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Date/Time: Sat, 23 Nov 2024 18:06:55 +0000

Post From: Absorption Alert *Footprint Chart*

[2024-05-01 14:34:38]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36238
1. You would need to use the "Volume at Price Threshold Alert V2" to get the information when there is a delta over a certain value. You would then combine that with a check of the price to see if it within the range you want. For example, you would use a formula like the following to test if the price is within 2 ticks of the first alert from the Volume at Price Threshold Alert V2:
=AND(ID1.SG1, C > ID1.SG1 - TICKSIZE * 2, C < ID1.SG1 + TICKSIZE * 2)

You would then need to add an OR function and test additional Volume at Price Threshold Alert V2 triggers.

If there is the potential for a lot of triggers to occur within a bar, then you might want to consider using the Spreadsheet System for Alerts instead.

2. You are overlaying a time based chart to get the bars. You need to overlay the Main Price Graph from the same chart to get what you want.
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