to 1 in the sc.SetDefaults code block. - sc.BaseData[SC_ASKBID_NUM_TRADES_DIFF_LOW]: The array containing the minimum difference between the number of trades at the Ask price or higher and the number of trades at the Bid price or lower, for the bar at the specified Index. This is calculated at every tick during the creation of the bar. For the data in this array to be accurate, the Intraday Data Storage Time Unit setting in Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings must be 1 Tick. The data in this array will not be available for historical data that does not have Ask and Bid volume.
If you are using this array in your study function, you must set sc.MaintainAdditionalChartDataArrays to 1 in the sc.SetDefaults code block. - sc.BaseData[SC_UPDOWN_VOL_DIFF_HIGH]: The array containing the maximum difference between the total volume of trades for the bar where the trades occurred at a higher price than the trade before and the total volume of trades for the bar where the trades occurred at a lower price than the trade before. Also take note of the additional details explained in sc.BaseData[SC_UPVOL/SC_DOWNVOL].
If you are using this array in your study function, you must set sc.MaintainAdditionalChartDataArrays to 1 in the sc.SetDefaults code block. - sc.BaseData[SC_UPDOWN_VOL_DIFF_LOW]: The array containing the minimum difference between the total volume of trades for the bar where the trades occurred at a higher price than the trade before and the total volume of trades for the bar where the trades occurred at a lower price than the trade before. Also take note of the additional details explained in sc.BaseData[SC_UPVOL/SC_DOWNVOL].
If you are using this array in your study function, you must set sc.MaintainAdditionalChartDataArrays to 1 in the sc.SetDefaults code block. - sc.BaseData[SC_RENKO_OPEN]: In the case of a Renko chart set through Chart >> Chart Settings, this array provides the Renko Open price. This array is used to draw the Renko bar body.
- sc.BaseData[SC_RENKO_CLOSE]: In the case of a Renko chart set through Chart >> Chart Settings, this array provides the Renko Close price. This array is used to draw the Renko bar body.
- sc.BaseData[SC_BID_PRICE]: This array contains the bid prices at the time of the last trade for each bar. By default, the Bid and Ask prices are only recorded when there is a trade.
When using this array in a study function, it is necessary to set sc.MaintainAdditionalChartDataArrays to 1 in the sc.SetDefaults code block.
For there to be Bid prices in this array, Sierra Chart must be set to a Tick by tick Data Configuration, the Intraday data file for the chart must contain tick by tick data, and contain a Bid and Ask prices. This is not supported with all Data and Trading services. - sc.BaseData[SC_ASK_PRICE]: This array contains the ask prices at the time of the last trade for each bar. By default, the Bid and Ask prices are only recorded when there is a trade.
When using this array in a study function, it is necessary to set sc.MaintainAdditionalChartDataArrays to 1 in the sc.SetDefaults code block.
For there to be Ask prices in this array, Sierra Chart must be set to a Tick by tick Data Configuration, the Intraday data file for the chart must contain tick by tick data, and contain a Bid and Ask prices. This is not supported with all Data and Trading services. - sc.BaseData[SC_ASK_BID_VOL_DIFF_MOST_RECENT_CHANGE]: This array contains a value indicating whether the SC_ASKBID_DIFF_HIGH or the SC_ASKBID_DIFF_LOW array was most recently changed.
It will be set to 1 if the SC_ASKBID_DIFF_HIGH array at the corresponding element was most recently changed. It will be set to -1 if the SC_ASKBID_DIFF_LOW array at the corresponding element was most recently changed. When using this array in a study function, it is necessary to set sc.MaintainAdditionalChartDataArrays to 1 in the sc.SetDefaults code block. - sc.BaseData[PF_DIRECTION_ARRAY]: This array is only used with Point and Figure chart bars. Otherwise, the array is empty.
At a particular chart bar index it will have a value of 1 if the Point and Figure chart bar is an Up bar. At a particular chart bar index it will have a value of -1 if the Point and Figure chart bar is an Down bar.
The index value returned by sc.Input[].GetInputDataIndex(), corresponds to the array index constants given above. You can use this Input to select any of these array index constants to use with sc.BaseData[].
sc.BaseData is short-hand for sc.BaseDataIn.
// Get the volume at the current index. // This requires sc.AutoLoop = 1; float Volume = sc.BaseData[SC_VOLUME][sc.Index]; // Copy the Last price from the current index to sc.Subgraph 0 sc.Subgraph[0][sc.Index]=sc.BaseData[SC_LAST][sc.Index];
sc.BaseData References
A useful technique to make it easier to work with a single array for main price graph is to use a reference to the array. A reference to one of these arrays would be declared as SCFloatArrayRef. SCFloatArrayRef is a reference to the type of the arrays that are used in sc.BaseData[]. Below is an example of using a reference to one of the arrays in the chart.
// Make a reference to the array of High prices called Highs SCFloatArrayRef Highs = sc.BaseData[SC_HIGH]; // Get the high price at the current index // This is the same as sc.BaseData[SC_HIGH][sc.Index] float HighValue = Highs[sc.Index];
Type: Read-only SCDateTime array.
sc.BaseDateTimeIn[] is an array of the Date-Time for each bar in the chart. Each element of the array is a SCDateTime.
The word In at the end of this array means input, which signifies that this array is input data for your study.
The Date-Time for a chart bar is the starting time of that bar. To get the ending Date-Time of the chart bar, use sc.BaseDataEndDateTime.
For information about array indexing and array sizes, refer to Array Indexing and Sizes.
The Time Zone of the Date-Times in the array is the same time zone as the chart.
// Get the DateTime at the current index. SCDateTime BarDateTime = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index];
Since this is a SCDateTime array, you can use the DateAt() and TimeAt() member functions to get just the date or just the time at a single bar.
// Get the date int BarDate = sc.BaseDateTimeIn.DateAt(sc.Index); // Get the time int BarTime = sc.BaseDateTimeIn.TimeAt(sc.Index);
Type: Read-only integer variable.
This variable uses the same values as sc.ValueFormat and is set to the Value Format for the graph set with the Based On setting on an instance the study which has been applied to the chart.
Type: Read/Write float variable.
The sc.BaseGraphAutoScalePaddingPercentage variable is identical to sc.AutoScalePaddingPercentage except it is for the main price graph in the chart and not the study instance itself.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
The sc.BaseGraphConstantRangeScaleMode variable is the constant range scale mode for the main price graph in the chart.
It can be any of the following constant values:
- CONST_RANGE_MODE_AUTO_CENTER_LAST_BAR = 1 (Equivalent to Keep The Last Bar Within View)
For more information, refer to the Chart Scale page.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
sc.BaseGraphGraphDrawType is set to the Graph Draw Type for the base graph in the chart. This is also known as the main price graph. This is a read/write value and can be changed.
Supported Values:
Type: Read/Write float variable.
The sc.BaseGraphHorizontalGridLineIncrement variable is the increment between the horizontal grid lines for the main price graph in the chart, if the chart is set to display the horizontal grid lines. Zero means that the setting is automatic.
For additional information, refer to Horizontal Grid Line Increment on the Chart Scale page.
Type: Read/write float variable.
The sc.BaseGraphScaleConstRange variable gets and sets the grayscale range for the chart base graph when it is using a Scale Type of Constant Range. For additional information, refer to the Chart Scale and Scale Adjusting documentation.
When changing the symbol of the chart, this constant range value gets reset to a default value based upon the Tick Size of the chart.
Type: Read/write float variable.
This sets the Scale Increment for the main price graph. When it is set to a nonzero value, it will change the Scale Increment for the main price graph.
sc.BaseGraphScaleIncrement= 0;
Type: Read/Write 32-bit float value.
The sc.BaseGraphScaleValueOffset variable is the percentage value, where 1% is .01, for the offset of the chart scale from the center. This applies to the main price graph for the study and not for the study itself.
This can be programmatically set and is also interactively set by the user through the Interactive Scale Move functionality.
Also refer to sc.ScaleValueOffset.
Type: Read/Write float variable.
The sc.BaseGraphScaleRangeBottom variable is the bottom/minimum value of a User Defined scale range for the main price graph in the chart.
In the user interface this setting is in Chart >> Chart Settings >> Scale >> Scale Range >> User-Defined >> Bottom of Range.
This can be modified by the custom study.
To get and set the bottom of the User Defined scale range for the study itself, use sc.ScaleRangeBottom.
float ScaleBottom = sc.BaseGraphScaleRangeBottom;
Type: Read/Write float variable.
The sc.BaseGraphScaleRangeTop variable is the top/maximum value of a User Defined scale range for the main price graph in the chart.
In the user interface this setting is in Chart >> Chart Settings >> Scale >> Scale Range >> User-Defined >> Top of Range.
This can be modified by the custom study.
To get and set the top of the User Defined scale range for the study itself, use sc.ScaleRangeTop.
float ScaleTop = sc.BaseGraphScaleRangeTop;
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
Initial value: SCALE_AUTO
The sc.BaseGraphScaleRangeType member allows you to determine and set the vertical scale range type for the main price graph (base graph) in the chart. It can be any of the following values:
When using SCALE_USERDEFINED, it is necessary to also set sc.ScaleRangeTop and sc.ScaleRangeBottom.
sc.BaseGraphScaleRangeType = SCALE_AUTO;
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
The sc.BaseGraphValueFormat variable is an Integer indicating the Price Display Format/Value Format for the main graph in the chart.
This is set through Chart >> Chart Settings. It is most useful to use with the sc.FormatGraphValue() function.
SCString CurrentHigh = sc.FormatGraphValue(sc.BaseData[SC_HIGH][CurrentVisibleIndex], sc.BaseGraphValueFormat);
Type: Read-only float variable.
sc.Bid is the current Bid price value for the symbol if Bid and Ask data is available for the symbol.
If the chart is not replaying, then this will only be set and up-to-date when Sierra Chart is connected to the data feed.
During a replay, this value is set. For additional information, refer to Trade Simulation Accuracy and Bid/Ask Prices During Replays.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.BidSize is the current Bid size/quantity value for the symbol if Bid and Ask data is available for the symbol.
If the chart is not replaying, then this will only be set and up-to-date when Sierra Chart is connected to the data feed, and the market is open.
During a replay, this value will be set to 1.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
Refer to sc.BlockChartDrawingSelection.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
Initial value: STD_PREC_LEVEL
sc.CalculationPrecedence is a variable that can be set to 3 possible values.
The default value is STD_PREC_LEVEL (standard precedence level), and will mean your study gets calculated relative to other studies on the same chart that your custom study is applied to, based on its position in the Analysis >> Studies >> Studies to Graph list for the chart.
A value of LOW_PREC_LEVEL (low precedence level) will mean your study gets calculated after all other studies with a standard precedence level.
A value of VERY_LOW_PREC_LEVEL (very low precedence level) will mean your study gets calculated after all other studies with standard and low precedence levels. You will want to use a very low precedence level if your study depends on other studies that have low precedence level, such as Study Moving Average or a study based on other study.
The reason why you would want to set this variable to a lower precedence level, is when you are using a function such as sc.GetStudyArray().
It is not necessary to set a low precedence when you are internally calculating study formulas, like when using sc.SimpleMovAvg().
For further information about study calculation precedence, refer to Study Calculation Precedence And Related Issues.
sc.CalculationPrecedence = STD_PREC_LEVEL;
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
For the documentation for sc.CancelAllOrdersOnEntries, refer to CancelAllOrdersOnEntries on the Automated Trading Management page.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
For the documentation for sc.CancelAllOrdersOnReversals, refer to CancelAllOrdersOnReversals on the Automated Trading Management page.
Type: Read integer variable.
The sc.CharacterEventCode variable is set to the ASCII value of the corresponding character pressed on the keyboard when the study has requested these events by setting sc.ReceiveCharacterEvents.
The study function will be called when a character key is pressed and the chart containing the study has the focus. Otherwise, this variable will not be set.
Type: Read/Write RGB integer color variable.
sc.ChartBackgroundColor sets the background color of the chart. This does not affect the global chart background color setting, only the chart specific setting. When setting this variable, it is also necessary to set sc.UseGlobalChartColors = 0 outside of the sc.SetDefaults code block, otherwise the variable is ignored.
sc.UseGlobalChartColors = 0; sc.ChartBackgroundColor = RGB(123,123,123);
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
The sc.ChartBarSpacing vvariable is the spacing between the chart bars in pixels. This is for the chart your custom study is applied to.
The bar spacing can be changed by the custom study.
int ChartBarSpacing = sc.ChartBarSpacing;
Type: Function returning SCString.
This member has been changed to a function effective with version 2152.
The sc.ChartbookName function which returns a text string which contains the name of the Chartbook that contains the chart the study instance is applied to.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
When sc.LoadChartDataByDateRange is set to a nonzero value, then the sc.ChartDataEndDate variable specifies the last date to load into the chart.
This variable corresponds to Chart >> Chart Settings >> Use Date Range >> To.
If this is set to 0, then the last date available in the chart data file is loaded into the chart. For further information, refer to Use Date Range >> To.
Changes to this variable do not go into effect until the study function returns. The chart will then be reloaded.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
When sc.LoadChartDataByDateRange is set to a nonzero value, then the sc.ChartDataStartDate variable specifies the first date to load into the chart.
This variable corresponds to Chart >> Chart Settings >> Use Date Range >> From.
If this is set to 0, then the earliest date available in the chart data file is loaded into the chart. For further information, refer to Use Date Range >> From.
Changes to this variable do not go into effect until the study function returns. The chart will then be reloaded.
Type: Read/write integer variable.
sc.ChartDataType is set to the data type of the underlying chart. This can be either Intraday data or Daily data.
if (sc.ChartDataType == DAILY_DATA) { // The chart is a Historical Daily chart } else if (sc.ChartDataType == INTRADAY_DATA) { // The chart is an Intraday chart }
Type: Read-only integer variable.
Every chart contained within a Chartbook has a unique number.
sc.ChartNumber is set to the identifying number of the chart that the study is applied to. This is the same number that is shown on the top Region Data Line of the chart and on the chart window title bar.
If the identifying number of the chart calling the study function is #1, then the value of sc.ChartNumber will be 1.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
The sc.ChartRegion1BottomCoordinate variable contains the Y-axis pixel coordinate that represents the bottom side of the rectangle that makes up Chart Region 1. For more information on chart regions, refer to Chart Window and Regions.
The top left pixel coordinate of the chart is at 0, 0. These coordinates increase moving towards the bottom and right.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
The sc.ChartRegion1LeftCoordinate variable contains the X-axis pixel coordinate that represents the left side of the rectangle that makes up Chart Region 1. For more information on chart regions, refer to Chart Window and Regions.
The top left pixel coordinate of the chart is at 0, 0. These coordinates increase moving towards the bottom and right.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
The sc.ChartRegion1RightCoordinate variable contains the X-axis pixel coordinate that represents the right side of the rectangle that makes up Chart Region 1. For more information on chart regions, refer to Chart Window and Regions.
The top left pixel coordinate of the chart is at 0, 0. These coordinates increase moving towards the bottom and right.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
The scChartRegion1TopCoordinate variable contains the Y-axis pixel coordinate that represents the top side of the rectangle that makes up Chart Region 1. For more information on chart regions, refer to Chart Window and Regions.
The top left pixel coordinate of the chart is at 0, 0. These coordinates increase moving towards the bottom and right.
Type: Function returning SCString.
This member has been changed to a function effective with version 2152.
The sc.ChartTextFont function returns a text string which contains the font name used by the chart. This is useful if you want to create a font that matches the chart text.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
The sc.ChartTradeModeEnabled variable indicates whether the Trade >> Chart Trade Mode On option is enabled or not.
When the Chart Trade Mode On is enabled, this variable has a value of 1. Otherwise, it is 0.
Type: Read-only double precision floating-point variable.
When in Chart Trade Mode, the sc.ChartTradingOrderPrice variable indicates the price level that the mouse pointer is at on the chart. This applies to the chart that the study function is applied to.
Type: Read Only integer variable.
sc.ChartWindowHandle is the Windows API handle (HWND) for the chart window that the study is applied to. This is useful when making Windows API function calls that require a window handle. This is for advanced programming only.
The window handle is provided even when the study is first calculated after the Chartbook is opened that the study instance is contained within.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
The sc.ChartWindowIsActive variable is set to 1 when the chart that contains the study instance, is the active chart window within Sierra Chart. This means either that it has the focus, or it is considered the active chart window within Sierra Chart if no Sierra Chart window currently has the focus.
Type: Write integer variable.
Set the sc.ConnectToExternalServiceServer variable to TRUE to perform the File >> Connect to Data Feed command from within your custom study. This is not performed immediately at the time you set this to TRUE. It is only done when your study function returns.
Also see sc.DisconnectFromExternalServiceServer and sc.ReconnectToExternalServiceServer.
sc.ConnectToExternalServiceServer = TRUE;
Type: Read/Write Integer variable.
The sc.ConstantRangeScaleModeTicksFromCenterOrEdge variable is set to the Ticks from Center setting for the Constant Range Scale Range.
This variable applies only to the main price graph scale and not to the study scale.
The study can change this variable.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
The sc.ContinuousFuturesContractLoading variable is set to 1 when a chart is in the process of loading the historical futures contract data when the Chart >> Chart Settings >> Symbol >> Continuous Contract option is enabled. Otherwise, if the option is not enabled or the chart is not loading the historical futures contract data, then this will be 0. This flag is useful to avoid certain processing in your study function during the loading process.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
The sc.ContinuousFuturesContractOption variable is equivalent to the Continuous Contract setting in Chart Settings.
This variable can be changed to update this Chart Setting.
The possible values are listed below.
Type: Read Only SCDateTime variable.
The sc.ContractRolloverDate variable is the rollover date associated with the futures symbol for chart the study instance is applied to.
For an example to use this variable, refer to the scsf_RolloverDateDisplay function in the /ACS_Source/studies2.cpp file in the Sierra Chart installation folder.
Type: Read/Write float variable.
sc.CurrencyValuePerTick is a variable that is set to the currency value per tick of the chart the study instance is applied to.
This is the same as the Currency Value per Tick setting for the chart.
Type: Read Only SCDateTime variable.
sc.CurrentSystemDateTime is the current Date and Time from your local computer's date and time, provided as a SCDateTime variable.
The Time Zone setting in Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings is applied to this SCDateTime variable.
This member is not affected by the chart the study is applied to, when being replayed. In other words, it will always indicate the current system Date-Time.
This variable does not contain milliseconds. The resolution is to the second.
If you want to perform a particular action in a custom study at a particular time and want to make sure the study function is called at that time, then you should use sc.UpdateAlways = 1 in the sc.SetDefaults block of the study function.
SCDateTime DateTime = sc.CurrentSystemDateTime;
Type: Read Only SCDateTime variable.
The sc.CurrentDateTimeForReplay variable is only set when a chart is replaying. It contains the current Date-Time in relation to the replaying chart and is relative to the starting Date-Time of the replaying chart. It is based upon the elapsed amount of time since the replay was started and the replay speed.
If you want to perform a particular action in a custom study at a particular time and want to make sure the study function is called at that time, then you should use sc.UpdateAlways = 1 in the sc.SetDefaults block of the study function.
However, when there is an accelerated replay, a study function will not necessarily be called at the interval specified by the Chart Update Interval relative to the replay times. For example, if the chart is set to update every 1000 milliseconds, during an accelerated replay it will not necessarily be called every theoretical second when using sc.UpdateAlways = 1.
During an accelerated replay, sc.CurrentDateTimeForReplay can be ahead of the expected time. For complete information, refer to the function sc.GetCurrentDateTime. sc.CurrentDateTimeForReplay is used with that function during a replay.
SCDateTime CurrentDateTime; if (sc.IsReplayRunning()) CurrentDateTime = sc.CurrentDateTimeForReplay; else CurrentDateTime = sc.CurrentSystemDateTime;
Type: Read-only SCDateTimeMS variable.
sc.CurrentSystemDateTimeMS is the current Date and Time from your local computer's date and time, provided as a SCDateTimeMS variable.
SCDateTimeMS is derived from SCDateTime. It contains all of the same functionality, except that it is specialized for milliseconds. Comparisons done using this type are down to the nearest millisecond unlike the nearest second for SCDateTime.
The Time Zone setting in Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings is applied to this SCDateTimeMS variable.
This member is not affected by the chart the study is applied to, when being replayed. In other words, it will always indicate the current system Date-Time.
This variable contains the Date-Time of the computer system down to the millisecond.
If you want to perform a particular action in a custom study at a particular time and want to make sure the study function is called at that time, then you should use sc.UpdateAlways = 1 in the sc.SetDefaults block of the study function.
SCDateTimeMS DateTimeWithMilliseconds = sc.CurrentSystemDateTimeMS;
Type: Read-only integer variable.
int CurrentlySelectedDrawingTool
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.CurrentlySelectedDrawingToolState set to a constant indicating the state of the active drawing tool. This will be 0 when the tool is not active and > 0 when the tool is active. For example, when actively drawing a line with the Line Tool, this will be set to 1.
int ToolState = sc.CurrentlySelectedDrawingToolState;
Type: Function returning SCString.
This member has been changed to a function effective with version 2152.
The sc.CustomAffiliateCode function returns a text string which contains the affiliate code associated with a particular Sierra Chart account.
This function has specialized uses and is not normally used.
Type: Read/Write SCString variable.
The sc.CustomChartTitleBarName variable is for getting and setting the Chart >> Chart Settings >> Display >> Title Bar Name setting.
Type: Read Only float variable.
sc.DailyHigh is the current daily high for the symbol of the chart.
sc.DailyHigh is the same Daily High value displayed in the Window >> Current Quote Window. This data comes from the Current Quote Data from the connected data feed.
sc.DailyHigh is only valid when connected to the data feed or during a chart replay.
Type: Read-only float variable.
sc.DailyLow is the current daily low for the symbol of the chart.
sc.DailyLow is the same Daily Low value displayed in the Window >> Current Quote Window. This data comes from the Current Quote Data from the connected data feed.
sc.DailyLow is only valid when connected to the data feed or during a chart replay.
Type: Read-only SCDateTime variable.
This is no longer used.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.DailyVolume is the current daily volume for the symbol.
sc.DailyVolume is the same Daily Volume value displayed in the Window >> Current Quote Window. This data comes from the Current Quote Data from the connect to data feed.
sc.DailyVolume is only valid when connected to the data feed.
sc.DailyVolume will be 0 during a chart replay.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
The sc.DataFeedActivityCounter variable is the activity counter for the incoming data feed that Sierra Chart is currently connected to.
It is the same value shown on the Status Bar after DF:.
Type: Read/Write SCString variable.
sc.DataFile is a text string of the complete path and file name of the chart data file for the chart the study instance is applied to.
This text string can be changed to change the symbol of the chart.
When this is changed, the new data file will be loaded after the study function returns. So the data file will be changed before the next call into the study function which is called after the new data file is loaded.
Only the filename needs to be set. The path is ignored. The Global Settings >> General Settings >> Data Files Folder setting is used for the path.
The file extension has to be set. Use .dly for Historical charts and .scid for Intraday charts.
// Specify a new chart data file sc.DataFile = "QQQQ.scid";
Type: Function returning SCString.
This member has been changed to a function effective with version 2152.
The sc.DataFilesFolder function returns a text string which contains the complete path to the Data files folder used by Sierra Chart.
For further information, refer to Data Files Folder.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
Initial value: 0
Set sc.DataStartIndex to the index of the first element at which subgraphs should start to be drawn. This is to prevent Sierra Chart from drawing elements at the beginning of the sc.Subgraph arrays that do not have enough prior data to be properly calculated. For example: If you have a 10-bar moving average, this value should be set to 9. It should be set to 9 instead of 10 because array index values always begin at 0.
sc.DataStartIndex = 9; // Start drawing the subgraphs at element index 9 (the 10th bar)
Type: Read Only SCDateTime variable.
sc.DateTimeOfLastFileRecord is the Date-Time, as a SCDateTime variable, of the starting time of the last data record read from the chart data file which has been added to the chart.
Type: Read/Write SCDateTime array.
sc.DateTimeOut[] is an array of the DateTimes for each of the bars you have created in a study which is set up as a custom chart. Each element is a SCDateTime. This array is only used when sc.IsCustomChart is set to 1 (TRUE).
For additional information about indexing and array sizes, see Array Indexing and Sizes.
// Set the element at our CustomIndex in sc.DateTimeOut to match the current index in sc.BaseDateTimeIn sc.DateTimeOut[CustomIndex] = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index];
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
The sc.DaysToLoadInChart variable is the number of days of data to load within the chart. It applies to both Intraday and Historical charts.
It is equivalent to Chart >> Chart Settings >> Use Number of Days to Load >> Days to Load.
Changes to this variable do not go into effect until the study function returns. At that time the chart will be reloaded and the new setting will go into effect.
If you are reducing the value of this variable, the chart needs to be reloaded to reduce the amount of data in the chart. There is not the capability to remove data in the chart without the chart needing to reload.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
This ACSIL structure member is considered out of date/deprecated. Instead use the sc.GetBarPeriodParameters and sc.SetBarPeriodParameters functions.
Type: Write integer variable.
Set the sc.DisconnectFromExternalServiceServer variable to TRUE to perform the File >> Disconnect command from within your custom study. This is not performed immediately at the time you set this to TRUE. It is only done when your study function returns.
Also see sc.ConnectToExternalServiceServer and sc.ReconnectToExternalServiceServer.
sc.DisconnectFromExternalServiceServer = TRUE;
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
Initial value: 0 (FALSE)
If sc.DisplayAsMainPriceGraph is set to 1 (TRUE), then your study will become the main price graph for the chart. All other studies applied to the chart, will be based on it. You will also need to set sc.GraphRegion to 0, when setting this variable to 1 (TRUE). If it is set to 0 (FALSE), then your study is a standard study based on the existing main price graph.
sc.DisplayAsMainPriceGraph = 1;
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
sc.DisplayStudyInputValues is equivalent to the Display Input Values setting on the Study Settings window for the study. This variable can be set to either 1 to enable that option or to 0 to disable it.
sc.DisplayStudyInputValues = 1;
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
sc.DisplayStudyName is equivalent to the Display Study Name setting on the Study Settings window for the study. This can be set to either 1 to enable that option or to 0 to disable it.
sc.DisplayStudyName = 1;
Type: Read-only 8-byte integer variable.
sc.DLLNameUserServiceLevel is used in conjunction with the sc.IsUserAllowedForSCDLLName variable.
This variable returns the Service Level setting for an authorized user for the custom studies DLL that the function is in and the user has been authorized to use.
This value is set through the Custom DLL Studies Management control panel accessed through your account on the Sierra Chart website.
This is a 64-bit integer variable which can be set to any value. You can set it to the numbers which represent, certain bits within the 64-bit variable being set.
if (sc.DLLNameUserServiceLevel == 100)//Any number can be used. { // Perform some action like executing the study } else return;// Do nothing and return
Type: Read/Write SCString variable.
sc.DocumentationImageURL is a text string variable that can be set to an internet URL to an image providing an example of your study. For complete documentation refer to ACSIL Study Documentation Interface Members.
sc.DocumentationImageURL = "http://www.sierrachart.com/images/HomePageImages/HomePage_ChartWithStudies.png";
Type: Read/Write Integer variable.
The sc.DoNotRedrawChartAfterStudyReturns variable can be set to 1 or a nonzero value to prevent the chart from being redrawn after the study function returns.
Every time the studies on a chart are calculated either as part of a full recalculation or an update calculation, the chart is redrawn. When this variable is set to 1, it prevents the chart from being redrawn. Even if other studies have not set this variable to 1 during the studies calculation, the chart will still be prevented from being redrawn if one of the studies has set this to 1.
The purpose of this variable is to improve performance (reduce CPU usage) when handling certain events that the study is notified of when the study function is called. This includes key events indicated through variables like sc.KeyboardKeyEventCode and Pointer Events. Some of these events should not cause the chart to be redrawn immediately but rather after some series of events as determined by the study function.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.DownloadingHistoricalData is considered out of date and has been replaced by the sc.ChartIsDownloadingHistoricalData function.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
When the sc.DrawACSDrawingsAboveOtherDrawings variable is set to a non-zero value, Chart Drawings added by an Advanced Custom Study for the chart will be drawn above other User Drawn drawings.
When this is set to 0, the Chart Drawings added by an Advanced Custom Study for the chart are drawn in the same way with respect to other Chart Drawing priorities.
Type: Read/Write Integer variable.
The sc.DrawBaseGraphOverStudies variable is the same as the Chart >> Chart Settings >> Display Main Chart Graph on Top of Studies setting. When it is set to a nonzero value, then the main chart graph will be displayed on top of other studies on the chart. Otherwise, the studies will be on top of the main chart graph.
sc.DrawBaseGraphOverStudies = 1;
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
When the sc.DrawStudyUnderneathMainPriceGraph variable is set to 1 (TRUE) the study will be displayed underneath the main price graph in the chart. Assuming sc.GraphRegion is set to 0. Otherwise, this variable is not relevant. When sc.DrawStudyUnderneathMainPriceGraph is set to 0 (FALSE), then the study is displayed above the main price graph in the chart.
sc.DrawStudyUnderneathMainPriceGraph = 1;
Type: Read/Write Integer Variable
sc.EarliestUpdateSubgraphDataArrayIndex is an index variable which can optionally be set to the earliest sc.Subgraph[].Data[] array index being modified during a study update in your study function.
There is no need to set this variable if a study does not make changes to a sc.Subgraph[].Data[] array at an index earlier than sc.UpdateStartIndex for manual looping, or the earliest sc.Index set for a study during an update when using automatic looping.
sc.EarliestUpdateSubgraphDataArrayIndex is referenced by the Study/Price Overlay study, the Color Bar Based on Alert Condition study, the Spreadsheet Studies, and other studies which depend on other studies so that they are aware of the earliest index that changes have occurred at in a source study in order for them to properly process that data.
This variable should not be set when sc.IsFullRecalculation is TRUE/1.
Type: Read/Write Integer Variable
sc.EndTime1 is the first end time for a day on the chart.
This is equal to the Session Times >> End Time setting for the chart.
This variable is a SCDateTime TimeValue in seconds.
Also refer to sc.StartTime1.
Type: Read/Write Integer Variable
sc.EndTime2 is the second end time for a day on the chart. This is only used if sc.UseSecondStartEndTimes is set to 1 (TRUE).
This is equal to the Session Times >> Evening End Time setting for the chart.
This variable is a SCDateTime TimeValue in seconds.
Also refer to sc.StartTime2.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
The sc.FileRecordIndexOfLastDataRecordInChart variable is the index of the last Intraday data record read from the Intraday data file or the file cache, used in the chart.
This is not necessarily the very last data record in the file. For example, if a replay is in progress, it can be earlier than the last record in the file or file cache.
In newer versions of Sierra Chart, due to file caching, this variable could refer to an index which has not yet been written to the Intraday data file.
Type: Read/Write float variable.
sc.FilterChartVolumeGreaterThanEqualTo is for setting and getting the Volume Filter value which excludes volume greater than or equal to the specified value.
This is the same Volume Filter >= value set through Chart >> Chart Settings.
Type: Read/Write float variable.
sc.FilterChartVolumeLessThanEqualTo is for setting and getting the Volume Filter value which excludes volume less than or equal to the specified value.
This is the same Volume Filter <= set through Chart >> Chart Settings.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
The sc.FilterChartVolumeTradeCompletely variable corresponds to the Filter Trade Completely Chart Setting.
It is set to 1/TRUE when the setting is enabled. Otherwise, it is 0.
This variable can be changed by the study function and goes into effect after the study function returns.
Write only integer variable.
The sc.FlagFullRecalculate variable can be set to 1 or a nonzero value to cause a full recalculation of all studies on the chart to occur after returning from the study function.
A full recalculation means in the case of automatic looping that the study function will be called for each bar in the chart starting at sc.Index 0. In the case of manual looping, the study function will be called and sc.UpdateStartIndex will be set to 0.
It is not recommended to use this because it is highly inefficient. Generally the reason this is used is due to programming problems within the study function itself and this is not an appropriate solution in those cases.
Write only integer variable.
The sc.FlagToReloadChartData variable can be set to 1 or a nonzero value to cause a reload of the chart data from the data file after the study function returns. The reload does not happen immediately.
This reload is the same as selecting Chart >> Reload and Recalculate on the menu.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
Initial value: 0 (FALSE)
sc.FreeDLL is no longer required as of version 1836 and higher. As of that version, setting this has no effect.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
sc.GlobalDisplayStudySubgraphsNameAndValue is equivalent to the Display Study Name, Subgraph Names and Subgraph Values - Global setting on the Study Settings window for the study. This can be set to either 1 to enable that option or to 0 to disable it.
sc.GlobalDisplayStudySubgraphsNameAndValue = 1;
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.GlobalTradeSimulationIsOn is set to 1, when Trade >> Trade Simulation Mode On is enabled. Otherwise, it is set to zero.
int TradeSimulationIsOn = sc.GlobalTradeSimulationIsOn;
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
Initial value: GDT_CUSTOM
sc.GraphDrawType can be set to one of the values in the list below.
When you use GDT_CUSTOM, which is the default, then the study will be able to use the sc.Subgraph[].DrawStyle member to set the Draw Style for each Subgraph.
When you use a setting other than GDT_CUSTOM, then the Graph Draw Type will be a type of price bar which uses the data in the sc.Subgraph[0 through 4].Data arrays. Use the: sc.Subgraph[SC_OPEN][] array for Open values, sc.Subgraph[SC_HIGH][] array for High values, sc.Subgraph[SC_LOW][] array for Low values, and the sc.Subgraph[SC_LAST][] array for Close or Last values.
In the case of GDT_CANDLE_VOLUME_BAR, use the sc.Subgraph[SC_VOLUME].Data[] array to control the width of the candlestick.
If you set this to a value other than GDT_CUSTOM and you also set the sc.DisplayAsMainPriceGraph variable to 1 (TRUE), you should calculate the average values and fill in the sc.Subgraph[SC_VOLUME][] and sc.Subgraph[SC_NUM_TRADES][] arrays. To calculate the averages, make a call to sc.CalculateOHLCAverages() near the end of the study function.
When you use a sc.GraphDrawType setting value other than GDT_CUSTOM, then the sc.Subgraph[].DrawStyle variable is automatically set for each of the relevant sc.Subgraphs needed by the sc.GraphDrawType. You cannot change them.
Additionally, it is not possible when you are drawing a price bar type of graph (sc.GraphDrawType not equal to GDT_CUSTOM), to also use standard study lines or other Draw Styles using sc.Subgraph[4] and higher which are not used by the price bar graph draw types. In this case you will need to use a separate study.
Colors when using sc.GraphDrawType != GDT_CUSTOM: When using a sc.GraphDrawType that is not equal to GDT_CUSTOM, the PrimaryColor and SecondaryColor members of sc.Subgraph set the color of the bars. For more information, refer to Color Settings for Graph Draw Types. If you wish to color certain bars a certain type of color when using a price bar graph draw type, then you can use the sc.Subgraph[0-4].DataColor[] arrays.
Supported Values:
- GDT_NUMERIC_INFORMATION (For complete documentation, refer to Numeric Information Table Graph Draw Type)
In the case of when using GDT_POINT_AND_FIGURE_XO, if the Box Size is greater than the chart Tick Size, then it is necessary to set sc.PointAndFigureXOGraphDrawTypeBoxSize to the Box Size.
To set the Graph Draw Type for the main price graph, it is necessary to use sc.BaseGraphGraphDrawType instead.
sc.GraphDrawType = GDT_OHLCBAR;
Type: Read/Write SCString variable.
sc.GraphName is the name of your study. This must be set when sc.SetDefaults is 1 (TRUE).
sc.GraphName = "My Study";
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
Initial value: 1 or the next unused Chart Region.
sc.GraphRegion is the zero-based index of the Chart Region for the study graph to be displayed in. A value of 0 means Chart Region 1, which is where the main price graph is drawn. A value of 1 means Chart Region 2, which is directly under the main price graph.
Currently there are 8 Chart Regions available. Therefore, the maximum value can be 7.
It is not possible for a single study to draw in a Chart Region outside of what is specified with sc.GraphRegion. A separate study is required for each Chart Region.
If you want to force a particular Chart Region to be used and not allow it to be automatically selected by Sierra Chart when adding a new study instance to the chart, when you have set sc.GraphRegion to 1, then set sc.GraphRegion below the sc.SetDefaults code block in the study function, to the particular Graph Region you want to display the study in.
sc.GraphRegion = 0; // Use the main price graph region
Type: Read/write SCString variable.
sc.GraphShortName is a text string that is set to the Short Name for the instance of the study function applied to the chart.
SCString ShortName = sc.GraphShortName;
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
The sc.GraphUsesChartColors variable only applies when the sc.GraphDrawType is set to one of the price bar types like GDT_OHLCBAR .
When sc.GraphUsesChartColors is set to TRUE (1), this means that the colors of the drawn price bars will be set according to the colors specified for the chart itself and not the study sc.Subgraph[] colors. These chart colors can either be the global color settings, or the chart specific color settings.
When sc.GraphUsesChartColors is set to FALSE (0), this means that the colors of the drawn price bars will be set according to the colors specified by the study sc.Subgraph[] colors.
For additional details, refer to Color Settings for Graph Draw Types.
sc.GraphUsesChartColors = TRUE;
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
When sc.HideDLLAndFunctionNames is set to 1/TRUE, then the DLL file name and study function name is not displayed on the Study Settings window. Otherwise, there is a text field which displays these names.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
Initial Value: 0.
sc.HideStudy can be set to 1 (TRUE) to prevent the study from being displayed on the chart. Or set it to 0 (FALSE), to display the study.
sc.HideStudy = 1;
Type: Read-only custom data array object of type c_VAPContainer.
The sc.HistoricalHighPullbackVolumeAtPriceForBars is like the sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars array. The data that it contains is the Volume at Price data for each bar in the chart, since the last price pullback from the bar High.
The data in this array will only be maintained when you have enabled Historical Pullback Data in Chart >> Chart Settings. For complete details, refer to the Historical Pullback Data section in the Chart Settings documentation.
Type: Read-only custom data array object of type c_VAPContainer.
The sc.HistoricalHighPullbackVolumeAtPriceForBars is like the sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars array. The data that it contains is the Volume at Price data for each bar in the chart, since the last price pullback from the bar Low.
The data in this array will only be maintained when you have enabled Historical Pullback Data in Chart >> Chart Settings. For complete details, refer to the Historical Pullback Data section in the Chart Settings documentation.
Type: Read-only float variable.
The sc.HistoricalPriceMultiplier variable contains the value of the Historical Price Multiplier Chart Setting for the chart.
Type: Read-only character array (SCConstCharArray)
The sc.HTTPBinaryResponse character string array contains the resulting response from a request.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
The sc.HTTPRequestID variable is set to the request identifier for a completed HTTP request.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
The sc.IncludeInSpreadsheet variable controls the Include In Spreadsheet Study Setting for the study.
Setting this variable to 1 means the option is enabled. Setting this variable to 0 means the option is disabled.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
The sc.IncludeInStudySummary variable controls the Include In Study Summary Study Setting for the study.
Setting this variable to 1 means the option is enabled. Setting this variable to 0 means the option is disabled.
sc.CurrentIndex / sc.Index
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.CurrentIndex and sc.Index are the same. They are two different variables that are set to the same index value always. You can use either one. Normally the documentation will refer to sc.Index.
sc.Index is used with automatic looping and is equal to the elements in the sc.BaseDataIn[][] arrays that need to be processed and/or the elements in the sc.Subgraph[].Data[] arrays that need to be filled in.
If you are creating a custom chart by setting sc.IsCustomChart to 1 (TRUE), this is very unlikely, then sc.Index only refers to the elements in the sc.BaseDataIn[][] arrays to process, assuming your custom chart function uses the sc.BaseDataIn[][] arrays.
For complete information, refer to Automatic Looping/Iterating.
The range of sc.Index is from 0 through and including sc.ArraySize -1.
During chart updating when a new bar is added to the chart, sc.Index will always start the prior value of sc.ArraySize -1 and not the current value.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.IndexOfFirstVisibleBar is the index into the sc.BaseData[][] arrays for the first visible bar that is drawn on the chart. When the chart is first loaded, this index will be 0.
If the study function relies on this member and it needs to be aware of changes such as when the user scrolls the chart, then you will need to set sc.UpdateAlways to 1 (TRUE).
In the case where the study is replacing the main price graph because the study function has set sc.DisplayAsMainPriceGraph = 1 or it has set sc.IsCustomChart = 1, then as explained previously, this will be set to the index into the sc.BaseData[][] arrays, and not to the index into the resulting output array.
// Get the Close value of the first bar that is drawn float Value = sc.BaseData[SC_LAST][sc.IndexOfFirstVisibleBar];
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.IndexOfLastVisibleBar is the index into the sc.BaseData[][] arrays for the last visible bar that is drawn on the chart. When the chart is first loaded, this index will be 0. This value is different than sc.ArraySize.
If the study function relies on this member and it needs to be aware of changes such as when the user scrolls the chart, then you will need to set sc.UpdateAlways to 1 (TRUE).
In the case where the study is replacing the main price graph because it has set sc.DisplayAsMainPriceGraph = 1 or it has set sc.IsCustomChart = 1, then as explained previously, this will be set to the index into the sc.BaseData[][] arrays, and not to the index into the resulting output array.
// Get the Close value of the last bar that is drawn float Value = sc.BaseData[SC_LAST][sc.IndexOfLastVisibleBar];
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.IntradayDataStorageTimeUnit is the Intraday Data Storage Time Unit setting in Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings. For more information, refer to Data/Trade Service Settings.
A value of 0 equals 1 Tick . A value greater than 0 is the number of Seconds in the Intraday Data Storage Time Unit.
int IDSTU = sc.IntradayDataStorageTimeUnit;
Type: Read-only integer variable.
The sc.IntradayChartRecordingState variable indicates the current state related to the writing of data to the Intraday data file for the symbol of the chart the study instance is applied to. This is useful to prevent certain processing from occurring in the study function based on this state.
It can be one of the following values:
Type: Read-only integer variable.
The sc.IsAutoTradingEnabled variable indicates the state of the Trade >> Auto trading Enabled - Global menu command. A value of 1 means the option is enabled. A value of 0 means it is disabled.
if(sc.IsAutoTradingEnabled) { }
Type: Read-only integer variable.
The sc.IsAutoTradingOptionEnabledForChart variable indicates the state of the Trade >> Auto Trading Enabled - Chart menu command. A value of 1 means the option is enabled. A value of 0 means it is disabled.
Type: Read Only integer variable.
The sc.IsChartbookBeingSaved variable is set to 1 just before the chart that contains the study that uses this variable, is being saved in the Chartbook. Otherwise, the variable is set to 0.
The study functions are called when a Chartbook is being saved in order for a study to take some action during that time. This would be for more specialized purposes. It is not typically used.
The study which is checking this variable needs to set sc.UpdateAlways = 1 in the sc.SetDefaults code block, for it to be called periodically in order for it to know when the Chartbook saving is complete by checking for sc.IsChartbookBeingSaved == 0.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
The sc.IsChartTradeModeOn variable is set to 1 if the Trade >> Chart Trade Mode On is active. Otherwise it is set to 0.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
Initial value: 0 (FALSE)
Set sc.IsCustomChart to 1 (TRUE) in the sc.SetDefaults code block to make to make the study work as a custom chart.
A custom chart is used when you need to create a bar chart or some other style chart that is of a different size, either or smaller or greater, than the underlying data it is based on. In other words, either smaller or greater than the existing price bars in the chart.
When the study functions as a custom chart, the study needs to control the size of its sc.Subgraph[].Data arrays by using the sc.ResizeArrays() and sc.AddElements() functions. The study will also need to set the Date-Times of each chart bar in the sc.DateTimeOut[] array.
For a complete example, refer to the scsf_CopyOfBaseGraph() function in the /ACS_Source/CustomChart.cpp file in the Sierra Chart installation folder.
You may want to use a custom chart to create your own specialized Range bar chart or Point and Figure chart.
The /ACS_Source/CustomChart.cpp file in the folder where Sierra Chart is installed to, provides an example of a simple custom chart. The scsf_PointAndFigureChart function in the /ACS_Source/studies8.cpp file provides a more advanced example.
sc.IsCustomChart = 1; // Set this study as a custom chart sc.GraphRegion = 0; // Custom charts need to be set to use chart region 0
Type: Read-only integer variable.
The sc.IsFullRecalculation variable will be set to 1 (TRUE) when the chart is performing a full recalculation of the studies.
For more information about a full recalculation, refer to the When the Study Function is Called section.
This flag is useful to not perform certain processing in the study function when there is a full recalculation for efficiency or to perform certain initializations in the study function when there is a full recalculation.
However, when performing certain initializations in the study function when there is a full recalculation when using Automatic Looping, also check that sc.Index equals 0 so that the initialization is not performed at every chart bar during the full recalculation. This is essential.
Due to how it is determined that there is a full recalculation of the study function, a chart with a single chart bar will always set sc.IsFullRecalculation to 1 when the study function is called.
int& Variable1 = sc.GetPersistentInt(1); if(sc.IsFullRecalculation) { if (sc.Index == 0)//This line is needed for automatic looping Variable1 = 0; }
Type: Read-only Integer variable.
The sc.IsKeyPressed_Alt variable is used to know when the Alt key has been pressed. The variable is set to 1 when the Alt key is depressed, otherwise it is set to 0.
For this variable to be set, it is necessary to set sc.SupportKeyboardModifierStates to a value of 1, otherwise the state of this keyboard modifier cannot be checked.
Whether a chart is active or not, it will still have this variable set if the key is pressed. To see if a chart is active, use sc.ChartWindowIsActive.
Type: Read-only Integer variable.
The sc.IsKeyPressed_Control variable is used to know when the Control key has been pressed. The variable is set to 1 when the Control key is depressed, otherwise it is set to 0.
For this variable to be set, it is necessary to set sc.SupportKeyboardModifierStates to a value of 1, otherwise the state of this keyboard modifier cannot be checked.
Whether a chart is active or not, it will still have this variable set if the key is pressed. To see if a chart is active, use sc.ChartWindowIsActive.
Type: Read-only Integer variable.
The sc.IsKeyPressed_Shift variable is used to know when the Shift key has been pressed. The variable is set to 1 when the Shift key is depressed, otherwise it is set to 0.
For this variable to be set, it is necessary to set sc.SupportKeyboardModifierStates to a value of 1, otherwise the state of this keyboard modifier cannot be checked.
Whether a chart is active or not, it will still have this variable set if the key is pressed. To see if a chart is active, use sc.ChartWindowIsActive.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.IsUserAllowedForSCDLLName is used to authorize access to a study. For more information refer to Redistributing and Allowing Use Only by a Defined List of Users.
It is also possible to specify a Service-Level for an authorized user for a particular SCDLLName in the Custom DLL Studies Management control panel accessed through your account on the Sierra Chart website. To access this service level programmatically, refer to sc.DLLNameUserServiceLevel.
Type: Read integer variable.
The sc.KeyboardKeyEventCode variable is set to the standard Windows virtual key code when there is a keyboard keypress event and the study has requested these events by setting sc.ReceiveKeyboardKeyEvents.
Also refer to sc.SupportKeyboardModifierStates and sc.CharacterEventCode.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.LastCallToFunction is set to 1 (TRUE) when an Advanced Custom Study instance is in the process of being removed from the chart or the chart is being closed.
This variable is useful if you want to do something before the study is removed from the chart or when the chart is being closed.
if (sc.LastCallToFunction) { // This study is being removed from the chart or the chart is being closed // Insert cleanup code here }
Type: Read-only integer variable.
The sc.LastFullCalculationTimeInMicroseconds variable indicates the calculation time in microseconds of the last time the study was fully recalculated.
This variable does not indicate the time of an update calculation.
An example of a full recalculation is when study settings are modified through Analysis >> Studies. When the OK or Apply buttons are pressed, all studies will be fully recalculated.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.LastSize is the volume of the last trade. This member will only be set when Sierra Chart is connected to the data feed and receiving current market data for the symbol of the chart, or during a chart replay.
This value for the chart is displayed in the Window >> Current Quote Window.
int LastTradeSize = sc.LastSize;
Type: Read-only float variable.
sc.LastTradePrice is the last trade price for the symbol of the chart the study is applied to.
This is the same value as LastPrice in Window >> Current Quote Window.
sc.LastTradePrice usually will be equal to sc.BaseData[SC_LAST][sc.ArraySize -1] except when the Session Times in Chart Settings are excluding the data from the current time. In this last case, it will be set to the actual last trade price.
This member will only be set when Sierra Chart is connected to the data feed and a nonzero last trade price in the current quote data is being provided by the data feed.
This member will be set during a chart replay.
Type: Read Only SCDateTime variable.
The sc.LatestDateTimeForLastBar variable is set to the Date-Time, as a SCDateTime value, of the very latest trade from the data feed that is included in the last bar in the chart. The data feed has a resolution down to the second. Or, it will be set to the starting Date-Time of the very latest chart data file record which has been read into the chart, whichever is greater.
The Date-Time of the latest data file record read into the chart, is affected by the Intraday Data Storage Time Unit . If this is set to greater than 1 second, then the Date-Time of that data file record may not be set to the most recent second received in that record.
During a replay, sc.LatestDateTimeForLastBar will always be set to the Date-Time of the latest data file record read into the chart.
sc.LatestDateTimeForLastBar is adjusted to the Sierra Chart Time Zone setting.
SCDateTime DateTime = sc.LatestDateTimeForLastBar;
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
When sc.LoadChartDataByDateRange is set to a nonzero value, then the sc.ChartDataStartDate and sc.ChartDataEndDate variables specify the date range to load into the chart.
This variable corresponds to Chart >> Chart Settings >> Use Date Range.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
sc.MaintainAdditionalChartDataArrays needs to be set to 1 (TRUE) to flag that the chart needs to maintain the following sc.BaseGraph[] arrays. This should be set in the sc.SetDefaults code block at the beginning of the function. These are the constants for these arrays:
When sc.MaintainAdditionalChartDataArrays is set to 0 (FALSE), these arrays are not maintained by the chart.
sc.MaintainAdditionalChartDataArrays also causes the sc.BaseDataEndDateTime[] array to be filled in and maintained.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
When this variable is set to TRUE/1, then historical market depth data will be loaded into the chart the study instance is applied to. The chart will need to be reloaded once after this has been set if the historical market depth data is not already loaded in the chart. Real-time market depth data will also be stored when this variable is TRUE.
It is necessary to set this to TRUE/1 when using c_ACSILDepthBars in the study function.
The default for this variable is FALSE/0.
Type: 16-bit Integer variable.
The default for sc.MaintainReferenceToOtherChartsForPersistentVariables is 1. This means that when using the sc.GetPersistent*FromChartStudy functions, when there is any update to the chart being referenced, then the chart that had a study that called the sc.GetPersistent*FromChartStudy function will be calculated so that the studies are aware of changes in the source chart. All of the studies will be calculated in this case.
When sc.MaintainReferenceToOtherChartsForPersistentVariables is set to 0, the above does not happen.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
If your study function uses the ACSIL Trading functions, uses the s_SCPositionData structure, or uses the sc.GetTradeStatisticsForSymbol() function, then sc.MaintainTradeStatisticsAndTradesData needs to be set to TRUE in the study function in order to maintain the necessary data for this functionality to all work properly.
if(sc.SetDefaults) { sc.MaintainTradeStatisticsAndTradesData = TRUE; }
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
Set sc.MaintainVolumeAtPriceData to 1 (TRUE), to have Sierra Chart maintain detailed volume at price data for the loaded bars in the chart your custom study is applied to.
if (sc.SetDefaults) { sc.MaintainVolumeAtPriceData = 1; }
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
The sc.NewBarAtSessionStart variable indicates the state of the Chart >> Chart Settings >> Session Times >> New Bar at Session Start setting. The variable will be 1 if this option is enabled or 0 if it is disabled.
if (sc.NewBarAtSessionStart) { //Do something when true }
Type: Read-only integer variable.
Initial value: 1
sc.NumberOfArrays is the number of sc.Subgraph[].Data[] arrays that are allocated for the study to use. In other words this is the number of sc.Subgraph[] objects which have an allocated Data array starting at index 0. There are not going to be any skipped Subgraphs which would have an unallocated array. They will all be allocated up to the specified number starting 0.
sc.NumberOfArrays gets set automatically as the study function uses the sc.Subgraph[].Data[] arrays.
For example, if sc.Subgraph[3].Data[] is accessed, then sc.NumberOfArrays becomes set to 4. Although this value does not update until after the study function returns.
Type: Read Only Integer variable.
The sc.NumberOfForwardColumns is set to the same value as the Number of Forward Columns setting in the Chart >> Chart Settings for the chart the study is applied to.
sc.TicksPerBar / sc.NumberOfTradesPerBar
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
This ACSIL structure member is considered out of date/deprecated. Instead use the sc.GetBarPeriodParameters and sc.SetBarPeriodParameters functions.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
sc.NumFillSpaceBars is the number of bars in the fill space on the right side of the chart. For additional information, refer to Right Side Fill Space.
// Make sure there are at least 10 bars of fill space if (sc.NumFillSpaceBars < 10) sc.NumFillSpaceBars = 10;
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.OutArraySize is the number of array elements (equivalent to chart bars) that are in the output arrays for the chart the study is applied to.
This includes the sc.Subgraph[].Data[] arrays, the sc.Subgraph[].DataColor[] arrays if used, and the sc.DateTimeOut[] array.
Normally sc.OutArraySize is the same as sc.ArraySize. However, in the case when sc.IsCustomChart is used, the output arrays can have a different number of elements than the sc.BaseData[][] arrays.
sc.OutArraySize is updated when you use the sc.ResizeArrays() and sc.AddElements() functions.
// Resize the output arrays to be half the current size of the output arrays sc.ResizeArrays(sc.OutArraySize / 2);
Type: Read-only custom data array object pointer of type c_VAPContainer.
When using the Large Volume Trade Indicator study, this causes volume data for trades with a volume over a particular volume threshold to be maintained for the price levels of those trades.
This data is contained within the sc.p_VolumeLevelAtPriceForBars member.
It is essential that the Large Volume Trade Indicator be added to the chart for the sc.p_VolumeLevelAtPriceForBars object to contain data.
sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars is a pointer to a c_VAPContainer. To access a function member of c_VAPContainer requires that you use the member of pointer operator ->. Refer to Member access operators.
A c_VAPContainer container contains many member functions to access the data within. These functions are documented in the sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars section on this page.
Also refer to the /ACS_Source/VAPContainer.h header file for all of the available functions.
sc.PersistVars is no longer supported. It is necessary to use the GetPersistent* functions instead.
Existing compiled code will continue to work which uses the old sc.PersistVars structure, but it will not recompile. It will need to be updated to use the new functions.
Refer to the sc.PlaceACSChartShortcutMenuItemsAtTopOfMenu page for information on this variable, as it is part of the Advanced Custom Study Interaction With Menus, Control Bar Buttons, Pointer Events documentation.
Type: Read Only Integer variable.
This ACSIL structure member is considered out of date/deprecated. Instead use the sc.GetBarPeriodParameters and sc.SetBarPeriodParameters functions.
Type: Read Only Integer variable.
This ACSIL structure member is considered out of date/deprecated. Instead use the sc.GetBarPeriodParameters and sc.SetBarPeriodParameters functions.
Type: Read/Write Float variable.
In the case of when sc.GraphDrawType is set to GDT_POINT_AND_FIGURE_XO, sc.PointAndFigureXOGraphDrawTypeBoxSize sets the Box Size for the X and O boxes.
Type: Read Only integer variable.
The sc.PointerHorzWindowCoord is the X coordinate of the pointer in the chart window coordinates.
The chart window coordinate system uses the upper left hand corner to define the (0,0) point and increases to the right and down.
Type: Read Only integer variable.
The sc.PointerVertWindowCoord is the Y coordinate of the pointer in the chart window coordinates.
The chart window coordinate system uses the upper left hand corner to define the (0,0) point and increases to the right and down.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
This is the same as the Lock Fill Space command on the Chart menu.
Set sc.PreserveFillSpace to 1 (TRUE) to prevent the fill space from being filled in as new bars are added to the chart or when the chart is being scrolled. Set it to 0 (FALSE) to allow the fill space to be filled in.
Type: Read-only float variable.
The sc.PreviousClose variable contains the current Settlement Price obtained from the Current Quote data. For more information, refer to Current Quote Window.
Type: Read/Write integer variable
This ACSIL structure member is considered out of date/deprecated. Instead use the sc.GetBarPeriodParameters and sc.SetBarPeriodParameters functions.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.ProcessIdentifier is the ID of Sierra Chart process. This variable is for advanced programming only.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
When sc.ProtectStudy is set to 1, it will prevent the data from the Subgraph arrays from being accessed by other ACSIL studies and also prevents the study from being outputted to Spreadsheets using any of the Spreadsheet Studies.
When this is set to 0, none of the above happens and the data from the study is accessible normally.
Type: Read-only custom data array object of type c_VAPContainer.
The sc.PullbackVolumeAtPrice array has the same type of data that is contained within the sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars array. It only contains data for the last bar in the chart. It contains the volume data for each price level since the last price pullback from the last bar High or Low.
The data contained in this array is what is displayed in the Numbers Bars study in the Pullback column, and could be a high or low pullback based on the current bar state. This data is maintained when sc.MaintainVolumeAtPriceData is set to 1 (TRUE) in your custom study function.
When specifying the BarIndex parameter with the various VAP container functions, you must always use 0 for this parameter, since this array only contains data for a single bar.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
This ACSIL structure member is considered out of date/deprecated. Instead use the sc.GetBarPeriodParameters and sc.SetBarPeriodParameters functions.
Type: Read/Write float variable.
This ACSIL structure member is considered out of date/deprecated. Instead use the sc.GetBarPeriodParameters and sc.SetBarPeriodParameters functions.
Type: Read/Write float variable.
The sc.RealTimePriceMultiplier variable contains the value of the Real-Time Price Multiplier for the chart.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
When the sc.ReceiveCharacterEvents variable is set to 1 or a nonzero value, then the custom study function will be called immediately for any character key press events from the keyboard.
The actual ASCII character code can be determined with the sc.CharacterEventCode variable.
When the custom study function is called when a character key is pressed on the keyboard, this study function call is an efficient standard update calculation where sc.Index and sc.UpdateStartIndex be equal to sc.ArraySize - 1.
The study function will know the reason it is being called by checking that sc.CharacterEventCode is nonzero. If it is nonzero, the study function only has to handle the character event and does not need to do anything else. It can still do whatever it requires, but does not have to do any calculations because at the usual time a calculation needs to be performed when the chart is updated, the study function will be called again.
The flag variable sc.DoNotRedrawChartAfterStudyReturns can be set to specify to not redraw the chart window after a study function is called. This can be set when sc.CharacterEventCode is nonzero. This will make the process of handling these types of events very efficient.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
When the sc.ReceiveKeyboardKeyEvents variable is set to 1 or a nonzero value, then the custom study function will be called immediately for any key press events from the keyboard. This also includes the letter keys as well.
The actual key code can be determined with the sc.KeyboardKeyEventCode variable. The actual value is a standard Windows virtual key code.
For a listing of the virtual key codes, refer to Virtual-Key Codes.
In the case of an alphanumeric key, you can receive the actual ASCII code for the key pressed with the sc.CharacterEventCode variable.
When the custom study function is called when a key is pressed on the keyboard, this study function call is an efficient standard update calculation where sc.Index and sc.UpdateStartIndex be equal to sc.ArraySize - 1.
The study function will know the reason it is being called by checking that sc.KeyboardKeyEventCode or sc.CharacterEventCode is nonzero.
If either of these is nonzero, the study function only has to handle the key press event and does not need to do anything else. It can still do whatever it requires, but does not have to do any calculations because at the usual time a calculation needs to be performed when the chart is updated, the study function will be called again.
The flag variable sc.DoNotRedrawChartAfterStudyReturns can be set to specify to not redraw the chart window after a study function is called. This can be set when sc.KeyboardKeyEventCode or sc.CharacterEventCode is nonzero. This will make the process of handling these types of events very efficient.
If a single keyboard key is pressed, like an alphanumeric key, you can use either sc.KeyboardKeyEventCode or the sc.CharacterEventCode variables to obtain that particular key value.
When detecting key combinations by using for example sc.IsKeyPressed_Control, and detecting that state along with an alphanumeric key, it is best to use sc.CharacterEventCode.
When detecting key combinations which have already been mapped to particular commands through Global Settings >> Customize Keyboard Shortcuts, is not possible to detect the usage of these keyboard combinations through ACSIL.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
For complete details, refer to Receiving Pointer Events.
Type: Write integer variable.
Set the sc.ReconnectToExternalServiceServer variable to TRUE to perform the File >> Disconnect and then the File >> Connect to Data Feed commands from within your custom study. This is not performed immediately at the time you set this to TRUE. It is only done when your study function returns.
Also see sc.DisconnectFromExternalServiceServer and sc.ConnectToExternalServiceServer.
sc.ReconnectToExternalServiceServer = TRUE;
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
This ACSIL structure member is considered out of date/deprecated. Instead use the sc.GetBarPeriodParameters and sc.SetBarPeriodParameters functions.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
This ACSIL structure member is considered out of date/deprecated. Instead use the sc.GetBarPeriodParameters and sc.SetBarPeriodParameters functions.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
This ACSIL structure member is considered out of date/deprecated. Instead use the sc.GetBarPeriodParameters and sc.SetBarPeriodParameters functions.
The sc.RenkoTrendOpenOffsetInTicks is the number of Ticks for the Trend Offset for Flex Renko chart bars. Each tick is equivalent to the chart Tick Size.
This ACSIL structure member is considered out of date/deprecated. Instead use the sc.GetBarPeriodParameters and sc.SetBarPeriodParameters functions.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
The sc.ReplayStatus variable indicates the current replay status for the chart the study is applied to. It can be one of the following constants:
- REPLAY_STOPPED: The chart is not replaying.
- REPLAY_RUNNING: The chart is replaying.
- REPLAY_PAUSED: The chart is considered in a replaying state, however the replay is paused.
int ReplayStatus = sc.ReplayStatus;
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
sc.AlertOnlyOncePerBar can be set to 1 or 0 (TRUE/FALSE) to force an alert set with sc.SetAlert() to reset when there is a new bar. This works with the sc.SetAlert() function.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
When the sc.ResetAllScales variable is set to a value of 1, all the graphs in the chart associated with the study that called this function will have their scales reset to their default values.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
This ACSIL structure member is considered out of date/deprecated. Instead use the sc.GetBarPeriodParameters and sc.SetBarPeriodParameters functions.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.RightValuesScaleLeftCoordinate is set to the pixel coordinate for the left of the Values Scale on the right side of the chart that the study function instance is applied to.
Also refer to sc.RightValuesScaleRightCoordinate.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.RightValuesScaleRightCoordinate is set to the pixel coordinate for the right of the Values Scale on the right side of the chart that the study function instance is applied to.
This right coordinate is included in the right side Values Scale. It is not one pixel beyond the right side which would be the case if bounding coordinates were being provided.
Also refer to sc.RightValuesScaleLeftCoordinate.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.RoundTurnCommission is the Round Turn Commission set for the symbol or symbol pattern in the Global Symbol Settings.
If the chart the study instance is on is open at the time that you have set the Round Turn Commission or changed this value in the Global Symbol Settings, it is necessary to go to that chart and select Chart >> Reload and Recalculate, to be able to access the value using sc.RoundTurnCommission.
Write-only integer variable.
Set sc.SaveChartImageToFile to 1 or a nonzero number, to flag to save an image of the chart the study is applied to, to a file in the Images subfolder in the folder where Sierra Chart is installed to.
This operation is performed after your study function returns and all other studies on a chart are calculated. The saving operation is performed when the chart is next updated which occurs at the Chart Update Interval setting in Global Settings >> General Settings or the chart specific setting in Chart >> Chart Settings.
The Filename is the Symbol of the chart plus a timestamp which includes resolution down to the millisecond.
Also refer to sc.SaveChartImageToFileExtended() and sc.UploadChartImage().
sc.SaveChartImageToFile = 1;//Save the chart image to a file when the study function returns
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
unsigned int ScaleBorderColor;
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
Initial value: 0
sc.ScaleConstRange is the range, that is the difference between the high and the low, for the constant range scale types. This is only used when sc.ScaleRangeType is either SCALE_CONSTANT_RANGE or SCALE_CONSTRANGECENTER. If sc.ScaleRangeType is set to one of these constant range types, sc.ScaleConstRange needs to be greater than 0.
// Set this study to use a centered constant range scale sc.ScaleRangeType = SCALE_CONSTRANGECENTER; // Set the range of the scale to 10 points sc.ScaleConstRange = 10.0f;
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
Initial value: 0 (auto)
sc.ScaleIncrement is the increment at which values in the right side vertical scale on the chart are displayed. This is the same as the Scale Increment setting in the Scale Window that can be opened from the Settings and Inputs tab in the Study Settings window for the study. A value of 0 means the scale increment is automatically determined by Sierra Chart.
sc.ScaleIncrement = 0.01f; // Draw values on the scale at every 0.01 point
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
Initial value: 0
sc.ScaleRangeBottom is the minimum value for the scale range when using a user-defined scale range (sc.ScaleRangeType = SCALE_USERDEFINED;). When this variable is set, it must always be less than or equal to sc.ScaleRangeTop.
sc.ScaleRangeType = SCALE_USERDEFINED; sc.ScaleRangeTop = 100.0f; sc.ScaleRangeBottom = -100.0f;
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
Initial value: 0
sc.ScaleRangeTop is the maximum value for the scale range when using a user-defined scale range (sc.ScaleRangeType = SCALE_USERDEFINED;). When this variable is set, it must always be greater than or equal to sc.ScaleRangeBottom.
sc.ScaleRangeType = SCALE_USERDEFINED; sc.ScaleRangeTop = 100.0f; sc.ScaleRangeBottom = -100.0f;
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
Type: Initial value: SCALE_AUTO
The sc.ScaleRangeType member allows you to get and set the vertical Scale Range Type for the study. It can be any of the following constant values:
sc.ScaleRangeType = SCALE_INDEPENDENT; // Set this study to use an independent scale
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
Initial value: SCALE_LINEAR
sc.ScaleType is the type of value scaling that is used on the study. This can be set to either SCALE_LINEAR for a basic linear scale, or SCALE_LOGARITHMIC for a logarithmic scale.
sc.ScaleType = SCALE_LOGARITHMIC; // Set this study to use a logarithmic scale
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
Initial value: 0
sc.ScaleValueOffset is a percentage value with a range from -1 to 1 for the offset of the scale from the center. A value of 1 means the graph will be pushed all the way off the bottom, and a value of -1 means the graph will be pushed all the way off the top. This is the value that gets changed when you use the Interactive Scale Move feature when you left click and drag the scale on the right side of the chart.
sc.ScaleValueOffset = 0.25f
Type: Function returning SCString.
This member has been changed to a function effective with version 2152.
The sc.SCDataFeedSymbol function returns a text string which contains the symbol pattern used by the Real-Time Exchange Data Feeds Available from Sierra Chart which corresponds to the symbol of the chart the study is on.
This symbol pattern has specialized uses and is not typically used.
Type: Write-only SCDateTime variable.
Initial Value: 0.
sc.ScrollToDateTime is a SCDateTime variable that can be set to a specific Date and Time to scroll the chart to.
As soon as the study function returns, the chart will scroll to the specified Date and Time and then the variable is cleared for next use, if required.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
This ACSIL structure member is considered out of date/deprecated. Instead use the sc.GetBarPeriodParameters and sc.SetBarPeriodParameters functions.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
The sc.SelectedAlertSound function returns the value of the Alert Sound / Number setting on the Alerts tab of the Study Settings window.
int AlertSoundNumber = sc.SelectedAlertSound;
Type: SCString. Read/Write Text string variable.
The sc.SelectedTradeAccount is set to the same Trade Account which is selected and displayed on the Trade Window of the chart the study is applied to. For more information, refer to Selecting Trade Account.
This can also be set to a different Trade Account to change the Trade Account for the chart. The change goes into effect when the study function returns.
However, this must be set to a valid Trade Account which is also valid based upon whether Trade Simulation Mode is enabled or not. Otherwise, the new Trade Account will be ignored.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.ServerConnectionState is an Integer variable which can be one of the constants listed below. It indicates the connection state to the Data and Trade (in the case of a Trading service) servers.
The connection and disconnection to the servers is performed through File >> Connect to Data Feed and File >> Disconnect.
When the connection state is disconnected and then the connection becomes connected, the study function will be called. When the connection state is connected and then it is no longer connected, the study function will be called. At either of these times the study function can check the state of the sc.ServerConnectionState variable.
Type: Function returning SCString.
This member has been changed to a function effective with version 2152.
The sc.ServiceCodeForSelectedDataTradingService function returns a text string which contains the internal Sierra Chart service code for the currently selected Data/Trade service set in Global Settings >> Data/Trade Service Settings.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.SetDefaults is a TRUE (1) or FALSE (0) value that gets set to 1 (TRUE) when a study instance is manually added to a chart through Analysis >> Studies >> Add >>, a study instance is added to a chart through a Study Collection which has just been applied to a chart, or when a Chartbook is opened and the study instance is contained on a chart in the Chartbook.
If the study is on more than one chart in the Chartbook or there are multiple instances of it, then the study function will be called once for each instance of it, with sc.SetDefaults set to 1.
This variable is also TRUE (1) and your study function is called when the Analysis >> Studies >> Add Custom Study window is opened by a user. This is so that the Names and Descriptions of your studies can be listed for selection.
All study functions must include a code block at the top of the function that checks this member before doing any further processing within the study function. Refer to the example below. If this value is 1 (TRUE), then the study function must return at the end of the sc.SetDefaults code block.
The purpose of sc.SetDefaults is to allow the study function to configure itself and set defaults.
The sc.SetDefaults code block for setting your configuration and defaults is not meant to be used for anything other than configuring the study and setting the defaults of the study.
If you modify the source code for a study and rebuild the DLL when an instance of the study is on a chart and the chart is open, and you do not remove the study from the chart and add it again, then all of the default settings like Input and Subgraphs settings in the sc.SetDefaults code block will not change back to defaults. They will remain as they were previously were.
What Should Be Located in the sc.SetDefaults Code Block
- sc interface structure members that configure the study and should only be set once. An example would be sc.AutoLoop = 1. It would not make sense to set a variable like this outside of sc.SetDefaults because in some cases it is too late to set them if used outside the sc.SetDefaults code block and it would be inefficient to keep setting them.
- Setting of defaults. For example, you will want to set properties of a sc.Subgraph[] like the sc.Subgraph[].DrawStyle and the colors. You will want to set default study Input values with the sc.Input[].Set* functions. Setting of defaults must be done in the sc.SetDefaults code block because otherwise when the settings are changed through the Study Settings window for the study, those changes will get reverted back to what the study function is setting them to if the code to change the sc.Subgraph, sc.Input and other settings is done outside of the sc.SetDefaults code block.
- sc members that need to be set only once. For example, you will want to set sc.GraphName , sc.Subgraph[].Name and sc.Input[].Name in the sc.SetDefaults code block because usually these names will not change during chart updating.
- Unless otherwise noted in the documentation for the particular ACSIL interface structure member (those that begin with sc.), any member used in the sc.SetDefaults code block can also be read, set or used outside of sc.SetDefaults block. For example, sc.GraphName can be changed later on by also setting it outside of the sc.SetDefaults code block.
- There are some ACSIL members like sc.BaseData[][], where it would not make sense to interact with them within the sc.SetDefaults code block because the arrays will be empty.
- If an sc member is associated with the chart, it must not be set in the sc.SetDefaults code block because it will have no effect. For example, you cannot set sc.StartTime1 inside of sc.SetDefaults. However, it is possible to read sc.StartTime1 from within the sc.SetDefaults code block. All ACSIL members which are related to the chart itself, like sc.StartTime1, are set and valid when sc.SetDefaults is TRUE. However, they are read-only.
- When using ACSIL Functions within the sc.SetDefaults code block and those functions interact with the chart, they will have no effect. They will return and do nothing.
SCSFExport scsf_UniqueFunctionName(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc) { if (sc.SetDefaults) { // Set the defaults sc.GraphName = "My New Study Function"; sc.Subgraph[0].Name = "Subgraph name"; sc.Subgraph[0].DrawStyle = DRAWSTYLE_LINE; sc.AutoLoop = 1; // You can also enter additional configuration code return; } // Perform your data processing here. //This is an example that multiplies the last price by 10. sc.Subgraph[0][sc.Index] = sc.BaseData[SC_LAST][sc.Index] * 10; return; }
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
Initial value: 0 (FALSE)
If sc.StandardChartHeader is set to 1 (TRUE), then your study will use the standard main Price Graph text header. This text header can be configured by going to Global Settings >> Customize Chart Header on the menu. If you set this to 1 (TRUE), you must also set sc.DisplayAsMainPriceGraph to 1 (TRUE), otherwise it will be ignored.
sc.DisplayAsMainPriceGraph = 1; // Set the study to the main Price Graph sc.StandardChartHeader = 1;
Read/write integer variable.
sc.StartTime1 is the first start time for a day on the chart.
This is equal to the Session Times >> Start Time setting for the chart.
This variable is a SCDateTime TimeValue in seconds.
Also refer to sc.EndTime1.
Read/write integer variable.
sc.StartTime2 is the second start time for a day on the chart. This is only used if sc.UseSecondStartEndTimes is set to 1 (TRUE).
This is equal to the Session Times >> Evening Start Time setting for the chart.
This variable is a SCDateTime TimeValue in seconds.
Also refer to sc.EndTime2.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
The sc.StartTimeOfDay variable is set to the starting time of the trading day based on the Session Times settings for the chart the study instance is on.
The value returned is a Time Value.
It can be converted to a SCDateTime type by using the SCDateTime::SetTime() function. Refer to the example below.
SCDateTime StartTime; StartTime.SetTime(sc.StartTimeOfDay);
Type: Read/Write block of bytes.
sc.StorageBlock is a pointer to a block of 4096 bytes of permanent memory storage. This block of memory can be used for your custom data storage, and it is saved to the Chartbook which is stored as a file on your computer, when the Chartbook containing the study is saved.
This storage block is unique to each individual study instance.
Depending upon what you are using the Storage Block for, you may want to enable Global Settings >> General Settings >> Charts >> Chartbooks >> Autosave Chartbooks Interval in Minutes to automatically save your Chartbook periodically.
// This is the structure of our data that is to be // stored in the storage block struct s_PermData { int Number; char Text[32]; }; // Here we make a pointer to the storage block as if // it was a pointer to our structure s_PermData* PermData; PermData = (s_PermData*)sc.StorageBlock; // Here we set data using the members of our structure // This uses the memory of the storage block PermData->Number = 10; strcpy(PermData->Text, "Sample Text");
Type: Read/Write string variable.
sc.StudyDescription is a text string that can be set to a description of the study. This is optional.
If you use this, it needs to be in the sc.SetDefaults code block. This study description will be displayed on a webpage when using the Show Study Description or Description buttons in the Chart Studies and Study Settings windows respectively.
Once sc.StudyDescription is set in the sc.SetDefaults code block. It cannot later be accessed in the ACSIL function. The string will then be blank.
sc.StudyDescription = "Here is a description for this study. This description will be shown in the Add Custom Study window when this study is selected.";
Type: Read-only Integer variable.
The StudyGraphInstanceID is a unique number assigned to each study on a chart. This identifier number is for the particular instance of your custom study which is applied to the chart. This ID number can be seen in the Chart Studies window on the right side of the study name in the Studies to Graph list.
This is the same study identifier which is used with functions like sc.GetStudyArrayUsingID.
The underlying main price graph in the chart will always have a StudyGraphInstanceID itself of 0. If there is another study which is acting as the main price graph, then it will have a value higher than 0.
int StudyGraphInstanceID = sc.StudyGraphInstanceID;
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.StudyRegionBottomCoordinate is the Y-coordinate of the bottom of the Chart Region that the study is in. This value is given in the coordinate system of the client window and is in pixels.
This variable will only provide a valid value when read outside of the sc.SetDefaults code block.
Type: Read Only integer variable.
sc.StudyRegionLeftCoordinate is the X-coordinate of the left side of the Chart Region that the study is in. This value is given in the coordinate system of the client window and is in pixels.
This variable will only provide a valid value when read outside of the sc.SetDefaults code block.
Type: Read Only integer variable.
sc.StudyRegionRightCoordinate is the X-coordinate of the right side of the Chart Region that the study is in. This value is given in the coordinate system of the client window and is in pixels.
This variable will only provide a valid value when read outside of the sc.SetDefaults code block.
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.StudyRegionTopCoordinate is the Y-coordinate of the top of the Chart Region that the study is in. This value is given in the coordinate system of the client window and is in pixels.
This variable will only provide a valid value when read outside of the sc.SetDefaults code block.
Type: Unsigned integer variable.
sc.StudyVersion can be set to any integer value which is then displayed on the Settings and Inputs tab of the Study Settings window for the study. It is prefixed with the text Study Version:.
This simply provides version information to the user and serves no other purpose.
Type: Constant integer variable.
SC_SUBGRAPHS_AVAILABLE is the number of study Subgraphs there is available for a custom study. For additional information, refer to sc.Subgraphs.
Type: integer variable.
When sc.SupportAttachedOrdersForTrading is set to TRUE(1), then the Attached Orders set on the Trade Window for the chart the trading study is applied to will be used no matter what the Use Attached Orders setting is set to on the Trade Window.
However, this setting is irrelevant when Targets or Stops are set on the s_SCNewOrder data structure. In this case it is implied to be on for those Attached Orders.
Type: Read/Write Integer variable.
The sc.SupportKeyboardModifierStates variable is used to allow the sc.IsKeyPressed_Control, sc.IsKeyPressed_Shift, sc.IsKeyPressed_Alt variables to be set to indicate the state of these keyboard modifiers.
Set this variable to 1 to allow support, or set to 0 to not allow support. If this is set to 0, then it is not possible for ACSIL function to determine the state of these keyboard modifiers. The default is 0.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
The sc.SupportTradingScaleIn variable is set to 1 when the Scaling In option for trading is enabled for the chart. 0 means it is disabled. This variable can also be set by the study function to enable Scaling In.
This variable must be set outside of and below the sc.SetDefaults code block in the study function. Otherwise, it will have no effect.
sc.SupportTradingScaleIn is ignored when submitting an order for a different Symbol or Trade Account than the chart is currently set to.
sc.SupportTradingScaleIn = 1;
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
The sc.SupportTradingScaleOut variable is set to 1 when the Scaling Out option for trading is enabled for the chart. 0 means it is disabled. This variable can also be set by the study function to enable Scaling Out.
This variable must be set outside of and below the sc.SetDefaults code block in the study function. Otherwise, it will have no effect.
sc.SupportTradingScaleOut is ignored when submitting an order for a different Symbol or Trade Account than the chart is currently set to.
sc.SupportTradingScaleOut = 1;
Type: Read-only SCString variable.
sc.Symbol is the symbol of the chart.
To perform comparisons to this symbol, or to directly access it see How To Compare Strings and Directly Accessing a SCString, respectively.
To change the symbol of the chart use sc.DataFile.
Type: Read Only data structure.
sc.SymbolData is a pointer to a data structure containing all of the current pricing and related data for the symbol of the chart.
The symbol data structure does not include the market depth data. For market depth data, use the sc.GetBidMarketDepthEntryAtLevel and sc.GetBidMarketDepthEntryAtLevel functions.
The data in this structure is only valid when Sierra Chart is connected to the data feed and the symbol is receiving data from the data feed or the chart is replaying.
Refer to the ACS_Source/SCSymbolData.h file in the folder that Sierra Chart is installed to, for the structure definition.
Type: Read/Write SCString variable.
Initial value: "" (empty string)
sc.TextInput is the text input string that is made available in the study's inputs. The text input can be found at the bottom of the list of inputs shown on the Inputs and Settings tab in the Technical Study Settings window. This string can not be longer than 255 characters.
You must have the sc.TextInputName set if you want to have the text input available to the user.
sc.TextInput is considered out of date. It is recommended to use sc.Input[].SetString() and sc.Input[].GetString() instead.
// Make a copy of the text input into our own c-style string. Be very careful // when using this and make sure you will not use an invalid index into the // string array. If this string is not used properly, the study could crash. char TextInputCopy[256]; strncpy(TextInputCopy, sc.TextInput.GetChars(), sizeof(TextInputCopy) - 1);
Type: Read/Write SCString variable.
Initial value: "" (empty string)
sc.TextInputName is a string of the name that is shown in the table of inputs on the Inputs and Settings tab in the Technical Study Settings window. You must set this to make the text input available to the user.
sc.TextInputName = "Letters"; // Show the text input with the name Letters
Type: Read/Write float variable.
sc.TickSize is a variable that is set to the Tick Size of the chart the study instance is applied to.
This is the same as the Tick Size setting set in the Chart >> Chart Settings window.
This variable can be modified by the custom study. When it is modified, to cause the chart to reload which is necessary, the study must set sc.FlagToReloadChartData = 1.
Type: Read-only SCDateTime variable.
sc.TimeScaleAdjustment is the difference between the global Time Zone setting in Sierra Chart and GMT/UTC time. Or if there is a separate Time Zone setting on the chart, then it is the difference between the Time Zone setting for the chart and GMT/UTC time.
This value uses the Daylight Savings Time adjustment based upon whether it is currently in effect or not.
This variable is a SCDateTime variable. You can add this variable to or subtract this variable from any SCDateTime variable.
This variable is only useful for when working with Date-Times for the latest day in the chart. For prior days, use the sc.ConvertDateTimeFromChartTimeZone function.
// Figure out the Date-Time of the last bar without the time offset applied. // The Date-Time values of sc.BaseDateTimeIn[] are already adjusted to the Sierra Chart Time Zone setting. // Subtracting sc.TimeScaleAdjustment will remove the adjustment. SCDateTime AdjustedDateTime = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.ArraySize - 1] - sc.TimeScaleAdjustment;
// Adjust a time and sales record date-time // TimeSales is a s_TimeAndSales record requested with sc.GetTimeAndSales(). SCDateTime TempDateTime = TimeSales[TSIndex].DateTime; TempDateTime += sc.TimeScaleAdjustment; // Apply the time zone offset for the chart
Type: Read/Write SCString variable.
sc.TradeAndCurrentQuoteSymbol is a text string containing the Trade and Current Quote Symbol set in Chart >> Chart Settings.
This symbol can be changed and one purpose for this is to change it to a Trade and Current Quote Symbol which corresponds with the sc.Symbol text string.
When this is changed, it does not go into effect until after the study function returns. At that time, the Trades List in the chart is rebuilt if necessary.
This symbol is what is used when trading from a chart. All trading related functionality uses this Trade and Current Quote symbol. Although after changing this symbol it is not possible during the same call into the the study function to then submit a trading order which will then use this symbol because the symbol has not yet gone into effect. To avoid this limitation, either wait to submit the trading order until the next call into the study function or it is necessary to use the functionality to submit an order for a different Symbol and/or Trade Account. Refer to Submitting and Managing Orders for Different Symbol and/or Trade Account.
Type: Read-only double precision float variable.
This variable is no longer supported since version 2395 and higher. Instead use the sc.GetTradeAccountData function.
Type: Read-only double precision float variable.
This variable is no longer supported since version 2395 and higher. Instead use the sc.GetTradeAccountData function.
Type: Read/Write SCString variable.
The sc.TradeWindowConfigFileName string variable can be set to the file name, not including the folder path, to a previously saved Trade Window configuration file that the custom study on the chart wants to configure the Trade Window to.
For further details about Trade Window Configurations, refer to Using and Changing Between Different Trade Window and Attached Orders Configurations.
sc.TradeWindowConfigFileName is set to the current Trade Window configuration file name.
For further information about using this variable, refer to SupportAttachedOrdersForTrading.
One useful purpose of this is to create a custom study which uses Control Bar buttons and/or Keyboard Shortcuts to change to your own custom Trade Window configuration. For additional information, refer to Advanced Custom Study Interaction With Menus, Control Bars, Pointer Events.
// This line can be within the sc.SetDefaults code block or below it. sc.TradeWindowConfigFileName = "SimpleBracket.twconfig";
Type: Read/Write integer (32-bit version) / double (64-bit version) variable.
sc.TradeWindowOrderQuantity is set to the order quantity on the Trade Window for the chart that the study instance is applied to.
int OrderQuantity = sc.TradeWindowOrderQuantity;
Type: Read-only integer variable.
The sc.TradingIsLocked variable is set to 1 when Trade >> Trading Locked is enabled. Otherwise, it is set to 0.
To change the state of trading locked, use the sc.SetTradingLockState function.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
This variable is no longer available in newer versions of Sierra Chart. Instead use the sc.SetChartStudyTransparencyLevel function.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
Initial value: 0 (FALSE)
When the sc.UpdateAlways variable is set to 1 (TRUE), the study instance will update continuously rather than only when new market or order data is available for the symbol.
This means your study function will be called continuously at the update interval.
The update interval is set through Global Settings >> General Settings >> Chart Update Interval.
It is possible to set an individual chart to update at a different interval than the global Chart Update Interval. To do this, set a nonzero number for Chart >> Chart Settings >> Display >> Chart Update Interval in Milliseconds.
One use of this setting is to simulate real time updating during testing. This setting does not affect other studies on the same chart.
To maintain efficiency, the study function will not be called more often than every 200 ms when setting this variable to TRUE and new data is not available. Otherwise, setting this variable to 1 (TRUE) could significantly increase CPU usage if the Chart Update Interval is set very low. Effective with version 1340, the preceding does not apply if the chart has set its own Chart Update Interval.
The setting Chart >> Chart Settings >> Performance >> Minimum Chart Update Interval In Milliseconds For ACSIL UpdateAlways, limits how often the study is called when it is only called for the reason when sc.UpdateAlways is true. There may be too much processing to be calculating the studies at every Chart Update Interval. This setting sets the minimum interval that has to elapse, before calling the custom study function again as compared to previously. This setting is new as of version 2575.
The Chart Update Interval still drives the update interval for the chart. If the Chart Update Interval is lower than Minimum Chart Update Interval In Milliseconds For ACSIL UpdateAlways, then Minimum Chart Update Interval In Milliseconds For ACSIL UpdateAlways is the minimum update interval when the studies are only being calculated for the purpose of sc.UpdateAlways and no other reason. The studies can be calculated more often according to the Chart Update Interval depending upon if there is another event that can trigger a chart update. For example, new market data received.
sc.UpdateAlways = 1; // Set this study to continuously update
Type: Read-only integer variable.
sc.UpdateStartIndex is only used with Manual Looping. For complete information on Manual Looping, refer to Working with ACSIL Arrays and Understanding Looping.
The array indexing variables sc.Index, sc.CurrentIndex and sc.UpdateStartIndex are all set to the same value when the study function instance is called. All three of these variables can be used interchangeably. However, the behavior of sc.Index, sc.CurrentIndex and sc.UpdateStartIndex differs significantly depending whether you are using Auto Looping or Manual Looping.
sc.UpdateStartIndex is set by Sierra Chart to the index where the primary for loop in the study function will start looping from. This is the index into the sc.BaseDataIn[][] arrays where data updating has begun. This is the same index where updating should begin in the sc.Subgraph[][] arrays.
If you are creating a custom chart, sc.IsCustomChart is set to TRUE (this is very unlikely), then sc.UpdateStartIndex only refers to the index into the sc.BaseDataIn[][] arrays to begin processing at.
For example: When a chart is opened, reloaded, recalculated, or a replay is started, the study function instance will be called and sc.UpdateStartIndex will be 0. This means the study function needs to update all elements in the sc.Subgraph[].Data[] arrays it is using.
During chart updating, if there are 100 bars in a chart and a trade occurs and either the last bar is updated or a new bar is added to the chart, then sc.UpdateStartIndex variable will be set to 99 indicating the value at index 99 (bar 100) has been updated.
For example: sc.BaseDataIn[SC_LAST][99] (bar 100) has been updated. During normal chart updating sc.UpdateStartIndex will always be equal to the last index of the prior sc.ArraySize before the chart update. If a new bar was added, then there will also be a new array element at sc.BaseDataIn[][100] (bar 101). In this case, the study function needs to update the sc.Subgraph[].Data[] arrays at index 99 and index 100. The reason you need to use sc.UpdateStartIndex is to only perform calculations on the modified data and only update the study values starting from this index. This makes your study very efficient.
It is very possible that more than 1 bar will be added to a chart between updates. There could be hundreds or thousands of bars potentially added when historical data is downloaded into the chart after the initial data load from the local data file on your system. Therefore, you need to update from sc.UpdateStartIndex to the last array element in all the sc.Subgraph[][] Data arrays you are using, and not just the element at this index.
The index value provided by sc.UpdateStartIndex will never go backwards. However, during a full recalculation of the study, such as when the chart is reloaded or for other reasons, it can start back at 0. Therefore, you can rely that it will not go backwards other than to 0.
It is possible that a chart containing a study instance is making references to other charts which are triggering a full recalculation in the chart which is making the reference. In this particular case, during the full recalculation sc.UpdateStartIndex will be set to 0 for the study instances using Manual Looping. For additional information, refer to References to Other Charts and Tagging.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
When sc.UseGlobalChartColors is set to 1 or a nonzero number, then the global color settings defined in Global Settings >> Graphics Settings are used for the chart.
When sc.UseGlobalChartColors is set to 0, then the chart specific color settings defined in Chart >> Graphics Settings are used for the chart.
Since sc.UseGlobalChartColors affects the chart itself, it must be located outside and below the sc.SetDefaults code block.
sc.UseGlobalChartColors = 0;
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
When sc.UseGUIAttachedOrderSetting is set to a nonzero number, then the Attached Orders defined on the Trade Window for the chart, if any, will be attached to Buy Entry or Sell Entry trade orders submitted from the study function if the Use Attached Orders setting is also enabled on the Trade Window.
Type: Function returning SCString.
This member has been changed to a function effective with version 2152.
The sc.UserName function returns a text string which contains the Account Name that was entered at the Sierra Chart Login window, which displays when Sierra Chart starts.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
The sc.UseSecondStartEndTimes variable can be set to 1 (TRUE) or 0 (FALSE). This is equivalent to Chart >> Chart Settings >> Use Evening Session.
When it is set to 1, then the sc.StartTime2 and sc.EndTime2 variables are used by the chart the study is on. These variables represent the Evening Session times in Chart >> Chart Settings.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
The sc.UsesMarketDepthData variable when set to 1 will cause market depth data to be subscribed to for the Symbol of the chart the custom study applied to.
Sierra Chart needs to be connected to the data feed with File >> Connect to Data Feed to receive market depth data.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
Initial value: 2.
sc.ValueFormat sets the numeric display format for all values in the sc.Subgraph[].Data arrays for the study. This can be one of the following values:
- 0 = Zero decimal places. Example output: 1
- 1 = One decimal place. Example output: 0.1
- 2 = Two decimal places. Example output: 0.01
- 3 = Three decimal places. Example output: 0.001
- 4 = Four decimal places. Example output: 0.0001
- 5 = Five decimal places. Example output: 0.00001
- 6 = Six decimal places. Example output: 0.000001
- 7 = Seven decimal places. Example output: 0.0000001
- 8 = Eight decimal places. Example output: 0.00000001
- 9 = Nine decimal places. Example output: 0.000000001
- 19 = Maximum Digits
- 20 = Time value. Where the value is as a floating-point fractional value where one millisecond is 1/86400000. Example output: 12:30:00
- 21 = Date
- 21 = Date
- 22 = Date-Time
- 23 = Currency
- 24 = Percent
- 25 = Scientific Notation
- 26 = Large Integer with Suffix
- 27 = Boolean
- VALUEFORMAT_INHERITED = Same Value Format as is set in Chart >> Chart Settings .
- 102 = Halves. Example output: 1/2
- 104 = Quarters. Example output: 1/4
- 108 = Eighths. Example output: 1/8
- 116 = Sixteenths. Example output: 1/16
- 132 = Thirty-seconds. Example output: 1/32
- 134 = Half Thirty-seconds. Example output: .5/32
- 136 = Quarter Thirty-seconds. Example output: .25/32
- 140 = Eighth Thirty-seconds. Example output: .125/32
- 164 = Sixty-fourths. Example output: 1/64
- 228 = One-hundred-twenty-eighths. Example output: 1/128
- 356 = Two-hundred-fifty-sixths. Example output: 1/256
sc.ValueFormat = 4;
Type: Read-only float variable.
sc.ValueIncrementPerBar is the Value Increment per Bar in Ticks (Price Unit per Bar in Ticks) setting in Chart >> Chart Settings >> Chart Drawings.
For complete details, refer to Value Increment per Bar in Ticks (Price Unit per Bar in Ticks) in the Chart Settings documentation.
float ValueIncrementPerBar = sc.ValueIncrementPerBar;
Type: Function returning SCString.
This member has been changed to a function effective with version 2152.
The sc.VersionNumber function returns a text string which contains the current version number of Sierra Chart the user is using.
Note: If your Advanced Custom Study is used on a version of Sierra Chart that does not support all of the interface members compared with the version it was built under, then a warning message will be given and the study cannot be used.
Therefore, using this version number member to perform a check to see if your study will work on a certain version, is unnecessary.
if (atoi(sc.VersionNumber().GetChars()) < 2100) { //do something }
Type: Read-only custom data array object pointer of type c_VAPContainer.
Sierra Chart internally maintains volume at price data for each price tick of each loaded bar. The tick size is controlled by the Tick Size setting for the chart.
This data is maintained when sc.MaintainVolumeAtPriceData is set to 1 (TRUE) in the custom study function. Or, when there is a study on the chart which requires this data such as the Volume by Price study. This data is fully accessible through the ACSIL using the member sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars.
It is essential that sc.MaintainVolumeAtPriceData be set to 1 in the study function in the sc.SetDefaults code block to ensure that the necessary volume at price data is being maintained for the chart.
For an example on how to use sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars, refer to the function scsf_VolumeAtPriceArrayTest in the /ACS_Source/studies8.cpp file in the folder where Sierra Chart is installed to. Or refer to scsf_VolumeWeightedAveragePrice in /ACS_Source/studies2.cpp. Or refer to scsf_VolumeAtPriceThresholdAlertV2 in /ACS_Source/studies8.cpp.
All of these are good examples. The basic method to access the volume by price data for a chart bar is given in the code example below.
sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars is a pointer to a c_VAPContainer. To access a function member of c_VAPContainer requires that you use the member of pointer operator ->. Refer to Member access operators.
It is no longer recommended to use the GetNextHigherVAPElement or the GetNextLowerVAPElement member functions to access the data. These are less efficient than the example below.
The function parameter that is commonly used in the c_VAPContainer is PriceInTicks. To calculate what you should use for PriceInTicks, divide the price by sc.TickSize.
unsigned int TotalVolume = 0; const s_VolumeAtPriceV2 *p_VolumeAtPrice=NULL; int VAPSizeAtBarIndex = sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars->GetSizeAtBarIndex(sc.Index); for (int VAPIndex = 0; VAPIndex < VAPSizeAtBarIndex; VAPIndex++) { if (!sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars->GetVAPElementAtIndex(sc.Index, VAPIndex, &p_VolumeAtPrice)) break; TotalVolume += p_VolumeAtPrice->Volume; }
sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars Member Function Descriptions
The following are descriptions of some of the member functions of sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars.
- int sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars->GetNumberOfBars(): This function returns the last chart bar index + 1 that the sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars container has volume at price data for. As long as volume at price data is being maintained for the chart, which will be the case when sc.MaintainVolumeAtPriceData = 1, the return value of this function will equal sc.ArraySize. This function takes no parameters. If the sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars container is empty, then the return value will be 0.
- int sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars->GetSizeAtBarIndex(unsigned int BarIndex): This function returns the number of prices that have Volume at Price data for the given BarIndex.
- bool sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars->GetVAPElementAtIndex(unsigned int BarIndex, int VAPDataIndex, s_VolumeAtPriceV2** p_VAP ): This function fills out the given s_VolumeAtPriceV2 data structure pointer (p_VAP) for the specified BarIndex and VAPDataIndex. In the case of automatic looping BarIndex normally needs to be set to sc.Index. VAPDataIndex is the zero-based price index within the chart bar to return the s_VolumeAtPriceV2 data for. 0 is the lowest price within the chart bar. Higher indexes return higher values. The number of prices can be determined with the sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars->GetSizeAtBarIndex function. The maximum value of VAPDataIndex can be set to will be the number returned by sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars->GetSizeAtBarIndex - 1.
Always pass the address of the given s_VolumeAtPriceV2 structure pointer (p_VAP). If p_VAP is 0 upon returning from this function, then no data was returned. This function returns true upon success and false upon no data found for the given parameters.
There is another overload of this function which takes a const s_VolumeAtPriceV2** p_VAP. - const s_VolumeAtPriceV2& sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars->GetVAPElementAtPrice(const unsigned int BarIndex, const int PriceInTicks):
The GetVAPElementAtPrice function returns a reference to a s_VolumeAtPriceV2 element for the bar index specified by BarIndex and at the price specified by PriceInTicks. PriceInTicks is an integer specifying the price in ticks, where each tick is specified by chart Tick Size and is equal to 1. So if the Tick Size is .25, then the price value of 10 would be 40 (=10/.25). - bool sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars->GetVAPElementForPriceIfExists(const unsigned int BarIndex, const int PriceInTicks, s_VolumeAtPrice** p_VAP , unsigned int& r_InsertionIndex):
The GetVAPElementForPriceIfExists function fills out the given s_VolumeAtPriceV2 data structure pointer (p_VAP) for the specified bar index specified by BarIndex and at the price specified by PriceInTicks, if the price exists. PriceInTicks is an integer specifying the price in ticks, where each tick is specified by chart Tick Size and is equal to 1. So if the Tick Size is .25, then the price value of 10 would be 40 (=10/.25).
In the case when the cam volume at Price element is not found and the function returns false, the r_InsertionIndex parameter which is an integer, will be set to the index in the Volume at Price container, where the Volume at Price data will be inserted for the specified BarIndex and PriceInTicks parameters. - sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars->SetVolumeAtPrice(const int PriceInTicks, const unsigned int BarIndex, const t_VolumeAtPrice& VolumeAtPrice):
The VolumeAtPrice volume at price data structure will be placed at the specified PriceInTicks and chart BarIndex. If PriceInTicks does not exist, the function will do nothing and return false.
Type: Read/write custom data array object pointer of type c_VAPContainer.
The sc.VolumeAtPriceForStudy variable is the same as sc.VolumeAtPriceForBars except it is the volume at price data for the study itself instead of the main price graph of the chart. Normally this is not applicable and contains no data but it is used for special purposes.
There is no further documentation available at this time.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
The sc.VolumeAtPriceMultiplier variable is set to the same value as the Volume At Price Multiplier setting on the Chart >> Chart Settings >> Main Settings tab.
When the value is changed, the chart will reload using this new value, after the study function returns.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
This ACSIL structure member is considered out of date/deprecated. Instead use the sc.GetBarPeriodParameters and sc.SetBarPeriodParameters functions.
Type: Read/Write integer variable.
The sc.VolumeValueFormat variable specifies the format for fractional volume values. This variable is the same as the setting in Chart >> Chart Settings >> Symbol >> Volume Value Format.
Normally this will be set to 1. It is only used when a particular symbol trades in a fractional quantity.
*Last modified Sunday, 23rd February, 2025.