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Date/Time: Sat, 23 Nov 2024 20:25:31 +0000

Post From: Sierrachart PC requirements...is more better?

[2024-07-27 22:52:00]
nwills - Posts: 16
I am currently shopping for a laptop to run SC as an alternative to my desktop.

I've noticed in the past that SC barely touches my desktop CPU (intel i7) or GPU (3080Ti) in all usage scenarios running two 2K 49" monitors.

I tried to setup SC on a borrowed laptop that is over 5 years old with some fairly unimpressive specs, built in GPU, 16GB RAM, while running it with close to 10 charts and numerous studies per chart.Once again...it ran without any issues at all...barely putting a dent in the laptop CPU, GPU or RAM.

I've seen threads mentioning some pretty serious workstations with fast CPU's, large GPU's and a lot of RAM.

It seems like a high spec laptop would be a total waste of money for Sierrachart?

Am I missing something?